Crime still doesn't fit the punishment, if they're trying to send a message and scare people like were kids it won't happen.
Quote from SilverArrows77 :So all those displaying these silly "free messy" avatars are doing nothing more than saying being a disrespectful idiot is ok.....

No. The point is that the in-game ban would be fine if every disrespectful idiot would have received it.

As it is, a lot of people who have been much more disrespectful idiots are not banned.

Or do you think creating 3 or 4 demo accounts to make some posts ridiculing the constant whiners (with no bad intentions except for "fun"; yes it wasn't a good idea but you can't say he wanted to do anything bad) is worse than hacking the forum and banning all moderators or using online cheats? In fact, using online cheats is directly connected to the game so an in-game ban would be far more appropriate then. But those people aren't banned. Why?

A lifetime forum ban for Messy would have been ok but an in-game ban is a joke. IMO.
Quote from AcesHigh :LOL i cant beleive you guys... i would have done just the same... if he breaks the rules.... fine! if he breaks them over and over and over and over.. i think he got what he deserved... as for speedhack? never encountered it in LFS.. still its just 10 year old boys who uses it anyways.

That's so bloody ignorant I don't know where to start.
You tell me, why a user who exploits the game, bans the developers, moderators and many members from the official forum while doing shit gets 3 month ban, while one getting close to lifetime ban for beeing a idiot?
Sure, he did it more than once, but still he could have been banned for 6months-1 year maybe.

I just don't get it, maybe I am ignorant and a idiot myself, but for me it proves that the devs/moderators let their feelings controll the moderation, witch in my opinion is a bloody wrong thing to do and proves your uncapable to be a moderator. A moderator shal withstand any kind of shit us silly users can throw at them, without getting personal invovled. In this case someone got personal invovled and though "he's a idiot and I don't want to see him here, NEVER more". A ban was deserved, but not this lenght if you YET again compare people who has exploited the game in a severe way and destroying the game experience for many others gets a more mild judge than this...

The Very End, you can make some FAIR racer look like speedhacker by changing REAL speedhackers S2 license name to fair racers license name in MPR replay
Guys, relax. Admittedly, the ban was harsh, but as I know the devs, I guess it will only last a very small fraction of the initial announced period, as SamH already said.
We have a saying here that goes like this: "Nothing is eaten as hot as it is cooked", so give all parties of the matter some weeks to cool off, and everything will be fine.
Quote from Shadowww :The Very End, you can make some FAIR racer look like speedhacker by changing REAL speedhackers S2 license name to fair racers license name in MPR replay

A flaw in the system I guess, and I guess you want to point out that there can be inocent people beeing judged as speedhackers?
Either way, guess the devs has systems that can check for things like that, a database and such who will be able to find the rotten apples.
I dont think Mathews ban is harsh at all, break the rules and pay the price I say.
This forum needs a kick up the backside, Iv'e noticed it going downhill for a couple of years.

The devs and moderators dont make up this forum we do, and if we or they keep tolerating the childish behaviour exibited by the usual suspects, in a way we are all to blame.

Good job Victor!.

Props to the mods too! their (unpaid) job is getting harder and harder.

Quote from zeugnimod :...Or do you think creating 3 or 4 demo accounts to make some posts ridiculing the constant whiners (with no bad intentions except for "fun"; yes it wasn't a good idea but you can't say he wanted to do anything bad)...

If he considers doing shit like that fun, we're better off without him. Like I've mentioned before, I agree it's a bit too harsh, but stuff like this just isn't funny and maybe now he gets that.
I hate to defend Phlos, but he only temporarily took over the forums, in his own words, to point out a flaw. Afaik he has not done it since, which is the whole point of a ban. Sure, he's done a lot of other crap and there are a lot of other people I want to see banned before Messy, but shit happens, to shitty people.
Quote from Zen321 :I think AMB will be unbanned when the Scirocco is out...

Then, if he is an arse again, he'll be banned again.

lol hes gonna be banned for a long time then
Damn I didnt know devs are so emotional. 999 days ban is realy harsh!
It's Friday but I doubt it's coming today. Maybe It'll come next Friday as I predicted.

EDIT: 999 days? :jawdrop: man, what AMB did to Scavier?
Quote from Danny LFS :It's Friday but I doubt it's coming today. Maybe It'll come next Friday as I predicted.

EDIT: 999 days? :jawdrop: man, what AMB did to Scavier?

Mocking his baby factory?

Joke aside, read the other pages, short summed he did create some demo accounts and spamming. Got a warning and temp ban, came back and did the same and got lifetime ban (as I see it).
can I just ask, what interest the demo crowd has in the Scirocco?
Mass S2 license purchase?
I have heard many people say that they will buy LFS because of Scirocco. They might be waiting it to be actually released.
Quote from geeman1 :I have heard many people say that they will buy LFS because of Scirocco. They might be waiting it to be actually released.

i don't understand that... they won't buy lfs s1/s2 for the new cars and tracks, but they'll happily wait for the scirocco... a car that's roughly the same power as the STD/TBO class.
Some people are a bit dim like that.
huh.. things looks kinda ****d up in here..
You could already guess this. Devs should not have said any release date in the first place.. their own fault. I'm still not saying that AMB's ban was wrong, AMB deserved it and I'm sure the ban will not last for 999days.
But racing online ban? That I don't get.. Mods you should just really lock this annoying bs thread and ban all the users who makes new thread about this.

