haha. love it. it's amazing how these quotes speak for themselves.

Now that you stated your opinion (which I agree to), the "LFS enterprise" reminds me of these older craftsman companies. "we do it the way we want to do it. you just shut up and pay. if you don't like it, don't book us. we don't need you."
show us the part that states or even implies that you pay for an unfinished product that might never be finished or not within a sensible period of time.
I admit: if you had observed the development for years, you might have guessed it'd be this way. but I don't think that's something that can be expected of a customer buying a product.
seriously, they (the devs) need to add something along the following lines to their EULA:
- you pay for what it is at the moment
- if you're lucky, we will release new content / patches in the future, but hey, we really don't promise anything.
- there is no dialogue. we will talk to you when/if we feel like... for example when we need some backslapping.
ok, they don't need to add the backslapping-thing.