Airio 2.3.9
Airio consolidation version is available, numbered 2.3.9. It does not bring substantial new things but (hopefully) solves all known past bugs (some very well hidden or apparent only under specific circumstances) and inconsistencies (e.g. in the new tabulated output). My suggestion to all 2.3.8 users is to move to 2.3.9 simply by updating EXE/PDB/DLL files. The new version should also be soon available to all 500server clients for simple update.

Quote from :It would be real nice if custom commands also could execute external scripts and display output in chat (or even more fantastic, a window thing like !conns).

Nice idea, hopefully available in the next version...
Don't make promises or expectations... It has bad karma on this forum
I don't know if it's fixed in 2.3.9 but I had a "bug".

In the !results table, when there are lots of characters, some of them are missing. It seems like it's an LFS bug with the max number of characters. Maybe.
Attached images
Very good point! Indeed it is one of the things that were fixed in 2.3.9. Potentially very long output screens such as !rs or !gr or !pi will be split in two with Previous and Following buttons active if necessary.
Forgot to report a glitch but the control window @!recent is shifted one position up.
Quote :10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : Alan Dalon (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : Keule (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : DM | Mikail (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : the devil LAT (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : 100TORRES (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : GeorgeHenri (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : zGPludda (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : N a r v a l (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Re-spectating : Â~CÂ~CÂ~C Krasson GP (#1)
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 22:29:41 #1 Parameter is not valid

(changing tracks)
Hmm does AIRIO spectate players one by one? Why not use /clear?
Quote from :blah

I can confirm this

10.04.07 21:34:46 #2 Automatic race restart issued...
10.04.07 21:34:46 #2 /restart
10.04.07 21:34:46 #2 Voting : RESTART
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Saved MP replay - FE6_race_3L_1R_1F_3
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Vote cancelled or confirmed...
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Race ending...
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Server reset timer started...
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Z30 CrashCenter 2 : !sall
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Z30 CrashCenter 2 : !cars XFG+XRG
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 /laps 3
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 /track FE6R
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 /spec Z30 P V L
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Spectate All command carried out...
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 /cars XFG+XRG
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Executed command : /cars=XFG+XRG
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Currently prohibited cars :
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Changing track to : FE6R
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Z30 CrashCenter 2 removed Z30 P V L from the start grid
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 C00P51 PID not found in PlayerLeave.
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Handicaps :
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 Track is changing to : FE6R
10.04.07 21:34:48 #2 /clear
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Handicaps :
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Track loaded
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Reading track data...
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Current track : FE6R - L:215 SF:6 S1:100
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Reading PTH file - pth\FE6R.pth
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Nodes read from PTH file - 215
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Server reset timer stopped...
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Race starting : FE6R
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Reading cross data...
10.04.07 21:34:49 Writing data...
10.04.07 21:34:49 Data written in : 0.10
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Checking activity...
10.04.07 21:34:49 #2 Server state - Connections : 01 | Players : 00
10.04.07 21:34:51 #2 Re-spectating : Z30 P V L (#3)
10.04.07 21:34:51 #2 /spec Z30 P V L
10.04.07 21:34:51 #2 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 21:34:54 #2 Re-spectating : Z30 P V L (#2)
10.04.07 21:34:54 #2 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 21:34:54 #2 /spec Z30 P V L
10.04.07 21:34:57 #2 Re-spectating : Z30 P V L (#1)
10.04.07 21:34:57 #2 /spec Z30 P V L
10.04.07 21:34:57 #2 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 21:35:00 #2 Re-spectating : Z30 P V L (#0)
10.04.07 21:35:00 #2 /spec Z30 P V L
10.04.07 21:35:00 #2 Parameter is not valid
10.04.07 21:35:20 #2 C28P06 p v l - Joining race : XFG
10.04.07 21:35:23 #2 Reordering : 06
10.04.07 21:35:23 #2 Race starting : FE6R
10.04.07 21:35:23 #2 Race for laps : 3
10.04.07 21:35:23 #2 Displaying restart/qualification buttons...
10.04.07 21:35:31 #2 C28P06 p v l - Z30 P V L : !top
10.04.07 21:35:31 #2 Z30 P V L : !top
10.04.07 21:35:49 #2 Type !help for commands, press Shift+i for AIRIO
10.04.07 21:35:55 #2 C28P06 p v l - Split 1 : 0:19.28
10.04.07 21:36:09 #2 C28P06 p v l - Z30 P V L : !restart
10.04.07 21:36:09 #2 /restart
10.04.07 21:36:09 #2 Voting : RESTART
10.04.07 21:36:09 #2 Vote action : RESTART
10.04.07 21:36:12 #2 Saved MP replay - FE6R_race_3L_1R_0F
10.04.07 21:36:12 #2 Vote cancelled or confirmed...
10.04.07 21:36:12 #2 Reordering : 06
10.04.07 21:36:12 #2 Race starting : FE6R
10.04.07 21:36:12 #2 Race for laps : 3

Latest airio 239a build 11:21.
P V L connected as Limad4.
Ah, right, thx for these reports! It is not a serious matter, just a nuisance, but certainly I'll try to have a look at it asap!

