Today I have read more Scawen's posts (some again or once more) from past few years, and I agree with him about LFS.
My opinion is: There out, in our world is so many products what has been very quickly developed and released, but their quality and reliability is so poor, that it is very poor! STOP STOP STOP of these product! I not need these products! I'm very disappointed with these products! Most of my past purchased products of last 5 yeras is very unstable and not reliable, but these products are developed by companies what has very good name and high qualities and reliable products before, I know, because I had some marks and companies what I like more as 5 years back (it is 10-15 years back), and before has very hi quality products, but in last 5 years there is some problem on the market. All quality and reliability of electronics and software products are rapidly going down! Functionality is raising and quality and reliability is going down. What is happen? There are more opened market as never before. There are more competition as never before. All companies want to be first with his product, and it need with minimal expenses or charges but with maximal profit. But it is mathematically not possible for very high quality and reliable products. If I want to develop some products I need some charges and expenses and time for it. If I want develop it in shorter time, then I need more expenses and charges and employes. But it is not possible to do it with no staff/employed personnel without expenses and without developing time. If I using this strategy, result will very quickly and cheaply developed product, but with very poor quality and non reliable product. Because hight quality and reliability need many time for developing, tuning and testing. I want no more (no longer) purchase any shit products from todays market, where is only profit is higher priority! I not need 1000 quickly developed and cheap products! I want 1 product, but with very high quality and reliability! - Are you understand the basics of my words?
Any electronics or SW products purchased in today have so many SW bugs as never before! And it is never updated or solved, because lifetime of all modern products HW or SW are so short, that after few months there were released "new" version or "next generatin" of that product and older version is going to garbage. But my question is: We need this? It will what quality or reliability? We have every month new cheap product, but with no VALUE!
Phylosophy of todays market is sell, but not customer's satisfaction!
Phylosophy of todays market is quantity, but not quality!
Phylosophy of todays market is profit, but not support!
If you want quantity, and every month "next generation" new products, then your choice can be Need for Speed (metaphorically) or any other mass-produced games or products (HW, SW, or electronics). But what new is in every new version of other "simulators" or racing games. Every years coming completelly new versions, but it is only content, but not core or engine of application. Real named cars, but with no real developed physics. Every time new graphics objects or textures, but in core of SW engine and physics engine is never updated. Every version is same game sell again, and again, with new objects (cars, tracks) but with same engine.
But LFS is other type of software. LFS not have everytime new graphics or objects, but it everytime have updated and better developed CORE of application, physics of the LFS, what is basic and most important thing of this very nice simulator. LFS not contain thousands real named cars with not real physics (except few licenced MRT, FBM, BF1, RAC). LFS contain unreal named cars (it is uselessly very expensive charges for 1 real car name, what is few letters), but LFS's cars are based on real cars with real physics and real behaviour, and real look/case/body, or very similar, but released only with unreal name. But simulation of cars will not better from few letters what is real name, but it will better from hard work and developing of high level simulation! In my opinion the LFS is not dying, just it is at beginning. There are so many things what must be to do in future in LFS. But LFS not have mammoth/mega/giant company with many office employees, who doing mostly marketing only, but not directly real technical work with the main product. LFS have 3 developers, from these ONE is programmer!!! LFS is very nice work and product from 1 programmer! It is very clean and stable SW product, with no bugs and mistakes, and with no garbage content (graphical or SW code)!!! LFS never crashed me, also as my old computers from 199x' years. But my new PC from 2007, and my many other new purchased electronics and SW products are very unstable and it have a lot of bugs and mistakes, what has not normally developed and tested with manufacturers.
LFS is only THE ONE stable and reliable product from many hundred other products what I purchased in past 5 years! I not need very quick released and most bug-full product! I need most stable and reliable product! And LFS is that product!
I have tried and tested many other "simulators" as rFactor, GTR series, RACE series, but all is only installed but not used (except first run). These are not bad (compare with NFS), but I'm still not satisfied with their physics modell. But LFS is used and played almost everyday second day (only everyday second day because I have primary work and other duties). LFS is best for me. It is stable, reliable, and have best physics modell on the simulator's market.
I not need XRT with real name, when it is based on real car with very similar look and behaviour of original. I not need modding. Many mods is only trash and garbage. There is many rFactor mods, but 99% is garbage. If I want VW Polo, or Renault Clio, or Skoda Fabia, or Fiat Punto, these are very similar cars with very similar behaviour and parameters. It is not priority to have all off these mods for XFG or real modell, when chassis and physics modell of all these mods is XFG. If you have in-car (cockpit) look, then you not need all these models. And if you have out-back look, then you are not racer, and better for you is go to play NFS.
Be patient, for bug-less and high quality product.
That is all, I want to say. Thank you