Hi All,
Lapper to backup database files at a specified day/time using RegisterScheduledAction Command as I destroyed database and only had a 2 month old backup.

Also would like to see LFSLapper with its very own icon.
Quote from Andy King :

Also would like to see LFSLapper with its very own icon.

i added one to Mine
Quote from Andy King :Hi All,
Lapper to backup database files at a specified day/time using RegisterScheduledAction Command as I destroyed database and only had a 2 month old backup.

Hi Gai, can you take a look at Lapper backing up its own Database please, also is it possible to have a new Event so if a driver types a !command thats not recognised by Lapper then they get a message back saying INVALID COMMAND - TYPE !help FOR ALL COMMANDS like FIRE created.

Quote from Andy King :Hi Gai, can you take a look at Lapper backing up its own Database please, also is it possible to have a new Event so if a driver types a !command thats not recognised by Lapper then they get a message back saying INVALID COMMAND - TYPE !help FOR ALL COMMANDS like FIRE created.


that would be default

$NotCommand StrLen"!" );
$NotCommandStrip substr$text,0,$NotCommand );    
$NotCommandStrip == "!" )
"^1Invalid Command! ^7Please Look At ^2!Help ^7For Commands!" );

oh nvm :P
You can't do that because you can have catched event onMso. you can do that adding a globalvar. $commandFinded = 0 and set to 1 when command is findin script. Then catch OnMso event in a last include named lastMso.lpr and test this valueif it's 1 or 0. In fine there is no elegant way to do that due to catchevent feature

Quote from Gai-Luron :You can't do that because you can have catched event onMso. you can do that adding a globalvar. $commandFinded = 0 and set to 1 when command is findin script. Then catch OnMso event in a last include named lastMso.lpr and test this valueif it's 1 or 0. In fine there is no elegant way to do that due to catchevent feature


Thats exactly the issue I am having but the catchevent is brilliant so we need to keep that so perhaps you could add it as an Event Gai.

Don't forget these database backup issues as mine is huge and 3 years old so don't want to loose it so we need some sort of backup system lapper can run.

Can someone please explain in idiot language how to remove a drivers PBLaptime from database without killing it as I tried and trashed my DB or better still Gai perhaps you could create an addon for Admins to be able to remove a PB of a Driver who has cheated etc or help me create one lol
Player scheduled event

i was wondering if there is a way to have a normal scheduled event but players can choose weather they want it to be used there should be an option that a thing cant be deactivated maybe a way to turn off a event for a certain player like when u join there will be a thing after u click accept that says scheduled events

event 1 [ON] [OFF]
event 2 [ON] [OFF]
event 3 [ON] [OFF]

and so on
What is the scope of this option?

Please when you put a request, tell me why you want this. It's more easy to me to find a way to solve the request.

Quote from Gai-Luron :What is the scope of this option?

Please when you put a request, tell me why you want this. It's more easy to me to find a way to solve the request.


well i have a clock and stuff in my info bar but if people dont want the info bar then they have the clock going and going which some people dont want :P
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :well i have a clock and stuff in my info bar but if people dont want the info bar then they have the clock going and going which some people dont want :P

You'r speaking in riddles .
Quote from Tim NL :You'r speaking in riddles .

ty? :homersimp

ALSO i need a event to finish cruise insim like $distToDo but i need it to do it every meter (or 100 meter) cause atm $distToDo is for driving bonus :P

maybe have $distToDoBonus and $distToDoReg

You have an event when dist is done, then cumulate it and test with your own var $distToDo and then do action in GLScript, if i understand it's no need to have builtin LFSLapper var to do that.

You can save dist already done on disconnection of the player.

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

You have an event when dist is done, then cumulate it and test with your own var $distToDo and then do action in GLScript, if i understand it's no need to have builtin LFSLapper var to do that.

You can save dist already done on disconnection of the player.


The problem im having is if i do this:

IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar("TotDistMeter") == $distToDoRefund );

lets say $distToDoRefund = 500
it will only refund 1 time which is why i need another event... unless there is a way to make it every 500m

nvm i know how i have to do it
Searched the doc's for it, but couldn't find what I was looking for: Is there already a way to retrieve the user that did the fastest lap in a race?
If not, could this one be added?

Yes you can do that easely with GLScript

Set a globalvar var $BestLap set to big value 60000000 at begin of race and set it on each player lap when better lap is done than this value. If this value is newed set, set an other var containing player userName. At end of race you can do with this values what you want.

Great tip! Should have thought of that myself...
It's al working now, thanks!
Still having some problems with this one..
I managed to get this working, but with some limitation.
Am using the saved fastest lap in the OnResult event, but this works out the wrong way when someone drives a fastest lap after the player which lap was saved has finished. In that case there are two players (or more for that matter.. ) with a best lap result.. Am I missing something or is the OnResult not the best suited event to do this?

Use a delayed command to display fastest lap later.

Perhaps 2 minutes after the arrival of the first to leave time for other drivers to finish.

Request - a depository for documentation

Somewhere with lists of all the usable commands and suchlike - maybe just a collection of all the documentation created for all the variations of lapper.

LFSLapper.lfs has a good one at the beginning - but it doesn't seem to cover all of the avaliable commands and variables- and what they do.

Might stop a lot of frustration for people who are brand new to lapper.

Might be a good idea.
Quote from Gai-Luron :Use a delayed command to display fastest lap later.

After somewhat of a struggle with variables I moved from the OnResult-event to the delayed Sub, I managed to get this working. Thanks for the hint!
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :After somewhat of a struggle with variables I moved from the OnResult-event to the delayed Sub, I managed to get this working. Thanks for the hint!

Still having one little problem with this solution, but that's a very strange one..
I'm saving the fast lap in the OnSpbLast-event. Normally that works out OK, but there's one player on my server that seems to never enter that event. I've put some debugging /msg's at the start of that event, but these messages never appear when this player crosses the finishline, where they always are displayed when other players complete a lap.. This is kinda stupid, for I can't imagine a reason for this behaviour of Lapper.
Only thing in this player's data is that there's a space in his UserName, but I can't imagine that to be the cause...
I managed to solve the problem above by using the OnLap-event, but that doesn't explain why the OnSpbLast-event doesn't work for this user..

Came across another puzzle in this OnResult-delay.. Yesterday it happened twice that the commands in the delayed-Sub weren't executed when the player in question pitted before the delayed commands were executed and came out of the pit after the delay had expired. If he came back on track before expiry everything worked OK..
Could it be this delay doesn't work while in the pitbox?
It's only for one player. Or this happen for other player? if it's for one player, whati s the particularity of this player? There is a message in err log file?