I saw a black Scirocco the other day, I wanted to smash it up and set it on fire
I saw one too and i think it looked great.
yeah but your a fag
pudding pudding pudding!!!
I'll rather see more improvements in lfs physics than a scirroco coming. Scirroco is nice but nothing more than just another car to choose from...
Quote from sgt-KiLL :yeah but your a fag

thanks i appreciate that, really mature to say things like that.
Well-earned infraction by sgt-KiLL.

The rest of you, please stop spamming. I appreciate you're itching to go racing in a new VWS, but forum spamming is not an alternative in the meantime. I don't want to start handing out infractions but you can bet yer hairy butts I will. Moderators can get bored too, yanno..
Quote from BoneCrusher :I'll rather see more improvements in lfs physics than a scirroco coming. Scirroco is nice but nothing more than just another car to choose from...

I think cars are pretty important part of a racing simulator :P Without them we wouldn't even need physics improvements. Also Scirocco brings some new things to the physics engine like ABS, ESP, ASR and it looks outstanding compared to the rest of LFS cars, expecially interior.

BUT why is it taking so long to finish it? After they destroyed our Christmas they should try to fix their "announcement FAIL" and never do it again, but actually it seems like they are going to do the same mistake with the "Early in 2009" promise For me early 2009 means 1Q 2009 so they are on the best way to fail once again 4 days left, we will see...
Quote from Amynue :After they destroyed our Christmas

Do you have any idea how pathetic that sounds?
Quote from Amynue :
BUT why is it taking so long to finish it? After they destroyed our Christmas they should try to fix their "announcement FAIL" and never do it again, but actually it seems like they are going to do the same mistake with the "Early in 2009" promise For me early 2009 means 1Q 2009 so they are on the best way to fail once again 4 days left, we will see...

That's terrible, really.. My heart bleeds.

If your Christmas was 'ruined' because of a patch for a game not being released, then your life is seriously ****ed up. Why don't you become a game programmer and try coding a simulation with so much work and so little time to do it.

The only fail around here is your impatience... seriously get a grip.
Quote from S14 DRIFT : That's terrible, really.. My heart bleeds.

If your Christmas was 'ruined' because of a patch for a game not being released, then your life is seriously ****ed up. Why don't you become a game programmer and try coding a simulation with so much work and so little time to do it.

The only fail around here is your impatience... seriously get a grip.


lets think of BF2, all waiting for an 2004 announced 1.5 patch and they are still working on it
THIS is hard

back to topic: all of us were hitting the F5 key for the new scirocco before christmas, who cares? LFS is fun, with scirocco and without.... all whiners should think about
I'm playing a lot of BF2 with friends right now, using some of the TotalBF2 maps and the Unlocks123 mod (to level the playing field and so that nobody wins just because they paid more).
Have you tried out the Project Reality mod? If not you should really give it a shot, its the only reason I fire up BF2 every once and a while.
Quote from UncleBenny :Have you tried out the Project Reality mod? If not you should really give it a shot, its the only reason I fire up BF2 every once and a while.

Haven't tried it yet, nope. We typically only get 3-6 players per side (because as SparkyDave says, trustworthy opponents can be hard to find) so Reality matches would be a bit short-lived on the UKCT server.
I saw green Scirocco in my hometown's department store. It was 1.4L model, yet had over 100kW(IIRC). But it was expensive(about 25 500 €). Cost more than out VW Touran .
Quote from SamH :Haven't tried it yet, nope. We typically only get 3-6 players per side (because as SparkyDave says, trustworthy opponents can be hard to find) so Reality matches would be a bit short-lived on the UKCT server.

Trustworthiness on the Reality servers is much higher than on your normal BF2 servers I've found, which is one of the main reasons why I like it. Also there's a lot more teamwork involved. You are basically forced to squad up, pretty much everyone uses a mic and you get bonus points for fighting with your squad rather than going out solo. But yeah, 3-3 would not work at all with that mod, if you're going to do it you'd have to go public.
Quote from SamH :Do you have any idea how pathetic that sounds?

hehe....I've used a wrong word Scirocco postponement was a kick in the face of the community and we still fell the pain of it (existance of this thread proves me right).

Quote from S14 DRIFT : That's terrible, really.. My heart bleeds.

If your Christmas was 'ruined' because of a patch for a game not being released, then your life is seriously ****ed up. Why don't you become a game programmer and try coding a simulation with so much work and so little time to do it.

The only fail around here is your impatience... seriously get a grip.

I'm just personificating the LFS community, I'm not saying every LFS player was crying for the whole Christmas
Quote from Amynue :hehe....I've used a wrong word

I'll agree with you there.
Quote from Amynue :Scirocco postponement was a kick in the face of the community

No it wasn't. It was an unfortunate and unavoidable turn of events. That's all it was. It was not forseen, it was not intentional, it was not good news, and it most certainly was NOT a kick in the face of the community.
Quote from Amynue :I'm just personificating the LFS community, I'm not saying every LFS player was crying for the whole Christmas

No, you're not. You're vocalising YOUR opinion, and the opinion of a very small corner of the community that lacks patience, lacks respect, lacks understanding and lacks the social graces required to let the devs do what is needed so they can release the patch, without endlessly whining about how they've supposedly mortally wounded the whole LFS community. How absolutely ridiculous.

