The online racing simulator
This was my first problem with LFSStats...

My solution was to let the replay to end and let it restart it from the beginning of the race, then stop it and all the results was in the results folder

(I hope you make sense what I'm writing :schwitz
Thanks Antonis,
I am using it offline, for replays of particular races, and I always was stopping replay before it ends, beacause previous version was making stats file from those few seconds after restart

I made the new template that saw easily. (Race results only)
Plz say if the spelling is strange. I hope you have fun!


Do you remember me? I was away from LFS and the Internet by house‐moving etc.It's a trivial story. hahaha
BTW,Could you put this template on the first post? When you meet the satisfaction.
Attached images
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yama' - 11.6 KB - 2487 views
Thank you, Mr.Gai-Luron.
But,attaching was done over again with small BUGFIX.
Plz change the link of template. Thx at any rate, Mr.Gai-Luron.

Found you program is very nice except one thing.
Could you make it possible to set the program not to export stats if more than x% of racers didn't finish?
I ask it because it's very often that people just have fun on server restarting and restarting races, and no one finish. So there ara many statistical files found in results folder after 2 days. Server running fully automatical, and i can't control it every day.
Wow, still alive? I'm gona have to try the template
Any new BUGs?
Quote from AchimPL :I think, I have similiar to Markorester problem. The results aren't in folder, where in my opinion they should be... I was using older versions ( 0.9; 1.1) and there I hasn't such problems.
Here are my settings (resultsrace folder is empty)

# Export stats when race ends regularly(restart)? (Race STart occur)
# yes export
# no don't export
# ask ask if export, need to be answered when occur
exportOnRaceSTart = yes

# Ask for file name when exporting stats on Race STart?
# true yes
# false no
askForFileNameOnRST = true

# Export stats when game, replay interupted? (STAte changed)
# yes export
# no don't export
# ask ask if export, need to be answered when occur
exportOnSTAte = no

# Ask for file name when exporting stats on STAte?
# true yes
# false no
askForFileNameOnSTA = false

So i can explain
There are 2 events in LFS where the STATS can be generated.

1) Race start occur (that is what i use, so the replay goes all to the end and restarts)
you can config that by:

2) STAte changes... absolutely it occurs when you exit the replay before it goes to the end when it restarts. So you exit the replay (as i can invoke this by doing so).
you can config that by:

In my config which is in the v2 I don't export on STAte change, i only export on Race STart, so change that in config mate, it will suit your needs

today i exported 3 hour race with no problem on 1st run, runned it on fastplay (8x or 16x don't now, just that my PC can do around 20fps I stop increasing play speed)
#284 - Aid
hm i wonder why 2.00 doesn't keeps connecting forever with my lfs.. anybody managed to run it on vista? (i use win7) what is direct reason of connection problem with 2.00 under vista
export for lfsnews?
i hope this was not asked in this thread before (i did not read all posts), but i have a question, some kind of extension, or correct me, if the LFSSTats already do this: how about including an export option to export the results in xml format lfsnews accepts for uploading results ? if there is any other solution for exporting such a file for this, pls teach me

keep up the good work
can anybody help me? how to enable the csv-output?
Quote from haelje :can anybody help me? how to enable the csv-output?

It is possible to output it with CSV. Moreover, it is possible to edit it with csv_race.tpl.
If it is LFSPoints, the race result is output with xml format.
i saw all this and took a look into the code, but dont understand, why it only write out the html-version and no other one
if i use it with replays the only version is html, all other output-versions seem to be disabled, that's why i asked.
New Graph (yamakawa) DELETED by yamakawa

I put in first post the link to the V2.0. With all job done on LFSLapper, i forgot to do this. It's a Shame ! Sorry JackCY

i think yamakawa graph.exe must be included in final release. What do you think about this?

Anyway, great job men, i am happy to see new version of LFSStat and graph

If my graph is adopted, I am very honored.
Though it was the best if it made it by C#.
Where is the new GRAPH.exe? can't find it.
I like the new graph.exe. Good work yamakawa
Does the new graph only work with LFSStat v2.00or does it work with V1.1 too?

V2.0 does not work on Vista
Hi everybody!

I'm no scripter and tottaly new to this, but so far, I got my server running, and did some little adjustments in LFSlapper.LPR That worked out fine, and it runs good!
Now, as most servers have, I want the welcome screen with the rules and Accept and Deny button, but I didn't figure it out wich program it is and how to use it.

The problem where I'm talking about is in the attatchment!
I got my LFSlapper working, and Server running on my computer.
But somehow I can't get LFSstat to work and a friend of mine, who's helping me out is kinda lost either. It keeps failing to connect with an error in the screen.
I made up a screenshot!

So if you please want to look at it and tell me the problem and possible solutions, I would kindly appreciate that

Thnx in advance!

Attached images
Quote from Gai-Luron :Probably strange config in locale. Like separator for decimal used in your windows. Take a look in this direction.

For LFSLapper, post int the good area.



Hey Gai!

LfsLapper is working for me.
LfsStats isn't! I want to know about LFSStats and not about LFSlapper!
Not same recup locale mode

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

I put in first post the link to the V2.0. With all job done on LFSLapper, i forgot to do this. It's a Shame ! Sorry JackCY

i think yamakawa graph.exe must be included in final release. What do you think about this?

Anyway, great job men, i am happy to see new version of LFSStat and graph

np, It's not done and newbies could be confused with the v2 because I removed some of your readmes templates etc. probably

The new graph is again a separate .exe? But I didn't find sources, pls send me them, I may add them instead of the Graph 1.20 if you want.

I tried a simple PHP+MySQL which can read the .CSV generated by the stats and view the info on webpage, Leagues, Races, Teams, Drivers, but is's very simple now and in beginning

.XML for LFSNews, never heard about it, enlighten me
.CSV is exported by default I think

My goal is to find out:
what is stored in LFSWorld and where it is getting the info
what can be "recorded" gathered from the game (with insim) and store that info in simple file (XML is not at all simple when you have to parse it manually without any already done tools, frameworks, DLLs, etc. but maybe way to go) and upload that file to online database (for example on your Team website) and show the various information (automatic upload possible)

and any idea how this is gathering data or it is reading them from LFSWorld?
Didn't have a time to ask author about details.

Or do you prefer those static HTML? I think storing those data in database is better.

Any idea if there is any way to capture (simple it to only my own car with which I play when recording) live data about car? Camber, speed, steering, spring load, ... data like you can have from .SPR but I want them from my online races.

  • yamakawa have graph.exe source
  • Use System.Xml on C# to read and write xlmdocument
  • How to read lfsworld stat? here and take a look on LFSLapper reading lfsworld info
  • For automatic upload, take a look on LFSLapper ftp upload working in thread mode
  • To avoid tarpiting from lfsworld, you have to pay for this. But you can turn around this reading info and store it in DBS
  • Take a look at insim.txt to view what it's possible to catch from insim connection

LFS stats is born again
(397 posts, started )