The online racing simulator
Quote from (The Stig) :How is the automatic track changer operated and configurated on LFS Airio?

In SRV file there are 2 items setting rotation. Example:

RotateTracks=BL1|5|FBM > BL1|4|XFG+XRG > BL2|5|XFG+XRG

With these settings rotation will start when 8 races are finished OR race end screen is shown (either by voting to end race or when last driver leaves the server). I believe the parameters used are rather obvious (track, laps, cars).
THks for your reply...

if I make a "donation" can i use the full version ? I'm on Strom server !

Quote from jmari :if I make a "donation" can i use the full version ? I'm on Strom server !

I have no experience with Storm servers. If they install Airio for you to be controlled by some panel and you have the option to overwrite EXE (and DLL) files, then you're the master and you can upgrade/update yourself.

Without EXE overwrite rights it may get more complicated - you either need to always ask the management to update it for you or you need an auto-update service, but that would require some arrangement between me and them, similar to what I have with 500servers owner (sending him mails with updates, which are then available).
I am on storm servers with the FULL version. You can upload exe and PDB, but you have to write a Email to the Admins to upload the DLL files - but they did not change a looooooooooong time.
Just to be sure it is understood: The DLL files did not change for a loooong time, so I believe you just need to ask the admins there to upload them once and it is done, the standard updates you can do yourself...
simple question with a (hopefully) simple answer...
...i have free version running atm, and need to force spectate at end of track rotation to avoid ppl using current car.

seems to automatically force when changing track, but if only car changes (not track). forcing car change doesn't happen if track cycling uses same track.
not sure how to set it up.....


Quote from z-ro 8 :...i have free version running atm, and need to force spectate at end of track rotation to avoid ppl using current car...

Very valid note, thanks, man! Grid clearing was until now really happening only when changing tracks, which was not correct. Airio 2.3.3 (to be released soon) clears the grid on every race end, which should solve your troubles.
great thanks man!
program is awesome btw....
Feature Request
Hi Mr. EQ Worry,

Problem: LFS dedicated Server are shown on you website if they are marked as hidden in the LFS-configuration file.

Question: Is it possible, let's say as implementation of a new parameter like "hidden" in the airio.srv.x.txt, to prevent that such marked servers will be shown on your website.

Servers which are marked as "hidden" should not appear on you website, because normaly marking a server as hidden has a serious reason.

It could also be done by the firewall, so that no connection from ario application can be done on port 80. But then all to ario connected instances (LFS-Servers) would disappear from your website. So i think a parameter would be the better choise.



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Quote from z-ro 8 :great thanks man! program is awesome btw....

Thanks as well...

Quote from GmiRacing :Problem: LFS dedicated Server are shown on you website if they are marked as hidden in the LFS-configuration file. ... Servers which are marked as "hidden" should not appear on you website, because normaly marking a server as hidden has a serious reason.

Makes me wonder what that serious reason is , but this is a valid note. Earlier Airio versions actually had a "hidden" option, but I later removed it. First, I didn't want any FULL versions run hidden, second, all the data are visible anyway on the LFSW site, so it's nothing secret.

But your note is valid. Best option I see is checking if the LFS server is hidden and then also auto-hide that Airio data on the servers page. But currently I do not see an easy way how to do this. Maybe through LFSW request/response to check existence of the server, but this would require some research and experiments first. But I'll try to offer some solution, not in upcoming 2.3.3 though.
Hi EQ Worry,

Quote :
Makes me wonder what that serious reason is ...

If you try to run an test-instance of LFS, in a distributed environment, full equiped (Airio and other applications are running, with networking over internet, firewalls etc.), and then... just in the moment you want to test some special things. Just in that moment there is connecting a driver.

Your preparation is gone, you are at point zero.

What the heck - were is this guy comming from, you wonder? I'm realy sure, i have declared this server as hidden.

What happens? Airio is showing this hidden instance for public on there website. Live and in colors. The guy saw it, typed in the server name, connected - voilà.

Quote :
...all the data are visible anyway on the LFSW site, so it's nothing secret...

I don't think so. As i know the data, i mean the connection state of the hidden server, the server is not visible in LFS-World. Maybe some statistics are available, but i don't know in the moment, have not checked it explicit. But the server name is definitely not shown - imho.

If you need it for your own statistics, i would suggest, make a third value in the headline of your table of servers. Something like "Servers (35/191/23). Last value is the number of hidden instances running or something like this, and other things.

But don't show the server name and don't give a link on it for public please.

Quote :
But I'll try to offer some solution, not in upcoming 2.3.3 though.

No problem - i can wait! Im interested in good stable, minor bugfree software, with minimum efford for maintenance - and this takes the time which is needed.

Thanks a lot for picking up my request.