If you haven't guessed yet, I think the incessant whining is WAY beyond just pathetic. I think it's simply appalling. Thank GOD it's only a small number of community members, and everyone else can just put them on ignore - something I really strongly recommend.
I'm just disapointed that we can't drive Scirocco "early in 2009", but we can't change anything so I will be still waiting for Scirocco or at last for a story about Eric moving house
I am wondering though, throughout all of this I feel that the "wall of silence" now given by the developers is a little harrowing. What happened to the days of constant status updates?

We were told, as a community, on the 11th December 2008 that the latest update was around a week or so away (give or take errors in estimation), however it has now been almost 3 and a half months since the news broke that the patch was postponed and all we've heard since is that the devs are working on it.

Don't take this as a rant. I've been totally supportive of the development pace and totally appreciative of the fact that the devs have lives too - however I think the community would appreciate at least a status report that explains where we're at - obviously not giving away the features that may or may not be included in Patch 0.6A. I think we'd like to know what faults were found that made a weeks worth of development work turn into 3 and a half months. I've heard that there were major bugs with the new software - how about holding a closed beta with certain racers? i.e only giving certain people the latest patch file and the ability to unlock it?

Obviously having said the above, I'm in no rush for the patch. I'm still loving BL1 XFG races at the moment, fiddling around with various add-ons.

I hope this makes sense - its just my thoughts put down in black and white.

Quote from dontpannic :how about holding a closed beta with certain racers? i.e only giving certain people the latest patch file and the ability to unlock it?

Decent enough post, but I must say that the point quoted will promote nothing but arguments and squabbles as player A and B will be able to have th e Scirocco but player C and D will not, C and D will then claim the devs hate them and the continue to whore the forums bitching about it.
There are already closed betas IIRC
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Decent enough post, but I must say that the point quoted will promote nothing but arguments and squabbles as player A and B will be able to have th e Scirocco but player C and D will not, C and D will then claim the devs hate them and the continue to whore the forums bitching about it.

Only if the people who have been selected as the testers boast about it on the forums. Actually, in that respect, how do we know that 100 or so people don't already have a closed beta?

The only people testing the VWS are the devs IIRC.
Quote from dontpannic :I am wondering though, throughout all of this I feel that the "wall of silence" now given by the developers is a little harrowing. What happened to the days of constant status updates?

We were told, as a community, on the 11th December 2008 that the latest update was around a week or so away (give or take errors in estimation), however it has now been almost 3 and a half months since the news broke that the patch was postponed and all we've heard since is that the devs are working on it.

Don't take this as a rant. I've been totally supportive of the development pace and totally appreciative of the fact that the devs have lives too - however I think the community would appreciate at least a status report that explains where we're at - obviously not giving away the features that may or may not be included in Patch 0.6A. I think we'd like to know what faults were found that made a weeks worth of development work turn into 3 and a half months. I've heard that there were major bugs with the new software - how about holding a closed beta with certain racers? i.e only giving certain people the latest patch file and the ability to unlock it?

Obviously having said the above, I'm in no rush for the patch. I'm still loving BL1 XFG races at the moment, fiddling around with various add-ons.

I hope this makes sense - its just my thoughts put down in black and white.


Nothing is owed to us, they either show us or not show us. If it's going to be released for beta testing, everyone needs to test it. Using S14's example, If A and B get to play with it and have all of the bugs worked out for them. Then C and D go ahead and play with it and it's buggy, they'll throw a fit, talk about quitting and make useless threads.

Yes it has been 3 and a half months, and it would be nice for maybe a status and maybe how long it would take, but the second they give a status report, first persons words "Alright it's almost done yay!", then your average impatient person, one or two weeks later after the status report "Dude that's not much to do, how can it take one or two weeks? Man can't the developers realize it's been so long." Then that first person changes his opinion and says the exact same thing.

We don't know how long it takes, who are we to judge? Be happy that it's even being developed. It's coming and will be here soon. Many other people say it "ruins their game".

But when it comes out and it's not what everyone expected.... All of the complainers will raise hell. Not having the scirocco shouldn't change the game.

I'm sorry but your view and opinion isn't the correct way to look at it, and you're just setting yourself up for misery and others having to listen to it.
Oh yeah, the closed beta testers are a big secret, and they may not even know who they are, or indeed if they exist, themselves.

I wonder how many people said, with some dry sarcasm, "It'll be easter then!" when the delay was announced. Everybody get your hopes up!
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[MERGED] Scirocco enquiry threads
(2369 posts, closed, started )