The online racing simulator
im not new here..but i gonna play LFS again YAY!
Hello, Im new one here, Im from Latvia and I bought my S2 License about 4 months ago My ingame nick was MousemanLV, but now Elvis.L my english maybe isnt so good as yours, but I try to wright, and talk English how good I can.
See you on the track
Hi everyone, i'm from Portugal and just bougth the game today.
I had already played the demo version before, i liked so much this game that i finally decided to buy the licence.
I'm glad i buyed the game.
Ps: Sorry for my poor english, see you guys on track.
Quote from MousemanLV :Hello, Im new one here, Im from Latvia and I bought my S2 License about 4 months ago My ingame nick was MousemanLV, but now Elvis.L my english maybe isnt so good as yours, but I try to wright, and talk English how good I can.
See you on the track

Quote from 0ctopus :Hi everyone, i'm from Portugal and just bougth the game today.
I had already played the demo version before, i liked so much this game that i finally decided to buy the licence.
I'm glad i buyed the game.
Ps: Sorry for my poor english, see you guys on track.

Welcome you two
Read around on forum for help and advices, and if there's anything, just ask, people are more than willing to help. Just remember to search before posting an topic, as there are high chances the question is answered before in a other topic about the same thing
hello lfs'ers

i am new here m'kay

i just saw this forum with this tread and thought i would say hi m'kay, so hi...uhhh m'kay :dopey:
Hello everyone,

Totally love LFS and got an S1 on the weekend..

See you all on the tracks when I've learned how to drive without too much crashing
Such an amazing game
Hi all,

after years of fps (mainly ut2004) I was on the lookout for a good racing sim.

It was highly disappointing to see how the big-name, 9.0 reviews bloatware performed in practice. Not only was it all totally unrealistic, it was almost impossible to get a decent config for the G25 wheel, let alone it's FF. Some of the newer code-master bs doesnt even seem to support a wheel anymore.

The only good games I could find were so old that they hardly installed on XP, let alone Vista.

Now LFS. It is the first game I encountered that does not only fully support the G25 in all its glory, but it allows me to use the TrackIR5 AND the Nvidia Stereo Vision shutterglasses . And it works completely flawless.

Total Immersion!
Now I only have to learn to drive. Which is the other part of LFS I admire, you really have the feeling you are learning something.

IMO once again it is proven that only small business can produce quality.

Thank you guys for such a wonderfull piece of software.

h0mer says hello
hi, evilh0mer here :homersimp

been playing Trackmania and Race Driver Grid for a while, just got a G25 yesterday so tried the demo for LFS and i'm hooked already

got the full version now so hopefully see some of you about online, can anyone suggest a good server for me to try? i like driving the tuned mini type car, prolly cos i'm n00b hehe
Ok, hi everybody, you are so gonna hate me, at first, then adore my skillful crashing.
Quote from TRP :Ok, hi everybody, you are so gonna hate me, at first, then adore my skillful crashing.

What? Are you going to crash online?
Quote from Flame CZE :What? Are you going to crash online?

I think he means we are going to adore his stunts
I think I should re-introduce myself to the LFS-scene. I haven't played LFS for about 1,5 years and now I have connected my G25 (and trackIR I use in flight simulators) to my computer and started to play it again.

Just thought to say hi, and I hope I see you guys online (After I take the rust away... Pity there is no CTRA any more).
Hi everyone... new racer-fan here. I'm a 32 year old professional who can't actually drive in real life (I've never wanted to) but after discovering rFactor and a G25 I discovered my feet automatically knew how to clutch!

A clanmate (brat81) convinced me to try LFS... and I'm really stoked I did. rFactor has some brilliant mods for it, but none of them come close to the clutch-action in LFS. Both are brilliant games and once NFS Shift disappoints me at the end of the month I'll keep an eye out for a casual LFS league.

Wish there were more Aussie servers though!
Welcome to the S2 world DarkMellie

See you soon
There comes a time to reveal how Noobish you are
Fortunately enough I have the balls to admit, I am a new person to this game, I downloaded it about 4 days back and was hooked from day 2. I use a keyboard but when I upgrade to S2 i'll be buying a wheel and etc etc.

