thats good point..sorry
might as well spill it, not like i know any of you
about a week ago one of my friends asked if he wanted to go to 6 flags (amusement park) and he said it was with the church, which is the only down side. we ended up going, and i brought another friend. its the three of us.
we get there and immediately break off the group, we were allowed. my 2 friends were single..i am not. so we start by going on a few rides. then we decide to try to pick up girls. sure i was the only one to do the talking (only one with confidence i guess..) and i assumed id get their numbers and thats about it..not really cheating in any sense
so we find 3 girls walking, one is REALLY hot, REALLY pretty, and like...perfect in my eyes. then her 2 friends were cute basically. so i walk up, use my little line, and get their numbers. i text her to tell her who i am and give her my number. now me and my friend are texting her as we go on rides. we decide to meet up, and hang friend asked "can i have her" and since i have a gf i said sure. we were hanging out and my friend is trying anything he could to try to get her to like him. i am just casually being myself and talking.
before i knew she was more interested in me then my friend. so i thought nothing really of it, and just went along with it..not actually doing anything just going with it. so finally we went on a few rides...we were hanging with them..then i got ditched and its just me with those girls. we went on a few rides, and one of them she grabbed my this time i am still not thinking that is too bad, it really isnt; just a hand.
so a few hours went by and we finally find my friends. at this time we pretty much hold hands everywhere we walk. now in the back of my mind i have been thinking half of the day, what am i going to do if it gets more then holding hands. i never really got to decide. but we go on one last ride, just me, her, and her friend. it ended, and we took a seat. everyone went kinda faar away, but still clearly in sight, maybe like 30 feet away (like 15 yards maybe).. we are just talking, and finally my friend starts to be a complete dick, and says stuff like "do it man!" "she wants it!" like yelling it..all while everyone is staring blatently at us, and i have my arm around her..he finally said "just kiss her" "she is waiting for it" and a bunch of stuff like that..
she says "should we just do it"
i say "idk what do you think"
she says "sure"
and we kinda madeout for like 10 seconds.
we get up and walk over, me kinda thinking "ohmygawd" (secretly thinking how good of a kisser she was

it was literally time to go at that moment, and we hugged, and had one last kiss goodbye.
if they werent saying that stuff and they werent right there...i probably would have just because i probably wont see her again, and i honestly did have some feelings for her after that day..
anyways, idk how bad to feel because me and my gf havent seen eachother since we have been together. we live far away, we dont see eachother often, wont see eachother often, and our parents dont approve.. and we got together by text. it was like "do you want to be mine" "yeah" "we can make this offocial" "we could wait until we are in person" "we wont see eachother for a while" then i just asked her out not thinking i had much of a choice...not even having too much feeling for her as of a few nights ago, and thinking of out circumstances.
so not sure what to do/feel, but already thinking about ending our relationship, but after i see her to see if i can start liking her again.