Quote from wheel4hummer :People can what?

"I honestly don't see what people expect to gain by posting their personal issues in this thread, really"
Quote from Bose321 :"I honestly don't see what people expect to gain by posting their personal issues in this thread, really"


And I wouldn't tell anyone in a public forum about my gf.
Quote from Bose321 :"I honestly don't see what people expect to gain by posting their personal issues in this thread, really"

The subject (well, technically "gerund" according to wikipedia, but "subject" for sake of simplicity) of that sentence is "what people expect to gain by posting their personal issues in this thread." Replying with "Because they can?" to that makes absolutely no sense.

Let this be a lesson to people reading through this thread to avoid using sentence fragments!
Quote from wheel4hummer :....Instead of coming on here and stating a problem and waiting for advice, just figure things out yourself.

Not everyone are as smart as you i guess.
Quote from -NightFly- :Not everyone are as smart as you i guess.

Of course not everyone is as smart as me. I'm pretty far down there, but I'm not the stupidest person in existence.
Quote from wheel4hummer :Of course not everyone is as smart as me. I'm pretty far down there, but I'm not the stupidest person in existence.

So what harm is done by asking some advice in this thread?
Quote from -NightFly- :So what harm is done by asking some advice in this thread?

The question I was asking was: "what do people expect to gain by posting in this thread?" What harm, if any, occurs has nothing to do with what people expect to gain from posting here. (I really would like to know what people who post in this thread wanting advice expect to gain from doing so, but everyone seems to want to start side arguments)
Quote from wheel4hummer :The subject (well, technically "gerund" according to wikipedia, but "subject" for sake of simplicity) of that sentence is "what people expect to gain by posting their personal issues in this thread." Replying with "Because they can?" to that makes absolutely no sense.

Let this be a lesson to people reading through this thread to avoid using sentence fragments!

Quote from wheel4hummer :People can what?

Quote from wheel4hummer :I honestly don't see what people expect to gain by posting their personal issues in this thread, really. Instead of coming on here and stating a problem and waiting for advice, just figure things out yourself. As long as you don't say anything that's horribly virulent, provocative, or perverted, the worst that will likely happen is you will get rejected, unless the person you're talking to, or their loved ones or significant other(s) aren't sane. Or if you aren't sane and don't realize what is and isn't a bad thing to say.

Quote from wheel4hummer :Of course not everyone is as smart as me. I'm pretty far down there, but I'm not the stupidest person in existence.

Get the stick out of your arse and quit being an elitist prick. Taking the piss out of our casual English is a retarded endeavour because we will all keep doing it. This thread is a staple of the LFS forum, and one of the few conversation threads that keeps on topic.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Get the stick out of your arse and quit being an elitist prick. Taking the piss out of our casual English is a retarded endeavour because we will all keep doing it.

I'm not "taking the piss" out of anyone's casual English. I wanted to clarify what I was saying since it seemed like it was mis-understood. Do you honestly think answering "Because they can" to the statement "I don't see what people expect to gain from posting in this thread" makes sense?

Also, why do you take 3/4 of my posts out of context without quoting the posts between them? What are you trying to prove by doing that? Also, putting a smiley at the end of your post after calling me an "elitist prick" doesn't make it any better. If you're just going to insult me then you may as well not reply to me because you're not going to provoke me into acting irrationally, anyway.
Quote from wheel4hummer :I'm not "taking the piss" out of anyone's casual English. I wanted to clarify what I was saying since it seemed like it was mis-understood. Do you honestly think answering "Because they can" to the statement "I don't see what people expect to gain from posting in this thread" makes sense?

Also, why do you take 3/4 of my posts out of context without quoting the posts between them? What are you trying to prove by doing that? Also, putting a smiley at the end of your post after calling me an "elitist prick" doesn't make it any better. If you're just going to insult me then you may as well not reply to me because you're not going to provoke me into acting irrationally, anyway.

Anyway what? That's a bit of a fragment too!

To most people, "Because they can" is a pretty full thought to the statement "I don't see what people expect to gain from posting in this thread". They aren't gaining anything, but doing so "because they can"... It's definitely a fragment, but any logical person could infer the correct context of the fragment.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Anyway what? That's a bit of a fragment too!

To most people, "Because they can" is a pretty full thought to the statement "I don't see what people expect to gain from posting in this thread". They aren't gaining anything, but doing so "because they can"... It's definitely a fragment, but any logical person could infer the correct context of the fragment.

for once, +1 to dustin.
Quote from wheel4hummer :I honestly don't see what people expect to gain by posting their personal issues in this thread, really.

For once, +1 to w4h.

I would never even think of posting any personal problems I have on an internet forum.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :They aren't gaining anything, but doing so "because they can"... It's definitely a fragment, but any logical person could infer the correct context of the fragment.

If they aren't gaining anything then why are they posting here?
Everyone needs to vent. I tend to call people ****ing retarded as my venting method.. but sometimes just talking to people about a situation makes a person feel better. The internet is prime for this because it keeps the anonymity (for the most part) rather than trying to convince your friend that "a friend of a friend" isn't you talking about how you knocked up some stripper inside a cake.
Even if it looks like we dont get anything " good '' when we tell our situation with a person we love... well... theres no point for you to come here.

those who post about what is goin on with them probably NEED to do that instead of doing, lets say, suicide. any advice is good and will be usefull at least once in a life time. (even if its a troll who's trolling who gives the advice)
Quote from el pibe :those who post about what is goin on with them probably NEED to do that instead of doing, lets say, suicide.

Find someone more appropriate to talk to than hundreds of people you don't know at all.
as dustin said

'' The internet is prime for this because it keeps the anonymity (for the most part) rather than trying to convince your friend that "a friend of a friend" isn't you talking about how you knocked up some stripper inside a cake. ''
Why would you want to convince a friend that it isn't you you are talking about?
Quote from zeugnimod :Why would you want to convince a friend that it isn't you you are talking about?

Because it's a sh*t friend probably... kids these days...
Get rid of the friend then.
Quote from zeugnimod :Why would you want to convince a friend that it isn't you you are talking about?

because the internet gives an unbiased advice.

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
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