The, "Damn, feel like a dick now" moment.
(78 posts, started )
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I've actually been in a similar position, sometimes it just doesn't matter if they are fit or whatever, if you don't want to be bothered and they keep on bugging you then you're within your rights to tell them to **** off in whatever language you like. If it was the other way round and a bunch of guys were bothering some girls in a park then someone would probably call the police and call them perverts or something. So I wouldn't beat yourself up over it, you just did exactly what they did, said something they wouldn't understand. Loving the attitude of the guys on here by the way, you don't have to have sex with every single attractive girl you meet, some of us act on the brain in our heads not our pants.


Quote from Syfoon :My own "Damn, what a belm" story is DJ related.

Every DJ has probably done at least one of these TBH, but, I digress.

Was playing a hardstyle set (not my usual playing out style), and I had accidently burnt a short 3 min version of a track instead of the full DJ version, and it suddenly... stopped. Somehow managed to save myself and pull a mix out of my arse though!

Doesn't stop there... I was cueing up a track later on in the same set, and I stopped and ejected the track that was playing, as I got a bit confused and still had music going through my ears. The whole crowd just "Wheeeey!"'d at me, and I hid my face in my hands.

I haven't played any more hardstyle sets since

Haha. I feel it for you man.
Was walking to an ice cream store with my sister and mom, we passed a tanning salon, and my sister was like "hey I went there!", then I said "why, do you want cancer or something?" Then we looked up, and sitting on a bench near the store (most likely hearing range...) was a family, with a woman with a bald head. I felt like such a dick, even though I really didn't make fun of cancer or anything.
Quote from DevilDare :Jeez people. Why are you all saying we should of went for them? Is that how you all think? You spot a girl and straight away go for her and try to drag her into bed?


Is exactly that. they think with the "seccond head"...

So, i`m with you
Quote from Inouva :Is exactly that. they think with the "seccond head"...

So, i`m with you

/looking at your avatar
Quote from -NightFly- :/looking at your avatar

Inouva is female, shes just teasing

Another I'm a dick moment was back in school, when we wanted to watch a movie on some guys laptop (he looked just like Harry Potter with Acne). When he closed a folder we were presented with his desktop, on which I commented a bit too fast "Woah thats an ugly dude". How should I know that she was his girlfriend ...
First time I've made it into someones sig on LFSForum
#32 - 5haz
Did make me laugh.

A lot of men like to go round on their high horses pretending that they aren't pretty much sexually motivated most of the time, what is ironic is that its something people say as a way to try and impress women. But the truth is that we're all at the mercy of primeval urges that we can't control, even if we hide it well.
Not me personally, but my roommate:

I'm sure many people here know of Zero Punctuation, and the 'Pants on Head Retarded' slogan and T-Shirt. My roommate was wearing the shirt, walking to campus one day when this little old lady who works in the residence cafeteria walks by. She has some kind of issue with her motor skills, making walking difficult for her, and her son has some other kind of medical issue from birth (I don't know specifically what the disease is or what measure need to be taken to cope with, but I digress). She recognized him as he had live in residence for three years prior, and they smiled at eachother. She then saw the shirt he was wearing, in which the word 'retarded' is in huge black letters on the yellow background, and immediately her face turned sour as she passed by him on the sidewalk.

Bad day to wear the shirt :P
Quote from Syfoon :My own "Damn, what a belm" story is DJ related.

Every DJ has probably done at least one of these TBH, but, I digress.

Was playing a hardstyle set (not my usual playing out style), and I had accidently burnt a short 3 min version of a track instead of the full DJ version, and it suddenly... stopped. Somehow managed to save myself and pull a mix out of my arse though!

Doesn't stop there... I was cueing up a track later on in the same set, and I stopped and ejected the track that was playing, as I got a bit confused and still had music going through my ears. The whole crowd just "Wheeeey!"'d at me, and I hid my face in my hands.

I haven't played any more hardstyle sets since

Lol, stopped the wrong turntable, sent the fader to the wrong deck while mixing a track in coz i forgot which side i was supposed to be going to, took the needle off the wrong record, left the other channel up when cueing/beat matching, knocked into one of the decks and made it jump mid-mix, had a mix ready to go but somehow knocked the tempo up from 33 to 45, or from 45 to 33 and then having to start again, running out of record coz i thought there was one more vocal part or something to come and go and then i could start the mix when the beat comes back from that, but the last one was the LAST one, the same thing, much less record left than i thought, so i panic and grab the nearest choon to hand and do a horrid mix where im forever correcting the speed mid mix (which is bad), or it clashes like hell coz the track im attempting to mix really doesnt go well with the one thats playing...

