I actually knew about the histogram, I just didn't realise how far you meant I should push it.

Hmm, I really like the background actually looking white instead of blue, but at the same time I wanted to avoid the heavy contrast look on the bottle itself (the label is actually charcoal grey.) I'm sure that can be fixed though.
Meh, it's way too easy to see yourself blind on this stuff. Going back to my earlier attempts that I was totally happy with at the time I'm left wondering WTF I was thinking.
As for the highlights, I realise they look a bit silly. The strip lights look like a really good idea, but I don't think my two, totally awesome, 11W low-energy light bulbs can light through one of those. Next time (if I'm not chased out of Dodge thanks to these photos.)
Thanks for all your help. Really useful as a reality check.