Didn`t want to voice my opinion, but here it is:
An example needed to be set, a precedent if you wish, the situation was becoming unbearable. Devs vs "The Whiners" - Devs score.
Some should be happy that one guy took the fall for 33 months, instead of let`s say 11 Whiners x 3 months each.
Pretext was there, his behaviour was really childish and annoying, he was just taking the piss. Maybe he was drunk or something.
Keeping that in mind, i too think it's a bit too harsh, even if Section 1.5 from
Lic. Agreement states "Extreme disruptive or offensive behaviour by a user, [...]may result in
temporary or permanent suspension of the [...]license.", looking at his times he was a fairly good driver, but since he was so "bored driving the FXR".. well.. a break is welcome i think.
I also think/hope this is not going to last more that 1-3 months, at least in-game part. How would it sound releasing the patch in the next 1,2..10 weeks, and he's (and anyone who might follow in his footsteps) not able to unlock it. He could buy a new license, change ip,computer in the meanwhile, but..
Maybe a zero tolerance policy will now follow, so much for asking a
sign of activity from the devs

Or maybe they wanted to give you another whining subject, forget about - and i quote AMB's alter ego - "scickocko"'s release for a while. It`ll come when you forget about it.
The atmosphere should be relaxed and easy going.. "oh, you guys can`t release the patch right now ? no prooblem.. we`ll be busy either way.. playing lfs or other game, going out or screwing with a nice opposite sex creature(human preferably) we enjoy", there are a million other things to do instead of
waiting and thinking there is anyone to blame but you, for ruining your christmas.
*Personally, my decision of buying the license is not influenced of the next patch release date, but i can`t help to notice what`s going on. And it ain`t a pleasant sight.
**Devs didn`t post 'a release date'. That`s the point. For all i care, early in 2009 could mean "not late" as in december.
If they have any fault, that`s not having an open relationship, stating from the start "We plan to.. do this.. in about X months. But don`t bet on it, and don`t be discouraged if we fail the "deadline". Then we think it could be nice to... But for that we have to... OH, and don`t bug us or we`ll drop it all

". You know, the "yeah, sure, np" kind of attitude.
This ain`t a contest, something can always show up and fck things up, priorities change, or personal life problems need more attention.
Who knows, maybe VW wanted some certain systems implemented in-game, before making it official.
So much for your clean page. i have 13 more posts to turn the page.