I have done all those at one time or another over the years lol , but the people listening were usually too wrecked to notice or care, that or they were being kind by not mentioning anything

But, by FAR the WORST one i do every now and again is where i have a kind of mental moment (usually when im out of practice) when i have a mix on the go, the speed is right but its 'out' a bit, but i cant hear if its behind or ahead for some stupid reason, only slightly, just a minor correction one way or the other is needed, already all speed matched, i have just let go of the record to early or too late, so i think yeah its ahead (or visa versa), but i go the wrong way and make it worse, clashy hideous beats everywhere, requiring a big correction the right way once its happened, which i usually over correct coz im well pissed off by this point.
Quote from ACCAkut :Inouva is female, shes just teasing


i know

Quote from Syfoon :First time I've made it into someones sig on LFSForum

i just noticed the same on the post above.
Quote from danthebangerboy :Lol, stopped the wrong turntable, sent the fader to the wrong deck while mixing a track in coz i forgot which side i was supposed to be going to, took the needle off the wrong record, left the other channel up when cueing/beat matching, knocked into one of the decks and made it jump mid-mix, had a mix ready to go but somehow knocked the tempo up from 33 to 45, or from 45 to 33 and then having to start again, running out of record coz i thought there was one more vocal part or something to come and go and then i could start the mix when the beat comes back from that, but the last one was the LAST one, the same thing, much less record left than i thought, so i panic and grab the nearest choon to hand and do a horrid mix where im forever correcting the speed mid mix (which is bad), or it clashes like hell coz the track im attempting to mix really doesnt go well with the one thats playing...

I have done all those at one time or another over the years lol , but the people listening were usually too wrecked to notice or care, that or they were being kind by not mentioning anything

But, by FAR the WORST one i do every now and again is where i have a kind of mental moment (usually when im out of practice) when i have a mix on the go, the speed is right but its 'out' a bit, but i cant hear if its behind or ahead for some stupid reason, only slightly, just a minor correction one way or the other is needed, already all speed matched, i have just let go of the record to early or too late, so i think yeah its ahead (or visa versa), but i go the wrong way and make it worse, clashy hideous beats everywhere, requiring a big correction the right way once its happened, which i usually over correct coz im well pissed off by this point.

Ahaha, I think we're all guilty of some serious messups

I haven't touched vinyl in a very long time, I've forgotten what it's like to ride an analogue pitch, but I know what you mean about struggling to lock a beat when in a rush.... so glad I switched to CDJs

Another DJ messup would be when me and my buddy (RIP) were playing at the piss-up haven that was the Southside Bar in London. We were playing an mishmash set spanning breaks, tech, trance and hard, and we had a few "key" tunes to switch genres with. Was fairly drunk and had just had my mix, so I dipped into the CD box, but thirst suddenly struck me so I jumped out of the booth and headed towards the bar, pushed through the crowd () ordered us each a pint.

Back in the box I get, mate hands me the 'phones and I go looking for one of those important tunes... not there.

Manage to bodge a mix, but we're still on the genre that we were before, and we stayed there for a few more mixes, while both of us go MENTAL trying to remember if we burnt it, if it was left in the CDJs at home or if we lost it. With a stroke of luck, the promoter had the tune on vinyl so we used that, but it really messed us up.

Anyway, last mix, by this time I'm fairly mullered, and while 'avin' it I fell out of the booth, right onto my arse.

I struggle up to my feet and feel something jabbing me, I dip into my back pocket and there it is, the tune we spent about 20 minutes looking for, in several pieces

FYI, our final tune, after some thunderous 155bpm filthy UK hard trance was "Phil Oakley - Together in Electric Dreams"
I didn't read the post as it was too long. Did you get some dick?

lame btw
It wasn't aimed at you.

Nice and mature too, it was for Dan as I know he's a fellow DJ, so he'd see the funny side.

A simple tl;dr would have sufficed. 10 points for acting like a grown up.
every time i look at this thread title, i keep thinking "that's what she said" lmao. sorry, i'll get my coat.
ok so i was at my friends house, with 2 friends and a girlfriend. we were kinda bored, so one girl was like "hey chris, [my name] text my boyfriend. [who im also good friends with]"

i start texting him, and we are in a pretty boring conversation, when his girlfriend [who i was with] was talking to a little kid. she asked for a hug and a kiss and he gave it to her; [this kid is like 6, we are 15] since the conversation was so boring, we all decided for me to tell him that she kissed another guy, obviously as a joke.
this is how the conversation went:
me: "chelsea just kissed another guy
and dont shoot the messenger"
christian: "who"
christian: "and where can i find him"
me: "its just some guy, you got a few years on him"
christian: "why?"
me: "idk do you want a picture of him?"
christian: "yeah, but im going to beat the living $hit out of him"
me: "take it easy bro" [with picture of little kid attached, and yes i erased it; it would be creepy if i diddnt ]
christian: "you do realise i almost just broke everything in my house. my blood pressure went so high. i honest to god wanted to kill everyone"
me: "*nervous face* uhhhh....errrrrr.....surprise! : x"
christian: "if you saw me when yoy told me that you would have run"
me: "oh sorry "
christian: "i sugest you never do that again if you consider your life valuable. dont mean to be cruel but yeah"
me: "we thought it would be funny [not too sure if he knew i was with them or not]"
christian: "its not. not at all.
me: "oh "
christian: [a while later] "did you know you could punch something hard enough your knuckles bleed."
me: "yeah, did you?"
christian: "yeah"
me: [i forget what i said back, all the ones i said are from memory, my EnV touch erases all the sent ones after a this is off memory but this is pretty much it]

i felt real bad, and i still do...i knew it would make him mad...but not this mad. not even his gf thought he would get this mad. i thought if anything when i told him, hed be like grr a little, laugh it off, and it would bring them closer in the end..he texted chelsea later and said he wrote a poem about it [hes kinda girly...we called that he would ].
well... here it goes...

