Errrmmm.. Not that i want to step on the cats tail, but what on earth has this topic got to do with "Unofficial Addons", it started as someone asking for the least required thing in this game, and went to people comparing American Muscle to European Spec cars
I live in europe, i have wanted a Mustang Fastback my entire life, american muscle is the best type of muscle.
Yes European cars can turn and grip alot better, but at the end of the day, i don't want a car to whip some guys ass who has a SRT-4.
I like what cars i want to, but American Muscle will always tickle my taste buds.

) seen a Camero SS i think it was, in my home town here in Ireland, the car was so damn loud, it was the best sound i have ever heard in my life.
The car was so loud it rumbled and echo's down the street. From that day i have wanted to pull up in town and rev one of them damn cars!
I also would love a Nissan Skyline, and a 180SX.
Feel free to grill me, but at the end of the day i don't care what YOU think of my personell preferance.
I ain't gonna let someone tell me my car isn't "Amazing", i don't care if it is or not, if i love my car then i will drive it.
Whether it is a SRT-4 or a Miata WHO cares?

I understand alot of people here really compete in Drift or Auto X and Track Day competitions and fair juice to them, im happy for you's, i would love to take a car to any of them events.
Before you ask what i drive, i drive NATHA thing, i havn't got a car, i was gonna buy a Toyota Supra online from someone.
But i met a problem, here in ireland we have "Little Boy Racers" in america they are called "Ricers", they race around all day on the streets and because of this childish behaviour the insurance for me in a Toyota Supra would be about 10k, i wouldn't even get insurance on a American Muscle car.
What i am getting at is this,
You want to put a Body Kit on your car? Go ahead, you want to flame someone for having a body kit then you do so, but remember that its personell preferance.
Its like Drifting is not a sport and yadda yadda, who cares? I want to drift around a corner then i will, but i have one firm believe.
You want to Drift? Then join a DRIFT server, theres loads of them.
You want to Race? Then join a RACE server, theres loads of them to.
You want to Auto X, YOU GET MY POINT!...
Don't grill someone for having fun, let them do what they want to do.
Anyway as for the original topic.
NOS? No get out of my face, if you need nos, then you need driving lessons, why do people buy Artificial power for there damn cars?
Get a Intercooler, get a Turbo, get whatever you want, but please do not join the NFS and F&F generation of drivers.
As for impressing girls with cars, as was mentioned abit back, if a girl is shallow enough to pick you for your car, will she make you dinner and take care of you when your sick? Ehh no she won't.
I have respect for the people who do there own thing, but i will not show respect to those who stop people from doing there own thing.
The only post needed in this thread was the second post, simply stating there will be no nos as of yet.
Im sorry but if you want nos in a game go get NFS, i understand this game is the ultimate simulator, and i agree totally, but if you can't win driving a car in this game without tapping a button to get more speed, then get another hobbie.
PS: Please don't flame me, im just voicing opionion, and yes i talk alot of nonsence