It will surely help. And never hesitate to ask. 

UserCommand=la Shows a list of Limads >-1 > %ssm |^3IH^4R ^3Limad List++
^4(^3IHR^4)^3Killfix, ^4(^3IHR^4)^3Menantoll++
and so on
sh-3.1$ mono Airio.exe
Airio tracker v. 2.3.8b FREE by EQ Worry
Opening connection : GENERAL ERROR
Opening connection : GENERAL ERROR
ERROR: 10.03.29 13:38:03 - CodePage 1252 not supported
ERROR: 10.03.29 13:39:03 - CodePage 1252 not supported
ERROR: 10.03.29 13:40:03 - CodePage 1252 not supported
ERROR: 10.03.29 13:41:03 - CodePage 1252 not supported
ERROR: 10.03.29 13:42:03 - CodePage 1252 not supported
ERROR: 10.03.29 13:43:03 - CodePage 1252 not supported