The online racing simulator
Quote from EQ Worry :Did you overwrite the two Aegio library (DLL, PDB) files?

Yes. !ptc didn't work at first but !top did, now !ptc does but !top doesn't

When Updating from 235b to 235c we only overwrote the Airio.exe Airio.pdb LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.dll LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.pdb files, should we have updated any other files?

Eehhh... You updated the correct files, it was me again that failed, this time turning off the overflow check even in the FREE version. Sorry. Please download version 2.3.5d using link in my signature. Then please check the various commands, all should work. But note this d version updated raw and Unicode nickname handling and the changes were not tested thoroughly yet.
Thx EQ Worry, all seems to be working now

First of all I'm not sure if this is even possible but I thought I'll ask anyway, there is a nice discussion going on about sharing Airio license points globally on different servers, but I don't think it will work if you count on server admins to organize the whole thing. There will always be people who don't know that such a thing is even possible if it's just a 3rd party modification. But I do think it could work if you introduce a "share global points" option directly in airio so people would easily be able to share License points gained on their server to be available on completely different hosts too.

I guess it will be quite some work but it would make things easier for people who only race casually on server A and join server B when it's more crowded, where they would have to start from scratch again. I'm no coding techie but I guess you would need a Master host where all the airio clients would be able to write their points file to, count those together in one big global points file and make the airio clients use that instead of the local file for license checks if the global option is turned on.

Hope I could make myself understandable.
Quote from troy :... there is a nice discussion going on about sharing Airio license points globally on different servers ...

Nice discussion indeed, rather desperate though , but I undestand some of the issues. I've replied here:

In principle, global points sharing could be possible, though there are issues - e.g. what if some server gives 1000 points for victory while other 10? But all troubles have a solution. I'll certainly think about it and attempt something. Thanks for pointing out the discussion!

Quote from o000o :Thx EQ Worry, all seems to be working now

Ah, great!
are playing points distributed the same as race points? if not, maybe playing points could be made standard and used in a global stat.....
then the servers could simply choose the PointsPlaying command already in place in the system as true or false.....
Unfortunately another kind of points would have to be used, not configurable, separate, to be sure it doesn't interfere with the existing framework. These points could be sent over to database in regular intervals and retrieved e.g. on each connect.

Actually I already started some work on Airo FULL stats available via Web, though for now it is "simply" displaying various tables of sorted data from one selected instance. To have a peak jump to and click some button – the AirAttack instance is auto-updated every 15 minutes, Ready2Roll is just static table for now, it will be dynamic once I have a chance to update the Airio there and adapt config a bit.

But overall, the same DB could be used for global data, summary of all Airios, but limited to FULL versions only I guess, with queries going there and back again.
Quote from EQ Worry :Unfortunately another kind of points would have to be used, not configurable, separate, to be sure it doesn't interfere with the existing framework. These points could be sent over to database in regular intervals and retrieved e.g. on each connect.

Actually I already started some work on Airo FULL stats available via Web, though for now it is "simply" displaying various tables of sorted data from one selected instance. To have a peak jump to and click some button – the AirAttack instance is auto-updated every 15 minutes, Ready2Roll is just static table for now, it will be dynamic once I have a chance to update the Airio there and adapt config a bit.

But overall, the same DB could be used for global data, summary of all Airios, but limited to FULL versions only I guess, with queries going there and back again.

Quote :10.01.04 07:00:00 #3 AIRIO ERROR: The process cannot access the file 'XXXXX\pth\BL1.pth' because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.ReadTrackNodes(Int32 ins, String track, Int32 length) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio\General.cs:line 465
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.RaceStart_Handler(Connection sender, RaceStart r) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio\Inits.cs:line 225

I have got this error quite often (every 10 minutes) in my log? What does that mean and how can I solve it?

I also have Airio Warnings with a timed out timed php script... What does that mean? The script works as it should and the path to the script I have entered is correct. Is this just a warning, but the script itself runs as it should?
Quote from Crady :I have got this error quite often (every 10 minutes) in my log? What does that mean and how can I solve it?

Quote :10.01.04 07:00:00 #3 AIRIO ERROR: The process cannot access the file 'XXXXX\pth\BL1.pth' because it is being used by another process.

what else is using it? are you running multiple instances of airio using the same files?
No, only Airio is running in this folder and it serves 8 servers at once. Well ok, we have more than one server running BL1 but that has not been a problem in the past.

EDIT: Ok... I have just restarted Airio manually... perhaps it got messed up after the automatic restart with the yesterday´s 500Servers troubles...

Anyway.. now I also found this:

Quote :10.01.04 07:49:35 AEGIO WARNING : Unknown bytes to decode - 239 191
10.01.04 07:49:35 AEGIO WARNING : Unknown bytes to decode - 250 89

Script timing out means it gives no response in an alloted time, which is usually several seconds. If you're sure the script (mentioned in warning) works OK, I guess you can ignore the warnings.

