The online racing simulator
wonder if anyone can help me?

I have installed as per instructions, installed the fonts etc.

The app works on the LCD but only on the rev/speed and split time screens but not the screen with the main information screen, which is what I was after most.

Here is the contents of my configuation.txt

Quote :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- The ip and the insim port of the host -->
<!-- LFS installation directory -->

I am running Vista Home Premium x64 if that helps.

Many thanks in advance
Quote from driversbriefing :wonder if anyone can help me?

I have installed as per instructions, installed the fonts etc.

The app works on the LCD but only on the rev/speed and split time screens but not the screen with the main information screen, which is what I was after most.

Here is the contents of my configuation.txt

I am running Vista Home Premium x64 if that helps.

Many thanks in advance

You do know that the main information will ONLY show up on the lcd when in a race right? This means that if you're in practice or qual you'll only see the rev/speed and split time screens. The other main window isn't activated until it detects a race in progress. Double check this by making sure you are actually in a race and then flip thru the screens to see if the main window is there. Normally as soon as the app detects you're in a race the main window will automatically be displayed.
Hi Cabby,

Thanks for the reply, yep I have tried it also when in a race. When in multiplayer this is what is displayed when I press the Connect button on the G15 (3rd button from left)

InSim - TCP : LiveForG15 (UDP port 30000)
OutGauge : enabled
IS_MTC - only for multiplayer hosts
OutGauge : enabled
IS_MTC - only for multiplayer hosts
OutGauge : enabled
Yeah, I see that message too all the time. Do you connect (3rd button) after the race has started, while in spectator mode, in the pits? I have seen sometimes that the app doesn't seem to get sync'd up with the packets right sometimes and often a simple spectate (shift+s) or pit (shift+p) will get it to work. Try that a couple times to see if works.

There is also one other small possibility. In your config file you have the lfs directory set to c:\lfs\. Try changing it to C:\lfs without the trailing \. It might be trivial but there's a possibility that it might be messing with something.
i installed the fonts, and everything else, but i don't know how to do the configuration file
Quote from Amplifier :I have same problem as this guy had. It works perfectly on singleplayer, but getting that error on multiplayer (the application closes when I join game).

I still got this same problem, but it seems it works on some multiplayer servers, but not on all. For example it doesn't work on couple cruising servers.
I have a problem with this program if anyone can help. when i open the program on my computer i choose the program on my g15 keyboard it comes up with the vers number and connect and exit, if i press connect it exits the program on my computer and the g15, same when i press exit, if i press the button on left of screen it changes to a screen which says "Live for G15 loaded" underneath press button 3 to start insim, press button 4 to exit, they both exit the program, anyone know how to get past this problem to start the program...
Quote from Amplifier :I still got this same problem, but it seems it works on some multiplayer servers, but not on all. For example it doesn't work on couple cruising servers.

yeah, I noticed that this program only seems to support around 10 players max...

It has obviously come to my attention that I need to make a guide of how to install this, step by step... I guess I will get around to doing it eventually, its just a matter of when I have the time.
2009-03-20 21:35:49,783 [1] ERROR Live_for_G15.LFGConfiguration (null) - Unable to open LFS configuration file: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Live For Speed\LFS.exe\cfg.txt

can anyone see what i have gotten wrong here..
There's a small error in your configuration file. The name of the executable is not necessary.

Please change

<lfsdir>C:\Users\User\Desktop\Live For Speed\LFS.exe</lfsdir>


<lfsdir>C:\Users\User\Desktop\Live For Speed</lfsdir>
yay works now, thanks a heap mate

help me with this, please..
Attached images
2009-07-17 23:43:31,593 [1] ERROR Live_for_G15.LFGConfiguration (null) - Unable to open LFS configuration file: D:\Program Files\LFS\LFS.exe\cfg.txt
figured thts the only usefull bit outa it, all the rest looks fine
Anyone else have the issue with laps over 100 it doubles it? I am running the 64bit version, so I don't know if thats why or not. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this.
Quote from Raven88 :Anyone else have the issue with laps over 100 it doubles it? I am running the 64bit version, so I don't know if thats why or not. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this.

yes, i have noticed >100 laps it does not read out correctly.
it doesnt work for me. i followed all the instructions but when i press the live for g15.exe it does nothing.
(i am using vista 64 bit)
Quote from ikke1919 :it doesnt work for me. i followed all the instructions but when i press the live for g15.exe it does nothing.
(i am using vista 64 bit)

- Did you download the correct version (check first post, there are 2 download files, only one works with vista 64bit)?

- What does "it does nothing" mean? Is something shown on the keyboard display? Or not even that? Something suspicious in the log file (is written in same directory as the lfg15 application)?
i downloaded the 64 bit version.
i got this in the lfg file:

