+1 Dustin. Sometimes it is better to have a neutral view of things (friends tend to bend over on your side eventually), So basically i can't see what is so irritating for w4h about this If people choose to share some of their personal life with someone they basically don't know, let them do it. People are different, perhaps some of us don't have a friends to share their life at all.
My lord some of you infer "because they can" in completely the wrong way.

I quoted all of what you said and thought of it as "Why do people post their issues in this thread". My reply was "because they can". I don't care if its a fragment or not, it answers the question.

Some people just say whatever they say to vent, not for advice. We just got done with a discussion on how its easiest to talk to complete strangers about anything, this to me is a prime example.

No point in continuing really, either the thread interests you or it doesn't. This thread clearly doesn't interest you so what is the point of saying anything here?
Because he can ?

Also, with the diversity of people on this forum, from different countries and cultures, who have had different experiances personally, grown up in different places, are of different ages etc, i personally think that suggestions or advice of any kind can always be useful, as someone may post having not been in a given situation before, but others may have been in such a situation (whatever it may be) themselves, so they could say well i was here not so long ago and i did this, but this happened, so i would do this because of this etc...

Some say you must make, and learn by your mistakes, but the benefit of someone elses experience cant be a bad thing either.
i went to 6 flags yesterday and i end up feeling like a dick, in such mixed emotions in every way...i have some stories, but i dont think i want to post...QUICK EVERYBODY PM ME
wow, you really have a very eventfull life dont'ya?
Quote from el pibe :wow, you really have a very eventfull life dont'ya?

Was about to say.

logi stop whoring for attention. Getting annoying now.
im not whoring

im staying on topic

and yeah lately i do have an eventful life..but this time its...different
What? a girl launched an attack on you while on a rollecoaster and gave you her number and a kiss?

Quote from logitekg25 :i went to 6 flags yesterday and i end up feeling like a dick, in such mixed emotions in every way...i have some stories, but i dont think i want to post...QUICK EVERYBODY PM ME

Seriously dude. No offense, but you're getting a bit spammy right now. Either tell the story if you want to share it, or don't if you want to keep it for you.

I'd agree with DevilDare on that one, this is blatant attention whoring IMO
thats good point..sorry

might as well spill it, not like i know any of you

about a week ago one of my friends asked if he wanted to go to 6 flags (amusement park) and he said it was with the church, which is the only down side. we ended up going, and i brought another friend. its the three of us.

we get there and immediately break off the group, we were allowed. my 2 friends were single..i am not. so we start by going on a few rides. then we decide to try to pick up girls. sure i was the only one to do the talking (only one with confidence i guess..) and i assumed id get their numbers and thats about it..not really cheating in any sense

so we find 3 girls walking, one is REALLY hot, REALLY pretty, and like...perfect in my eyes. then her 2 friends were cute basically. so i walk up, use my little line, and get their numbers. i text her to tell her who i am and give her my number. now me and my friend are texting her as we go on rides. we decide to meet up, and hang out...my friend asked "can i have her" and since i have a gf i said sure. we were hanging out and my friend is trying anything he could to try to get her to like him. i am just casually being myself and talking.

before i knew she was more interested in me then my friend. so i thought nothing really of it, and just went along with it..not actually doing anything just going with it. so finally we went on a few rides...we were hanging with them..then i got ditched and its just me with those girls. we went on a few rides, and one of them she grabbed my hand...at this time i am still not thinking that is too bad, it really isnt; just a hand.

so a few hours went by and we finally find my friends. at this time we pretty much hold hands everywhere we walk. now in the back of my mind i have been thinking half of the day, what am i going to do if it gets more then holding hands. i never really got to decide. but we go on one last ride, just me, her, and her friend. it ended, and we took a seat. everyone went kinda faar away, but still clearly in sight, maybe like 30 feet away (like 15 yards maybe).. we are just talking, and finally my friend starts to be a complete dick, and says stuff like "do it man!" "she wants it!" like yelling it..all while everyone is staring blatently at us, and i have my arm around her..he finally said "just kiss her" "she is waiting for it" and a bunch of stuff like that..

she says "should we just do it"
i say "idk what do you think"
she says "sure"
and we kissed..like kinda madeout for like 10 seconds.
we get up and walk over, me kinda thinking "ohmygawd" (secretly thinking how good of a kisser she was )

it was literally time to go at that moment, and we hugged, and had one last kiss goodbye.
if they werent saying that stuff and they werent right there...i probably would have just because i probably wont see her again, and i honestly did have some feelings for her after that day..

anyways, idk how bad to feel because me and my gf havent seen eachother since we have been together. we live far away, we dont see eachother often, wont see eachother often, and our parents dont approve.. and we got together by text. it was like "do you want to be mine" "yeah" "we can make this offocial" "we could wait until we are in person" "we wont see eachother for a while" then i just asked her out not thinking i had much of a choice...not even having too much feeling for her as of a few nights ago, and thinking of out circumstances.

so not sure what to do/feel, but already thinking about ending our relationship, but after i see her to see if i can start liking her again.
Thanks for entertaining me:munching_

Now you acted like a dick IMO, but who am I to have an opinion on you
who cares
wasnt this topic about pictures of gf? honestly who cares about your personal lives here? its the worst place to tell anything about yourself.
you asked me to post cause i was "whoring", i posted, you flame...its on topic (tecnically) so idk what you want me to do

and i know i acted like a dick...but idk there really is no explaining..thats how it happened and most people think i shouldnt feel too bad, cause of the situation with my gf, who really isnt really a gf right now.

EDIT: i guess it is about pictures

Quote from e2mustang :wasnt this topic about pictures of gf? honestly who cares about your personal lives here? its the worst place to tell anything about yourself.

I agree with you in the facts dear sir, but this thread has been hi-jacked like 300 posts ago already. I don't see why people should moan about that right now

Anyway, there's obviously a need to create a new thread, something like "post your situation with girls". Need something to keep me entertained during boredom periods
Or Logitek could start his own one entirely. Logi Love or something.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I agree with you in the facts dear sir, but this thread has been hi-jacked like 300 posts ago already. I don't see why people should moan about that right now

Anyway, there's obviously a need to create a new thread, something like "post your situation with girls". Need something to keep me entertained during boredom periods

well i never read any of the posts until now,went back few pages and thats when i wrote. i guess its good to beat the time here when boredom strikes.
Quote from CSF :Or Logitek could start his own one entirely. Logi Love or something.

Because you call this love

Nah, then I'd rather call it "Logitek hooking with random chicks - Spoilers included"
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Because you call this love

Nah, then I'd rather call it "Logitek hooking with random chicks - Spoilers included"

Well yes it's a special love only for him.
"Starting to get spammy". For crying out loud he has 8 posts per day.

Anyways... "The life of logi" would be a good place for it all.
Quote from PMD9409 :"Starting to get spammy". For crying out loud he has 8 posts per day.

Anyways... "The life of logi" would be a good place for it all.

Nah, "posts per day" means nothing IMO. If you still have constructive and interresting stuff to say, why not in the end.

That said I'm probably not the right person to tell you that considering the rubbish posts I've had in this thread so far

And yea, +1 for the logitek thread
Well read his 8 posts per day.

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
(5206 posts, started )