Quote from morpha :Hmm does AIRIO spectate players one by one? Why not use /clear?

Because this command removes everyone, but does not report drivers as removed (spectated), which leads to all kind of troubles, such as the above reported ones.
2.39a (with 2nd correction release) now on 500servers CP for updating + installing.
Quote from franky500 :2.39a (with 2nd correction release) now on 500servers CP for updating + installing.

does this man ever sleep?

thx Franky
Quote from z-ro 8 :does this man ever sleep?

thx Franky

sometimes. but usually after breakfast.

I find i can usuallyget more things done at these times of day.. for instance, cheese on toast. a perfect 3:30am snack... "mmmmMmmm"
Quote from franky500 :2.39a (with 2nd correction release) now on 500servers CP for updating + installing.

Great, thanks! This 2nd correction is still numbered 2.3.9a and solves two troubles discovered in the initial 2.3.9 FULL release: 1) Assigning correct safety class (if defined) to new people. 2) Aligning output of !pl, !rn, !lb with control buttons. It does not contain fix of the above reported failing repeated spectating, but that is not a functional bug.
Hi EQ!

After some weeks testing the AVG, we're really happy with it.
But several people came up with the same request. It's hard to have an idea of how you're doing in the current session as you don't have a reference of the previous laps, you just must memorize it

So it would be great if we can have a new panel with the last X laps you did, being X the number of laps configured for the AVG in the current circuit - car combination . If the lap times were colored respect to your current AVG (green better lap time than AVG, red worse) that would be just perfect!
I think its not a bad idea to put !ex , !rank and !rate in one table

Must check all these individual things everytime and I think its handy if it pops up all together in one screen. Just the current values and driver/registration names.

!err or something
Quote from RocksGt :... It's hard to have an idea of how you're doing in the current session as you don't have a reference of the previous laps, you just must memorize it ... So it would be great if we can have a new panel ...

I understand, but creating such a panel is rather complicated, because potentially it may contain any number of past laps. So I do not think that is the way to go. But I see some info about average lap time is necessary. My first thought was to include that info somehow into the timing buttons. I think you essentially need to know just two things:

1) On what (possible) average best lap you are. You could see say A2/3, after making one complete lap while 3 are necessary for AB, or A3/3 on every other lap, because you are in a potentially AB improving lap.

2) What (average) lap time you need in this lap to improve your AB. When A2/3 is shown the lap time will be average of the 2 remaining laps, when A3/3 the lap time will be simply current lap time.

I believe these two are the essential data, somehow color-coded and displayed only if reasonable, say if time required is max 1% under your current PB, not more. These can (optionally) replace possible lap time and current speed included in the timing buttons (top of the screen) and will be updated on every lap finish. How does that sound? (Sorry, I'm trying to keep things simple. )

Quote from :I think its not a bad idea to put !ex , !rank and !rate in one table...

Yes, sounds nice and useful. To honor other commnd names, I'd probably call it !players or !pls, because it is more detailed data about connected people.
Quote from EQ Worry :I understand, but creating such a panel is rather complicated, because potentially it may contain any number of past laps. So I do not think that is the way to go. But I see some info about average lap time is necessary. My first thought was to include that info somehow into the timing buttons. I think you essentially need to know just two things:

1) On what (possible) average best lap you are. You could see say A2/3, after making one complete lap while 3 are necessary for AB, or A3/3 on every other lap, because you are in a potentially AB improving lap.

2) What (average) lap time you need in this lap to improve your AB. When A2/3 is shown the lap time will be average of the 2 remaining laps, when A3/3 the lap time will be simply current lap time.

I believe these two are the essential data, somehow color-coded and displayed only if reasonable, say if time required is max 1% under your current PB, not more. These can (optionally) replace possible lap time and current speed included in the timing buttons (top of the screen) and will be updated on every lap finish. How does that sound? (Sorry, I'm trying to keep things simple. )

Yes, sounds nice and useful. To honor other commnd names, I'd probably call it !players or !pls, because it is more detailed data about connected people.

Yeah! That sounds nice too! At this time I think no one will question your ideas about how to arrange information in the screen for the users

But I would want to make you see hoe the things are going in our servers.
Our racers really want to know what lap of the AVG are they really running on. And not so that.

The normal training in our servers is to start racing and trying to do your best, but think of it:
If you just did ten laps (with a AVG of five) and your current lap is awful (because an error or a slower racer)... we would like to see when that lap is out of the current frame for the AVG. Remember that now it's not a way to know what many laps are set to record the AVG.

Think of a left side panel showing a button for each lap required for the AVG in that combo. That way, when one of our racers enter a server, they will see how many laps are required for the AVG to be stores, and they will have a reference about how well they are racing.

