If I am right, the "lag bars" in the lower left are currently in the same order as the connections list. This can be used to tell who is lagging without actually having to cycle through the players by position matching between the two.
If you change connections list order, please change the "lag bar" order as well so we can still tell who is lagging in this way.
no, he is right, they need to be still linked together. The third bar keeps dropping out causing the others to go through the roof? You know immediately it is the third person on the connection list. It's amazing how many players don't even know what it is, on our servers we had somebody thinking it was a graphic equaliser because they were playing MP3s in the background...:doh:
TBH the lag bar is not really self explanatory. I thought it was some kind of equalizer at first too Even if you know it's a lag bar, it still isn't quite clear how it works. To read it you need to read the manual.
I was just saying that you can't expect new players or even older players to know how it works. Anyway it has nothing to do with the test patch, so I'll just leave it at that.
Well I don´t know if it is a bug - and if, if it is known... But I bought a new 23´´ widescreen today and I am running it at 1920x1080.
However, while racing I often check my tire temperatures - but I only realize the colour - not the shown temperatures. But using this resolution I am not able to see the colours because the temperatures are shown at the tire surface showing the temperature in colours... (see screenshot)
Do I have to live with that issue, or might that become fixed?
strangely enough the effect seems to reverse itself when using multiple monitors?
maybe the multi monitor lod calculation uses the single monitor fov instead of the combined fov?
Ah, ok... anyway, it is hard to get a non widescreen TFT todays... so perhaps it would be possible to change the button size at widescreen resolutions...
Regarding having the mouse visible, when I need to use the mouse I use it in wheel/xy mode (yes I know I'm a rare breed) rather than mouse mode so I can have better control over throttle/brake.
I find having the mouse visible useful so I can have an idea of my throttle/brake input while paying attention to the road.
I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but thought it was worth a mention
Yes. Probably with mirrors on it used the mirror fov to set the lod. I guess with mirrors off it would have used the fov of the last segment of screen to calculate the lod.
So it was all wrong but now it is worked out sensibly in my version.
I guess that is the same crash that was reported before, that can happen any time a car gets in a position where LFS cannot find a track side camera to view the car. Often happened at BL car park. If you got the crash address or offset we could be sure.
An option or static change to very big connection lists would be to create a multi page list. That's a point no one mentioned yet as far as I see. Surely there only would be max 2 or 3 pages.
To step through the pages there could be a new button or simple press the button more then one time.
I don't think this would lead to misunderstandings because the page number at the bottom is intuitive from many other applications and the web. This system could be programmed to be really dynamic:
- Use multi page or not
- use same key or another
- number of entries per page
If you are planning to change the list keep those points in mind:
- Order players outside the box before players in the box + spectators (important for admins I guess)