an hour or so ago, i was trying to keep up with my brother ( driving an mr2 turbo, 15 psi, 330+hp ) who was racing against a 1990's ferrari.... i was driving a pontiac montana ( 3.6L v6 , around 150hp ) .. so yeah, i was in the middle lane, i put the signal to change to the fast lane, and when i do so, i hear a ****ing golf/jetta driver shouting at me... yes, the douchebag was glued to my ass in the middle lane, so when he saw that i was about to change, he tried to do it b4 me and pass me. but i didnt see him coz he was glued to my ass to start with. nevertheless, he got pissed and started doing road rage, all this at 120kph ( yes, im still a learner... got my L back in december ) so he passes me, he cuts me. he did that at least 4 times. the last time he did it, he kinda slowed down after cutting me, so i put my window down, and do the '' bye bye '' hand movement... that got him even more pissed so he just drove away into oblivion.... so yeah, then i had to catch up to my bro... so i was doing 140 ( bear in mind, my bro told me he was doing easily over 180 ) and i catch up to the dude in the vw and i passed him at speed... so yeah... there is my i feel like a dick... but really , in the end he's the dick... but i still feel like one for pissing him off even more

the irony here is, that my bro's gf was my passenger because im still a learner. so to be allowed to drive i need someone with the regular license to be my passenger... a day before she'd say that i drive miles better than my bro... after today. idk if she still says so.. XD
Wow, streetracing now.

Some people are really showing here how stupid they are.
Quote from el pibe :well... here it goes...

an hour or so ago, i was trying to keep up with my brother ( driving an mr2 turbo, 15 psi, 330+hp ) who was racing against a 1990's ferrari.... i was driving a pontiac montana ( 3.6L v6 , around 150hp ) .. so yeah, i was in the middle lane, i put the signal to change to the fast lane, and when i do so, i hear a ****ing golf/jetta driver shouting at me... yes, the douchebag was glued to my ass in the middle lane, so when he saw that i was about to change, he tried to do it b4 me and pass me. but i didnt see him coz he was glued to my ass to start with. nevertheless, he got pissed and started doing road rage, all this at 120kph ( yes, im still a learner... got my L back in december ) so he passes me, he cuts me. he did that at least 4 times. the last time he did it, he kinda slowed down after cutting me, so i put my window down, and do the '' bye bye '' hand movement... that got him even more pissed so he just drove away into oblivion.... so yeah, then i had to catch up to my bro... so i was doing 140 ( bear in mind, my bro told me he was doing easily over 180 ) and i catch up to the dude in the vw and i passed him at speed... so yeah... there is my i feel like a dick... but really , in the end he's the dick... but i still feel like one for pissing him off even more

the irony here is, that my bro's gf was my passenger because im still a learner. so to be allowed to drive i need someone with the regular license to be my passenger... a day before she'd say that i drive miles better than my bro... after today. idk if she still says so.. XD

Street racing and cutting people off on your learners?

You're going places lol
#44 - Jakg
Quote from el pibe :but i didnt see him coz he was glued to my ass to start with.

Good luck with the whole "learning to drive" thing, you'll need it.
Please drive safely on public roads; can't stress this enough.

Its really not fair if you caused an accident and an innocent driver/passenger had to pay with their life.

Remember, you may be a great driver; it takes a split second for another driver to make a mistake/turn/sway into your lane... at those speeds...

Think about the other road users. Their loved one. Your loved ones.

Drive safe.
Quote from Silverracer :Please drive safely on public roads; can't stress this enough.

Its really not fair if you caused an accident and an innocent driver/passenger had to pay with their life.

Remember, you may be a great driver; it takes a split second for another driver to make a mistake/turn/sway into your lane... at those speeds...

Think about the other road users. Their loved one. Your loved ones.

Drive safe.

**** your safe.

Quote from el pibe :yes, im still a learner... got my L back in december

The one thing that jumped out at me about that collection of idiocy is highlighted. Got it back? Did you lose it for driving like a total moron?

And only 150hp from a 3.6L V6 engine? In the name of all that's holy...
#48 - 5haz
'Nuff said about him really.

Well the other day I come home and my mums doing the gardening and hasn't noticed I'm back, so I got a hard back book and slammed it shut above her head, I felt like such a dick afterwards.

Really must stop these pranks.
Quote from Shotglass :seriously... how small is your penis? do you even have any?

You're asking my penis size?

Thats kinda gay man.

The, "Damn, feel like a dick now" moment.
(78 posts, started )