My Website
Airio 2.3.3 is now released. Due to many new features and improvements some things need to be tested more thoroughly than I'm able to do, so it has currently status of Beta 1. As mentioned, it brings many smaller and larger things that I wanted (or was asked) to implement, so the changelog is rather long. But here's a few picks that may be of some general interest:
  • Instead of Shift+i the personal config may be also called by !opt command.
  • There is a few parameters that can be used in custom texts, but generally speaking creating many parameters is not the way I want to go.
  • FULL version implements very useful custom user commands just as several internal options of selecting a driver and sending him some text into chat or buttons, optionally for certain amount of time.
  • FREE version can connect to any number of servers at once, it is not limited to 4 anymore.
  • Yellow flag check (and some others) were improved by introducing the principle of "near" cars, that would reach your position in a certain configurable time. If there isn't anyone near you, yellow flag, spinning and lagging checks are ignored.
  • It is now possible (though not recommended) to enforce/prohibit automatic clutch and shifter, if you want a server only for those with best equipment.
  • In FULL compile any LFS/Airio commands can be specified in rotation, making it much more flexible. Pit windows can also be defined by (leader) laps and not just by (race) minutes.
  • Using defined race path simple proper pitlane entry/exit checks may be implemented on some tracks (BL1, KY1) with definable penalties (applied only in race).
  • People may see their position in any sorted list by using # instead of [from] parameter. That means !sb # is equivalent to !near, but you may also use e.g. !champ #, !races #, and many other similar commands.
  • Champ/total stats commands now also accept multiple cars, meaning !races tbo or !drift BL2+XFG+XRG are perfectly valid requests.
  • Many other things were corrected or improved.
As always, all reports of bugs or unexpected behaviour are most welcome, just as suggestions for future releases. But first I'd like to make sure 2.3.3 is bug-free, before introducing any new features.
Hi Mr. EQ Worry,

maybe i found a bug. (Airio-Version 2.3.2)



My website
Hm, I'm sorry but I can't see a problem there. Can you please elaborate as to what seems strange/incorrect to you?

EDIT: Airio 2.3.3 beta 2 is available, adding 2 new personalization options and allowing to "hide hidden servers", just as using additional state data from LFSW host lists.
AIRIO shows: the best time 1:33:95 on left top line and when race finished shows: The best time: Hydrogen 1:33:99
I_think_ it's because they're in different classes? Sir Erich is in the GT2 class [it says FX2 by his name on the FL], but Hydrogen is in GT1 class [it says FZR]. I don't speak German so I'm not actually sure if that's right [nor if airio actually differentiates between the classes], but that might be the "issue" here?
Different classes/cars shouldnt be a problem. Fastest lap is fastest lap, period...

Could be some glitch between AIRIO und LFSW..? we are talking about 4/100.. Maybe some lag was involved..? Well I dunno
1) If it is about speeds, then the problem is somewhere else. You can see Beste Runde (best lap) 1:33:95 (yellow time) somewhere in the middle, and then below Schnellste Runde (fastest lap) twice, once as 1:45.47 and once as 1:33:99 (time is gray). The thing is the two other messages are not generated by Airio, they come from LFS itself. Only the first one, with yellow time, comes from Airio.

LFS handles best times differently, it considers only cars that are currently on track. Airio keeps just one value for the whole race, regardless of on track/on server state of that driver. So SirErich made the real best lap an then pitted (geth an die Box). From that moment LFS ignores his lap time, showing (incorrectly, i my opinion) two new best lap times. I cannot do anything about it, the best solution may be if LFS developer allowed to turn off best lap reporting by the engine.

2) Other potential confusion may be the car types. Airio shows FX2 with SirErich, while the results table mentiones FXR. FX2 is of course custom-defined car with some restrictions (say intake air by 24 percent). Any FXR seen with that or higher restrictions is handled in Airio separately as a special new type. It can be part of some car category (say GT2) and it has completely separate stats called e.g. by !sb fx2 or !pb fx2.

Of course LFS itself knows nothing about custom cars, so in its output (such as the results table) it will show car type as FXR. To see correct used car types also separated into car categories, type !results or just !rs. The output shows sorted results by categories with total race time, time lost to previous driver, points for the race and in series and other info.
Quote from GmiRacing :Hi Mr. EQ Worry,

maybe i found a bug. (Airio-Version 2.3.2)




My website

It's usual LFS behavior - when man with best lap in race gets into box, spectates or disconnects from server - best lap is being zeroed.
Hi all,

i think EQ Worry and others are right. I think race was not confirmed (shown by the asterix) and SirErich has leaved the track before the final result was fixed.

That seams to be the reason. Normal behaviour - not a bug in Airio.

Well, thanks!



My website
Airio log
Hi guys!
First, sorry about my poor english...
Could somebody describe me the structure of file Airio.log?
I want create a program that read this file and import the information (pit stops, lap times, etc).
For make it easy, is necesary understand the structure of this file...

Its just plain text, not rocket science

here´s an example, taken from LR-server:
Attached files
Airio.log.txt - 183 KB - 349 views
Thankyou... I know that it is plain text...
But what is the field "#1"? Is the number server that Airio is connected? And the codes as "C52P01, C25P31, C50P45"? Is the code assigned to players? What is his meaning?

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
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