Quote from Amynue :http://nismo.1g.fi/kuvat/LFS+motivation/lfs-bingo.png

haha. love it. it's amazing how these quotes speak for themselves.

Quote from Termi :I think the 3 devs still ignore his Customers. "The Idiots(we) should be happy that he get wat we give. "
Thats hard spoken but, a better PR for the old (and all) Customers are necessary.
Just my cent...

Now that you stated your opinion (which I agree to), the "LFS enterprise" reminds me of these older craftsman companies. "we do it the way we want to do it. you just shut up and pay. if you don't like it, don't book us. we don't need you."

Quote from Shadowww :Show EULA part that states you will get update every second.

show us the part that states or even implies that you pay for an unfinished product that might never be finished or not within a sensible period of time.

I admit: if you had observed the development for years, you might have guessed it'd be this way. but I don't think that's something that can be expected of a customer buying a product.

seriously, they (the devs) need to add something along the following lines to their EULA:

- you pay for what it is at the moment
- if you're lucky, we will release new content / patches in the future, but hey, we really don't promise anything.
- there is no dialogue. we will talk to you when/if we feel like... for example when we need some backslapping.

ok, they don't need to add the backslapping-thing.
Quote from Bandit77 :show us the part that states or even implies that you pay for an unfinished product that might never be finished or not within a sensible period of time.

I found this in README.

Quote :- Live for Speed is in continual development. Features may be
added, updated or removed at any time. Some functional but
incomplete features may be included in order to enhance the
variety and content of the simulator.

- This software comes with no warranties of any kind.

- You install and use this software at your own risk. The
developers of Live for Speed can not accept any responsibility for
personal injury or damage to your computer system that may arise
during the use of the software.

Quote from Bandit77 : "we do it the way we want to do it. you just shut up and pay. if you don't like it, don't book us. we don't need you."

That is wat i mean.
In my Company, if i say the Customers are Idiots, my Boss would wipe me, for right....
I am 40 Years over now, i have learned: The Customers give me my Bread and i have to care these Customers. With News, Katalogs, Newsletters or wat ever.
But in no way i can say: Eat and shut up....
Quote from Termi :That is wat i mean.
In my Company, if i say the Customers are Idiots, my Boss would wipe me, for right....
I am 40 Years over now, i have learned: The Customers give me my Bread and i have to care these Customers. With News, Katalogs, Newsletters or wat ever.
But in no way i can say: Eat and shut up....

In my comapnie if id cal the parent of one of the kids a idtiot id be fired withing one second.
Its not smart to call custommers idiot its about the most idiotic thing u can do if you run a busine like LFS actualy is no matter how much you want to deny it.
If you want to make money from it its a busines no matter how much it wel get denied.

And calling customers idiots wil come back at you with a huge blow wich wil hurt the buisnes alot trust me..
The worst part is most companies i know o that did that never recovered and gone bust.

But i bet somebuddy wil now flame me and i simply wont realy care
Quote from Bandit77 :seriously, they (the devs) need to add something along the following lines to their EULA:
- you pay for what it is at the moment
- if you're lucky, we will release new content / patches in the future, but hey, we really don't promise anything.
- there is no dialogue. we will talk to you when/if we feel like... for example when we need some backslapping.

That's pretty much what the EULA already says.

Also LFS is really one of the few games that actually get updates. If you look around it's quite difficult to find other games that offer same kind of updates.
Quote from FlyeThemoon :Songs about new Scirocco ;D

The Devs Killed NEW VW Scirocco Star

Don't cry when I go away with NEW Scirocco (well song Orginal its Named Nie placz kiedy odjade = Don't cry when I go away) Amynue and Byku know that

Let it Scirocco Let it Scirocco (Let it snow Parody)

Ode to Scirocco (Ode to joy)

You Cant stop NEW Scirocco (You cant stop Rock & Roll by Twisted Sister)

I might just have moved house an dammed tyred becaus of it but i can tell you that's not funny
Quote from FlyeThemoon :Songs about new Scirocco ;D

The Devs Killed NEW VW Scirocco Star

Don't cry when I go away with NEW Scirocco (well song Orginal its Named Nie placz kiedy odjade = Don't cry when I go away) Amynue and Byku know that

Let it Scirocco Let it Scirocco (Let it snow Parody)

Ode to Scirocco (Ode to joy)

You Cant stop NEW Scirocco (You cant stop Rock & Roll by Twisted Sister)

If anything can kill this thread then that was it.
(Furiously-Fast) DELETED by Furiously-Fast
Quote from garph :If anything can kill this thread then that was it.

