Ladri di biciclette (The Bicycle Thieves)
A neorealism film, set in troubled post war Italy. It's not going to be happy, is it?
Just incredible though, so beautiful and so powerful. The ending made me cry...goddamn...
Seen a lot of good films recently, mostly through LOVEFiLM, which I thoroughly recommend. Can't be bothered to find the list, but it included the rather wonderful The Third Man, and the pretty good The Damned United.
Just finished downloading Sátántangó. The reviews speak for themselves. I'll get back to you on it when I've got a spare 8 hours to watch it.
EDIT: Almost forgot Un Chien Andalou. A groundbreaking film, surrealist and incredibly shocking when it first came out (1929). Nowadays the shock value is tiny, apart from that eye scene! But seriously, watch it.
A neorealism film, set in troubled post war Italy. It's not going to be happy, is it?
Seen a lot of good films recently, mostly through LOVEFiLM, which I thoroughly recommend. Can't be bothered to find the list, but it included the rather wonderful The Third Man, and the pretty good The Damned United.
Just finished downloading Sátántangó. The reviews speak for themselves. I'll get back to you on it when I've got a spare 8 hours to watch it.
EDIT: Almost forgot Un Chien Andalou. A groundbreaking film, surrealist and incredibly shocking when it first came out (1929). Nowadays the shock value is tiny, apart from that eye scene! But seriously, watch it.