Hi all,
after years of fps (mainly ut2004) I was on the lookout for a good racing sim.
It was highly disappointing to see how the big-name, 9.0 reviews bloatware performed in practice. Not only was it all totally unrealistic, it was almost impossible to get a decent config for the G25 wheel, let alone it's FF. Some of the newer code-master bs doesnt even seem to support a wheel anymore.
The only good games I could find were so old that they hardly installed on XP, let alone Vista.
Now LFS. It is the first game I encountered that does not only fully support the G25 in all its glory, but it allows me to use the TrackIR5 AND the Nvidia Stereo Vision shutterglasses

. And it works completely flawless.
Total Immersion!
Now I only have to learn to drive. Which is the other part of LFS I admire, you really have the feeling you are learning something.
IMO once again it is proven that only small business can produce quality.
Thank you guys for such a wonderfull piece of software.