ok so i was at my friends house, with 2 friends and a girlfriend. we were kinda bored, so one girl was like "hey chris, [my name] text my boyfriend. [who im also good friends with]"
i start texting him, and we are in a pretty boring conversation, when his girlfriend [who i was with] was talking to a little kid. she asked for a hug and a kiss and he gave it to her; [this kid is like 6, we are 15] since the conversation was so boring, we all decided for me to tell him that she kissed another guy, obviously as a joke.
this is how the conversation went:
me: "chelsea just kissed another guy
and dont shoot the messenger"
christian: "who"
christian: "and where can i find him"
me: "its just some guy, you got a few years on him"
christian: "why?"
me: "idk do you want a picture of him?"
christian: "yeah, but im going to beat the living $hit out of him"
me: "take it easy bro" [with picture of little kid attached, and yes i erased it; it would be creepy if i diddnt

christian: "you do realise i almost just broke everything in my house. my blood pressure went so high. i honest to god wanted to kill everyone"
me: "*nervous face* uhhhh....errrrrr.....surprise! : x"
christian: "if you saw me when yoy told me that you would have run"
me: "oh sorry

christian: "i sugest you never do that again if you consider your life valuable. dont mean to be cruel but yeah"
me: "we thought it would be funny [not too sure if he knew i was with them or not]"
christian: "its not. not at all.
me: "oh

christian: [a while later] "did you know you could punch something hard enough your knuckles bleed."
me: "yeah, did you?"
christian: "yeah"
me: [i forget what i said back, all the ones i said are from memory, my EnV touch erases all the sent ones after a while....so this is off memory but this is pretty much it]
i felt real bad, and i still do...i knew it would make him mad...but not this mad. not even his gf thought he would get this mad. i thought if anything when i told him, hed be like grr a little, laugh it off, and it would bring them closer in the end..he texted chelsea later and said he wrote a poem about it [hes kinda girly...we called that he would