DICTATORS FTW/freedom of speech to hell!
Holy shit, have you been sitting in a opium cave all morning, or did I sence some irony/sarcasm in that one?

Well, I cried a tear for the Scirocco today, but that whent away when I opened the Jack Daniel. How to coop with shit? - Make something more shit than the shit your botted about, then you forget it. So I advice everyone to either get drunk or just jump off the roof really, takes the thoughts of the Scirocco away.
There was no time to check the forums in the morning but when I came just now I was like "wtf shitbomb has dropped in here" ,- by that I don't mean bob smith..
Yeah, take your minds off from scirocco, go out.. It's pretty warm in there right now, well in here.. It's like 300*c in the sun!

A try of changing subject :P
What in love of god is a shitbomb? :hide:

Either way, I have a good feeling about next friday, may the 1st then
Quote from The Very End :What in love of god is a shitbomb? :hide:

Bob Smith in other words ... jk.
I call this AMB thingy a shitbomb.

No more of this!

I'm going to confirmation class for the weekend and shitee there's no way I can get to computer, gaay

We gotta get a new fresh page for this topic so the curious ones wont find out the amb thingy and spam more of it!
Well done you mentioned the name in your comment then, so we have to clear this page You going to have a fun reading while back from the weekend. Remember to drink enough beer and taste women meat before monday!

Bob shitbomb? Eh.. I am confused, nor do I really want to know why.

Neverthless, so question here is, is the moaning due to the car, or the patch itself? What do you think?

Personlly, and by other it seems it's nothing to do with the actually car itself, but a shriek about the progress speed.
Quote from The Very End :
Neverthless, so question here is, is the moaning due to the car, or the patch itself? What do you think?

Personlly, and by other it seems it's nothing to do with the actually car itself, but a shriek about the progress speed.

lol even the ones who don't play lfs whines about the speed of developing.. so I guess they're just bullying the devs and wants to annoy them. Who knows. They don't really care about the patch or the car. They're just bunch of bored guys or kids
Didn`t want to voice my opinion, but here it is:

An example needed to be set, a precedent if you wish, the situation was becoming unbearable. Devs vs "The Whiners" - Devs score.
Some should be happy that one guy took the fall for 33 months, instead of let`s say 11 Whiners x 3 months each.

Pretext was there, his behaviour was really childish and annoying, he was just taking the piss. Maybe he was drunk or something.

Keeping that in mind, i too think it's a bit too harsh, even if Section 1.5 from Lic. Agreement states "Extreme disruptive or offensive behaviour by a user, [...]may result in temporary or permanent suspension of the [...]license.", looking at his times he was a fairly good driver, but since he was so "bored driving the FXR".. well.. a break is welcome i think.
I also think/hope this is not going to last more that 1-3 months, at least in-game part. How would it sound releasing the patch in the next 1,2..10 weeks, and he's (and anyone who might follow in his footsteps) not able to unlock it. He could buy a new license, change ip,computer in the meanwhile, but..
Maybe a zero tolerance policy will now follow, so much for asking a sign of activity from the devs.

Or maybe they wanted to give you another whining subject, forget about - and i quote AMB's alter ego - "scickocko"'s release for a while. It`ll come when you forget about it.

The atmosphere should be relaxed and easy going.. "oh, you guys can`t release the patch right now ? no prooblem.. we`ll be busy either way.. playing lfs or other game, going out or screwing with a nice opposite sex creature(human preferably) we enjoy", there are a million other things to do instead of waiting and thinking there is anyone to blame but you, for ruining your christmas.

*Personally, my decision of buying the license is not influenced of the next patch release date, but i can`t help to notice what`s going on. And it ain`t a pleasant sight.

**Devs didn`t post 'a release date'. That`s the point. For all i care, early in 2009 could mean "not late" as in december.
If they have any fault, that`s not having an open relationship, stating from the start "We plan to.. do this.. in about X months. But don`t bet on it, and don`t be discouraged if we fail the "deadline". Then we think it could be nice to... But for that we have to... OH, and don`t bug us or we`ll drop it all". You know, the "yeah, sure, np" kind of attitude.
This ain`t a contest, something can always show up and fck things up, priorities change, or personal life problems need more attention.

Who knows, maybe VW wanted some certain systems implemented in-game, before making it official.

So much for your clean page. i have 13 more posts to turn the page.
This thread is closed

[MERGED] Scirocco enquiry threads
(2369 posts, closed, started )