Yeah, I hope it killed this thread, it's so damn boring, and propably also annoying to the devs .
I dont think there is any sense, there is no statement from the "3 Glorious".
We have to eat wat they want to give us.
Quote from FlyeThemoon :Songs about new Scirocco ;D

The Devs Killed NEW VW Scirocco Star

Don't cry when I go away with NEW Scirocco (well song Orginal its Named Nie placz kiedy odjade = Don't cry when I go away) Amynue and Byku know that

Let it Scirocco Let it Scirocco (Let it snow Parody)

Ode to Scirocco (Ode to joy)

You Cant stop NEW Scirocco (You cant stop Rock & Roll by Twisted Sister)

STFU, you are demo.
Quote from FlyeThemoon :And this not funny how long must wait for Scirocco huh ?

Unknown Game Dev 1 Hey i have idea dont realase game its be funny
Unknown Game Dev 2 Yes you have right its be funny HAHAHA
Unknows Devs all HAHAHAHA

Seriously dude, no-one is laughing at your terrible jokes. Stop annoying us and the devs too.
Quote from FlyeThemoon :And this not funny how long must wait for Scirocco huh ?

Unknown Game Dev 1 Hey i have idea dont realase game its be funny
Unknown Game Dev 2 Yes you have right its be funny HAHAHA
Unknows Devs all HAHAHAHA

Shadowww No Respcet for Demo Users i see

VWS will be released for S1/S2 users so you don't have to wait for it and enjoy your life.
Flythemoon, this is not spamming thread and nobody is curious about your spam. This is the thread about VSW enquiry and in my opinion it should be locked.
I am just sit and wait for a patch who its so unbelievable like the z-patch.
Theres are nothing relevant new for more than one Year before.
I think the next patch wil bring you the newest horn that u can use with s2...
*sorra i am absolutely dissapointet..
Quote from Flame CZE :Flythemoon, this is not spamming thread and nobody is curious about your spam. This is the thread about VSW enquiry and in my opinion it should be locked.

Why should it be locked? Would you rather have 1 million threads of noobs saying "WER IZ TEH SCIROCCO? PATCH PLZ!!" oh, and it's VWS.
Close LFS completly!!!
Since I was briefly overcome by boredom, waiting for the VWS on a Saturday, I gave out some infractions for spamming to pass the time.

I don't much care about people griping in this thread, or it would have been locked long ago, but I gave plenty of warning that I would give infractions to spammers.
Quote from Furiously-Fast :

No, i have been do a loong time with LFS, but wat its going on its not ok for the "old men" in lfs.

i am be a fan sience 2002 or earlyer, i dont remember. But this its not the way are a company have to do with hear Customers:
Quote from SamH :Since I was briefly overcome by boredom, waiting for the VWS on a Saturday, I gave out some infractions for spamming to pass the time.

I don't much care about people griping in this thread, or it would have been locked long ago, but I gave plenty of warning that I would give infractions to spammers.

yes, every post who dont says "OMG scawen we love you", ist only spam and must be deletet, thats right.

Thanx Sam for the:
Dear Termi,

You have received an infraction at Live for Speed.

I dont understand, every critical words are banned like the "inquisition".
good evening
Quote from Termi :yes, every post who dont says "OMG scawen we love you", ist only spam and must be deletet, thats right.

I gave infractions for spamming. If you don't want any more infractions for spamming, then stop spamming. You don't have to kiss anyone's ass, but we don't HAVE to sit here listening to you whine and complain incessantly and we sure as hell don't have to put up with a single line more of your spam. Get a grip, will ya?
Quote from Termi :yes, every post who dont says "OMG scawen we love you", ist only spam and must be deletet, thats right.

Not really my man, it's just that this thread is nearing 1000 posts....of everyone repeating each other.
Well what did you expect its been ages and people wanna know and there is some serious bum licking going on just because you bumlick the devs whoever is doing it doesnt mean there going to choose soley you to have the patch first!
This thread is closed

[MERGED] Scirocco enquiry threads
(2369 posts, closed, started )