I know it's a very specific feature, don't think anyone alse would mind about it, but we'll very happy if you can include it in a next release
Quote from RocksGt :... your current lap is awful ... we would like to see when that lap is out of the current frame for the AVG ... they will see how many laps are required for the AVG to be stores

Hehe, I know panels sometime looks good, but they carry with themselves all kinds of troubles. First, they need their own buttons and in Airio I'm basically out of LFS available button ID numbers. True, I could optimize the ID usage so that two buttons that can never appear at the same time share one ID, but such changes would require extra care and time and I cannot do this currently. Then there is the panel position. People have different ideas about the places where panels should be shown. Best way of course is to make panel position (maybe even size) customization possible and stored in personal profile, but again I do not have time now to make this available, it involves many changes.

But all the talk about information people need to see about average laps in essence boils down to just three rather simple things: total number of laps required by AVG, you current lap in that count, and time of the current lap needed for AVG improvement. Times from previous laps are really unimportant, people need to see what lap time they must do now to improve.

Also the question of when some bad lap falls out of the current AVG lap frame can be answered easily. Whenever it becomes clear you cannot improve your AVG (because lap time required is way below your current PB lap time), the info shown in one of the timing buttons will be A1/3 meaning you're on 1st lap of three total. The 2nd button could show lap time needed to improve your average, in this situation it will be your current AVG time - 0.01. But of course you're only on lap 1 of 3, so the time shown is in fact average needed in the next three laps.

Heh, maybe it sounds complicated at first, but I believe it shows all relevant info and (what is also important) it could be relatively easy to implement it, meaning we can have it in one or two weeks (hopefully). If you then see the info given is really insufficient, we may try some improvements.
Am I missing something?

What is so important about averages? If people are going to race for best avarage then there will be no respect at all for other drivers on the circuit.
People at LFS Spain are using average times to separate drivers into categories for the main Monday event. (If I'm not mistaken.) Average times are a good choice for this purpose, because they mostly eliminates lucky/drafted lap times.
OK thanks
It should be much better if people know what they are allowed to drive instead of only a 'complicated' message that their rank is insufficient. The message is clear but in my opinion there should be one or two extra lines like;

Based on your current personal data you are allowed to drive;

Lot of semi pro and pro still don't understand the (ex) system, let alone the safety rank system.

And.. I think the safety system could be further enhanced by penalizing off path behaviour and awarding safety rate when someone drives good lap times (like WR +xy%).

Pro's go off path too, now and then, but could compensate that with other good laps. The less experienced go off path A LOT more often.

I experience that in the current situation pro's are much heavier penalized then less experienced. The less experienced drive on the back of the pack also, causing yellow flags which doesn't count.

Pro's drive in front and with one mistake there could be a yellow flag for like ten cars or something while they just wait on a clean gap to rejoin racing.

Idea's idea's... You don't have to reply on it, just read it and think about it for a sec.
EQ its me again. After you fixed my LFSei I was raicng ovals with [AA] Bud
(UKMANUK) and my LFSei went from like 301 to 292.9... 2nd time its been reset
Quote from Bmxtwins :EQ its me again. After you fixed my LFSei I was raicng ovals with [AA] Bud
(UKMANUK) and my LFSei went from like 301 to 292.9... 2nd time its been reset

Happened to me once too. I figured out it was that my hotlap section wasn't being counted. I can only assume the server hiccuped when it was retrieving that.
Quote from :It should be much better if people know what they are allowed to drive instead of only a 'complicated' message that their rank is insufficient.

Something like this would not be easy to implement. First you'd need to know what cars are enabled. And that is a problem, it is not readily available info. (An option could be to manually specify available cars in config.) Then a cycle through all these cars would have to run, simulating race joins and seeing when that would and would not be possible. Still, no doubt it would be great enhancement and I'll try to work on it. For now pls use the optional custom additional text that can appear on each spectate for different reasons.

Quote from :I think the safety system could be further enhanced by penalizing off path behaviour and awarding safety rate when someone drives good lap times (like WR +xy%).

Yup, good ideas! Also relatively easy to add, which is also important

Quote from :Pro's drive in front and with one mistake there could be a yellow flag for like ten cars or something while they just wait on a clean gap to rejoin racing.

Yellow flag is caused just once regardless of number of cars behind you. Also there is a configurable delay factor ignoring new yellow flag raises, by default set as FlagDelay=15. You can raise it to give people more time to recover from yellow condition.

Quote from Bmxtwins :... After you fixed my LFSei I was raicng ovals ... and my LFSei went from like 301 to 292.9...

Quote from pik_d :.... I figured out it was that my hotlap section wasn't being counted. I can only assume the server hiccuped when it was retrieving that.

I did not "fix" the index, I just asked you to type !exr (experience refresh). This command shows your last known EI and then asks LFSW for update, displaying current EI a few seconds later. And, exactly as pik_d says, it may happen that e.g. offline (uploaded) hotlap data are not downloaded (maybe because one of the LFSW keys configured is used elsewhere, occasionally blocking the Airio request), and then your EI would seemingly go down. Refresh usually helps.

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
(2389 posts, started )