2009-10-15 09:59:15,421 [1] FATAL Live_for_G15.LFG (null) - Fatal exception caught.
System.Exception: There was a failure when attempting to execute : LgLcd.lgLcdConnect(result: 183 )
bij Mtn.LgLcdFramework.LcdOutput.HandleErrorFromLcd(Int32 result, String text)
bij Mtn.LgLcdFramework.LcdOutput.EnumerateDevices()
bij Mtn.LgLcdFramework.LcdOutput.Update(DateTime timestamp)
bij Live_for_G15.Controller.LFGLcdOutput.refreshActiveScreen()
bij Live_for_G15.LFG..ctor()
bij Live_for_G15.LFG.Main(String[] args)
2009-10-15 09:59:15,557 [1] FATAL Live_for_G15.LFG (null) - Content of bean:mode=Live_for_G15.Model.NoRace lastMode= player= fuel=Live_for_G15.Model.Fuel elapsedTime=15-10-2009 9:59:14 raceLaps=-1 currentLFSState= gauge= requestConnectDisconnect=False requestReset=False isInSimConnected=False
2009-10-15 09:59:15,557 [1] FATAL Live_for_G15.LFG (null) - Content of handler:Live_for_G15.Controller.LFGInSimHandler
2009-10-15 09:59:15,557 [1] FATAL Live_for_G15.LFG (null) - Content of controller:ActiveScreen=Live_for_G15.View.ScreenLogoLCDManager
Quote from ikke1919 :i downloaded the 64 bit version.
i got this in the lfg file:


Hmm, seems like the application cannot find the keyboard display or has problems connecting to it. What keyboard version do you use?
I am using the G15 version 2
Make sure your G15 Software is up to date, there was an update a couple months ago IIRC.
i updated my software and now its working, thanks for all the help.
works great on 64bit Windows 7 but can anyone help me with making a .bat file or a addition to the shortcut to boot up the Live For G15.exe together with the Lfs.exe /insim=29999" tool

And an other question. Everytime my LCD of the G15 goes to the Live For G15 mod and not to my normal mod when not playing LFS. I adjusted the settings you explained in the first post but it doesn't change a thing.

Only when I kill the app in Task Manager it's gone. Is it possible to update the tool with a function to boot it up when starting LFS and to quit it when you quit LFS?
Quote from Liquid Li0n :Everytime my LCD of the G15 goes to the Live For G15 mod and not to my normal mod when not playing LFS. I adjusted the settings you explained in the first post but it doesn't change a thing.

Only when I kill the app in Task Manager it's gone. Is it possible to update the tool with a function to boot it up when starting LFS and to quit it when you quit LFS?

You should be able to click the far-right button under the LCD screen on your G15 keyboard to exit the Live For Speed G15 app...
Quote from Liquid Li0n :works great on 64bit Windows 7 but can anyone help me with making a .bat file or a addition to the shortcut to boot up the Live For G15.exe together with the Lfs.exe /insim=29999" tool

I made something for you to do that... but it requires ALOT of configuring

Anyway... here it is...

Quote :LFS and LFG (Bat File)

1. (a) Put the file "LFS & LFG.lnk" (shortcut) on your desktop (or wherever you want).

2. (a) Copy the file "Bat File" into your lfs directory.

3. (a) Right-Click the "LFS & LFG.lnk" (shortcut) - from step 1 and click "Properties"
(b) Change the "Target" to where your lfs directory is and link it into the file
(that you copied in step 2) to the "LFS & LFG.bat" file (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\LFS & LFG.bat")
Note: The "Target" box has to include the ""s in it.
(c) Click "Ok".

4. (a) Go to your lfs directory and then into the "Bat File" folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File")
(b) Right-Click the "Live For G15" shortcut and click "Properties"
(c) Change the "Target" to where your "Live For G15.exe" is... (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Live For G15\Live for G15.exe")
Note: The "Target" box has to include the ""s in it.
(d) Click "Ok".

5. This is almost exactly the same as step 4, except for the Live For Speed exe (LFS.exe)...
(a) Go to your lfs directory and then into the "Bat File" folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File")
(b) Right-Click the "Live For Speed" shortcut and click "Properties"
(c) Change the "Target" to where your Live For Speed exe ("LFS.exe") is... (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\LFS.exe")
Note: The "Target" box has to include the ""s in it.
(d) Click "Ok".

6. (a) Go to your lfs directory and then into the "Bat File" folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File")
(b) Right-Click the "LFS & LFG.bat" and click "Properties"
(c) This is what it show by default:

start "Live For Speed" /D C: "Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"
start "Live For G15" /D C: "Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For G15.lnk"

Those are the commands to open Live For Speed and Live For G15 together.
The "C:" is the drive name, you only have to change this if your lfs directory is on another hard drive or partition besides C:\ - Most people shouldn't need to change this bit.
The "Program Files\Live For Speed\bat file\Live For Speed.lnk" and "Program Files\Live For Speed\bat file\Live For G15.lnk" are the parts which will need to be changed...

Change the ""Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"" part to ""<your lfs directory>\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"" - Do this without including
the "C:\" infront (just like the examples and default directories).

Correct way:
"Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"

Wrong Way:
"C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"

(d) Do the same to the "start "Live For G15" /D C: "Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For G15.lnk"" part.

Change the ""Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For G15.lnk"" part to ""<your lfs directory>\Bat File\Live For G15.lnk""

(e) Save and Close.

7. (a) You should be now ready to use the file from Step 1!

It should now open Live For Speed and Live For G15 everytime you click on that shortcut!
Note: If this still doesn't work or you don't understand, just give up now :P

Written and created by James Norman
LFS Username: Jamesisinthehouse12

There is also a "ReadMe.txt" in the zip file that contains the same instructions.
Attached files
LFS and LFG (Bat File).zip - 3.9 KB - 1569 views
Logitech G19 Support?
By the way... I presume no-one has tried this app on the Logitech G19...?
I may give it a try at work sometime