Files used by other process usually mean there's another instance or the same Airio running hidden somewhere. But to see this in the case of a PTH file is rather strange, it is open only for a very short when a race on BL1 is starting. Was this happening regularly or was it just one special occasion?

Unknown bytes to decode mean LFS->Unicode or Unicode->LFS conversion is not correct, because such codes do not exist or are not supported. In your case it is a left-over from the earlier wrong encoding and display of some special characters, which I believe will be solved very soon in Airio 2.3.5d. It is purely display matter not affecting anything important, so for now this can also be safely ignored.
I don't know if this has been asked for before and with the thread already at 35 pages it would take an age to check it all. So sorry if it has been asked before.

As a new admin to a busy server I have struggled a bit to find usernames and type commands etc quickly so would be nice to have a window similar to the LFS Names window that appears when you press N but with added commands like spec, penalty (30/45/dt/sg/cc). Is this possible? Or is it already there and I just haven't found it yet? I have looked.

At the moment it is much easier to kick a badly behaving racer than to spec or give a penalty but I don't like to use kick when the server is full.
I'm not sure if thats possible but if you hold ctrl and shift and right click on the user name in the connection list it puts the username in an lfs text window, simply press home and type which ever command (or bind the commands so you dont have to type them each time) and hit enter.
excellent, I didn't know about that, thanks that will make it a bit easier.
You also just could type the command !pl (or !players) to have these buttons for the current connected players.

You can even have a look at the recently left players with the command !recent.

I am not sure if these commands only work with the FULL version... if so - sorry then...

EDIT: just try out the different penalty commands behind the ACT button with a team mate to get used for them it is a bit confusing... but I have this in my Airio config - I hope it helps you... just add it into your Airio.srv.txt, save and type !rld to reload the config then typr the command !act:

Quote :UserCommands=act Shows all Act-Commands > 2 > !sbutn ^3i ^7 - for Information about this player ++ ^3s ^7- to spectate player ++ ^3p ^7- to send player to the pit ++ ^33 ^7- to give a 30sec penalty ++ ^34 ^7- to give a 45sec penalty ++ ^3d ^7- to give a drive trough panalty ++ ^3g ^7- to give a stop-and-go penalty ++ ^3c ^7- to clear penlaty

EDIT2: For the case you would like to add some track marshals with limited rights (Limad) for your server too, it would be quite handy to alter my code above to show the most important command the Limad has - I have created a bunch of new commands to give them more rights (banning more than 12hrs, changing track car, mustpit etc.) - without giving them them the full rights
The responses above are correct, under FULL Airio the easiest is to call !pl (players) and see a list of all people with Ban, Kick, and Act buttons. To spectate someone click Act and specify s as the action. As Crady says, you can call many other actions using single letters - send to pits, give/clear penaties.

The mentioned buttons are also available e.g. in !rn (recent) list of last 24 drivers that left your server. They're very handy if someone causes a big crash and then disconnects before you could capture his username. Just type !rn, find him at the top of the list, click Ban, enter number of days (if you have sufficient rights). Done.
thanks to all, it seems there is the screen I was asking for afterall It just has the act button rather than a button for each spec etc. Very handy

Keep up the good work EQ Worry
Quote from menantoll :It just has the act button rather than a button for each spec etc.

Yes, it is basically impossible and also very inefficient to display separate button for every possible action, including some Airio actions such as i for displaying !pi of the guy or u for unbanning when using !lb (list bans). [But this last remark concerns only FULL Airios with custom banning system active.]
I've been thinking of posting this suggestion for a while.

I really enjoy using AIRIO's Pit Board function and then using the SHIFT-F mode. All works very well, however, the pit board does not come up in the finish, which causes me to be unsure - have I finished or not. In fact, I once even eased on the throttle after crossing the line, causing a massive crash and then find out that the race had not yet ended.

Anyway, my suggestion is popping the pit board up after the finish and showing something like FINISH or a chequered thing.
Very good point, I'll check on the bitboard functionality and see if it can be reasonably displayed also after race finish, including some race finish info. Thx for the suggestion!
Is there a list of "Act" commands anywhere? Like s for spec i for pi? I have tried looking but can't find them
Hm, I don't think so, but the supported letters are always shows in action confirmation box and the meaning should be more or less obvious. Here's the list anyway, as the letters are converted into Airio commands for furter processing and later to LFS commands:

"s" : "!spec " (/spec)
"p" : "!pit " (/pitlane)
"3" : "!pen 30 " (/p_30)
"4" : "!pen 45 " (/p_45)
"d" : "!pen dt " (/p_dt)
"g" : "!pen sg " (/p_sg)
"c" : "!pen cl " (/p_clear)
"i" : "!pi " (player info)
"u" : "!unban " (/unban)

The !kick (/kick) and !ban (/ban) commands have separate buttons, they're not part of the actions.

PS: If no action or unsupported action is specified, !spec should be carried out, but I do not remember testing this.
Thank you for your speedy responce it is much appreciated.

Thx alot!

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