The online racing simulator
Quote from Chrisuu01 :To sad there are no bikes in TDU2 but it might come as DLC.

But that trailer looks it is the game i should HAVE!!

Where did you hear that? TDU1 had bikes, so why wouldn't TDU2? Not to mention the fact there were multiple shots of concept art that shown motorbikes....

Anyway, the Trailer. It looks awesome! Music was great the and Gameplay looks fantastic, although I did have a "WTF Moment" when the Ford GT INSTANTLY spun round.
Trailer is amazing - might get the game when it comes out
Mmm... TT-RS is definately in the game. Can't wait!
Trailer was great, just ashame the driving physics look pretty lame, I did like the rain driving and the offroading

Will still get it, even if the physics suck
That night driving looks awesome. If I'm right, there's no other driving game that features unlit roads and half decent physics?
Quote from TiJay :That night driving looks awesome. If I'm right, there's no other driving game that features unlit roads and half decent physics?

If you held the 'n' key while the race was loading in the '97 NFS II, you got the special "night" mode (=unlit roads) and the physics is comparable to TDU
ye the driving physics looked like omfg.. but cant be worse than in tdu. im sure i will buy it,coz i had a great time with the game, and when it kinda was dieing,we were just cruising all around the island with half the inferno team,and it was fun. im gonna pop the cd in this weekend,just to get some memories back
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Where did you hear that? TDU1 had bikes, so why wouldn't TDU2? Not to mention the fact there were multiple shots of concept art that shown motorbikes....

Dev's stated that they will not be in at release, but that they will come later on after release.
In H-mode, full FFB at 900°, TDU isn't actually that bad, except for the mushy suspension on G class cars
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Dev's stated that they will not be in at release, but that they will come later on after release.

In other words, they have them ready, but will release as DLC to pull some extra money off gamers.

The physics look like crap anyway, not interested in buying this one.
The excuse given was that redoing the "physics" from scratch for the cars was it's own undertaking, and redoing the bikes is a separate project.

I wouldn't be surprized if that trailer was running on the old physics anyway; since it sounds from what they've been saying lately that it's still a large WIP physics wise.

I don't expect much; I'd still go for it with the old physics (see Morpha's post) if the ridiculous "roads made of slabs" problem was fixed. That was the only real game breaker. Nobody (in their right mind) is expecting an iRacing competitor physics wise, but the game is just good fun regardless

I'm hoping that TDU2 at least catches some of the psdeuo-sim approach that seems to be contagious lately. Kind of like Shift - not totally sim, but much less arcade than other NFS games. Of course, it'd be really something if the hardcore mode was like a proper sim, but sadly that probably isn't a realistic goal. They should just pay Scawen loads of cash for the current LFS physical model and implement that

The stupid thing is that they don't put enough effort into the hardcore mode. They should just rename it SIM mode and actually make some attempt to license technology to do that. The only people that played "hardcore" mode anyway were people who would only love the game more if it actually was realistic. It should simply have arcade mode, and sim mode. Of course I guess part of the BS marketing is making morons think they're driving a remotely realistic representation of the real car however.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :They should just pay Scawen loads of cash for the current LFS physical model and implement that

Test Drive Unlimited S2 : It's ready when it's ready.

Don't forget the DLC that will come in 2015, it will contain one extra road and a small FWD hatchback packing around 200 bhp
Some information from Joystiq and Gamespot

Taken from Forza Central

Quote from Shelby_Guy :New things mentioned:

-208 Cars, not 175.

-100 Houses, not 99.

-Players pay for car damage.

-You can filter the type of drivers you want to see online (Aston Martin Owners, Ford Owners, etc.)

-President is responsible for managing the club, but responsibilities can be assigned to other members.

-32 Members is the max for a club

-Can only be a member to one club at a time

-Owning such a place as the Yacht offers more "activities".

-Level Cap @ 60

-@ Level 10 you can access the Airport to go to Oahu

-Oahu has been expanded with an additional Asphalt/Off-Road Trails

-Yacht can be docked at either Island

-Game has something called "Cruise Chains", a small HUD that pops up as drifts, jumps and other "daring" feats are chained together, racking up money in the process. Hit something, though, and whatever's been earned during the chain is forfeited.

I'm not sure about the driving physics, hopefully they choose to either go down the fun arcade route or the simulation route, and don't come out with some mutant between the two that doesn't really work like the first game. But the biggest change I'm looking for is improved sounds, the engines sounded weak in TDU, the sounds didn't carry very far either. If there are Zonda's and Ferrari's racing each other a few streets away from me, I want to be able to hear the echoing howls from their engines, and if I am cruising through some tunnels I want multiple eargasms.
those ford gt donuts looked like octogons.
That lady is bloody annoying.
she has some weird accent.
I really can't wait for this now, I reinstalled TDU1 and drove for over 300 miles with 8 other random guys *I believe they were Russian". But it was insane lol I had never been able to play the game for more than about 30mins before my old GFX card overheated :P

Shame this one will most likely be delayed

Physics wise I agree with what ya said quicksilver, but I guess they will end up doing the stupid arcade mode, then unlock hardcore mode.
shes a patel. btw i installed tdu again,so good
Looks good!

Whats the song btw, i know its a dubstep remix of one of Ellie Gouldings songs but i dont know which one

Edit: its Under the sheets! Tune, if anyone wants a listen.
When this comes out get the PC version and we will set up an LFS club and have cruises and we can even do rallying someone could go out and make pace notes for the offroad sections. We can then send those to everyone. Then pick who is who's co-driver and who is the drivers.
Yeah I was thinking of that too, like BC2.
Quote from adamlfs :I really can't wait for this now, I reinstalled TDU1 and drove for over 300 miles with 8 other random guys

Racked up over a thousand in the past few days So tired

Edit : seen through the interviews, can't wait. I just hope they deliver on their promises

Test Drive Unlimited 2
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