Um as of right now my favorite types of races are the offroad rallycross and the high speed F1 races... i can't drift worth anything right now. Anyways yeah this is me.

over all cool guy

~Land Shark~
Hey guys well im new to LFS and probably like a lot of people I came from rFactor. I didnt realize how much i was missing out. I love the fact that its quick and easy to join a race, and you dont have to search for mods and crap Anyway iv'e only done a couple of races online and I am already hooked. With lfs it feels like you are attatched to the car.
hello everyone
Hi everyone =)
im not exactly new to lfs, ive been demo'ing since they updated the patch, coz i remember playing it for 2 days then suddenly it told me to update so im guess nearly 2 years ive been an lfs addict for
im am new to this forum =) tho i have signed up a long time ago, anyway i race on the fbm alot and hope to see some of u guys around
i wud like to buy the s2 licence but im having doubts, firstly it cost money and secondly im not that good of a player and lastly it cost money
maybe ill get myself s2 when i REALLY REALLY want it, right now im like 'meh'
Quote from jimi_jimi_jimi :Hi everyone =)
i wud like to buy the s2 licence but im having doubts, firstly it cost money and secondly im not that good of a player and lastly it cost money

You don't have to be good to enjoy it.
Quote from zeugnimod :You don't have to be good to enjoy it.

I am the perfect example! Only races I have pnwed was the CTRA Bump & Jump.
yea, i noe s2 will be incredibly fun or at least i think it will be but some part of me doesnt want to get s2, not becoz i want to stay in demo, but i dont think ill be getting a whole lot more that and i dont wanna get into s2 servers and be called noob and ban me from them, like i do sometimes in the fbm server name that starts with air and ends with tackjust becoz i dont do 12s (i was doing 16s back then, now i do mid 14s) not the servers fault maybe just the ppl who go there doing incredible fast times and hate me for doing unextraordinary times. i dont get kicked from there anymore, but i cant help but think that this incident will happen when i get s2, maybe im just overthinking it
Quote from jimi_jimi_jimi :...but i dont think ill be getting a whole lot more...

...and i dont wanna get into s2 servers and be called noob and ban me...

...just becoz i dont do 12s (i was doing 16s back then, now i do mid 14s) ...

...this incident will happen when i get s2, maybe im just overthinking it ...

You WILL get whole lot more. Trust me, BL isn't that fancy track after you have tested the others. Also, you can then drive GTR-cars as well as UF-1000!

Nobody have called me noob, even I am one. Just do your best not to cause collision in T1...

I do 17s, and still haven't had any bans in S2 servers.

It won't happen. If it does, you surely deserve it!
Name: Alisha Greenlee
Age: 24 (be 25 in December)
Team: Team Insane Dragons

My husband William (ghostrider83) got me hooked onto this game and now I mostly play single player and once in a while I will get on and play multiplayer but thats not very often.
Hi there,

after a few years without a wheel i finally got a g25 two weeks ago.
So i started downloading demos, (re-)tried a few games started to build a cockpit and today i bought S2, because the demo convinced me by feeling just right (love the ff) and running smooth on my not so up-to-date computer.
I have some simracing experience with GPL, years ago i participated in the first GPL-Rally, took my Rank(67) to around -4.5 and had fun with 67 and 65 pickup-races, so i'm not the fastest but not a total noob, either.

See you on track,
Quote from rally.bua :Hi there,

after a few years without a wheel i finally got a g25 two weeks ago.
So i started downloading demos, (re-)tried a few games started to build a cockpit and today i bought S2, because the demo convinced me by feeling just right (love the ff) and running smooth on my not so up-to-date computer.
I have some simracing experience with GPL, years ago i participated in the first GPL-Rally, took my Rank(67) to around -4.5 and had fun with 67 and 65 pickup-races, so i'm not the fastest but not a total noob, either.

See you on track,

Hi, and welcome to the forums!

You have pretty much the same history I have: Played LFS for many years, and after I bought G25 (And tested patch Y), I bought S2 license couple of weeks after. Oh, and I also build a cockpit...

I am not the fastests, but not a total noob, either. I am the slowest.

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )