The online racing simulator
Quote from Fuse5 :oh and just out of curiosity
where is this panic that you so often and illustriously describe?

Obviously trying to actually understand something is a sign of panic in some part of the global.

While subscribing to ignorance is the totally right mentality.
Quote from 91mason91 :Shit happens.

There speaks the truly ignorant

Please actually read my link above
Quote from Racer X NZ :There speaks the truly ignorant

Please actually read my link above

FGS He's right, I'll be honest, it has more chance of affecting you in NZ but still, you just gotta let others deal with it and stop worrying about something you have ab-so-lute-ly NO control over.

Shit happens is the most truthful down-to-earth thing you can say. Unless you're giving all your money to Japan for charity why bother?
TBO in NZ we don't give a ****
This is your problem.

All I"m trying to give you is a chance for you to avoid a really unpleasant death, the choice is up to you.
Bad stuff happens and you can't turn the tide of it unless your a wealthy man and can donate enough to fund the entire japanese safety crew for equipment and supplies.

It's okay to feel bad and help others, but if your country is suffering from a pretty bad natural diaster as well, then prioritize your homeland first. NZ Can't just send a army of workers over when they have to rebuild their country as well.
We were the first to send a crew to Japan and we sent 2/3 of all our available teams.

Just be aware of the difference between a natural disaster and a man made one.
Quote from Racer X NZ :TBO in NZ we don't give a ****
This is your problem.

All I"m trying to give you is a chance for you to avoid a really unpleasant death, the choice is up to you.

So, what do you suggest? Build a fallout shelter in my back garden and live my life as a paranoid schizophrenic? To be honest, I really don't fancy surviving an extinction level event anyway.
Just try reading the earlier link, diet plays a huge part in your pysical health.

Remember, you firmly believe that nuclear fusion is safe.

I don't, and neither does the rest of NZ.
It's not 100% safe, but unless we want to go back to the stone age we have to get power from somewhere. Anyway, there have been maybe 2 major incidents (Chernobyl, 3 mile island), and a few minor incidents with very minimal losses (Fukishima), not exactly a bad record. We all drive cars with much worse odds every day.

Anyway, are you suggesting eating a proper diet can stave off a nuclear blast?
All I can see is scared people scrambling for answers to things they have no understanding of, clinging to whatever scraps of internet blog evidence confirms their already fixed views. Isn't this how the whole concept of religion and fearing god started? Some things never change.

I'm not going to claim to know the truth to all this because I have only a basic knowledge of nuclear physics and radiation, which is why you wont catch me preaching using some piss poor research from biased internet sites to back me up.

Humans natrually select the answer or conclusion to an issue which most comforts their own hopes and fears, just because you may have found a handfull of blogs which flatter your fixed views dosen't neccessarily mean they are any closer to the reality than any major corporate or state sponsored information outlet.

I'm not saying that there is nothing to fear, but theres no conclusive evidence that our fears are founded on anything, and no internet blog sites are not conclusive evidence.
Quote from 5haz :I'm not saying that there is nothing to fear, but theres no conclusive evidence that our fears are founded on anything, and no internet blog sites are not conclusive evidence.

No body claim they are, but the blog site is just a summery of cases that has actually been studied and classified, it is something easy to swallow. Look up the official document if you will, and see for yourself if all these studies had been made up to induce fear on the population. But then if people don't have time to browse a quick link I don't expect they will go the length to actually find concrete sources.

Who is defending a fixed view here? The one who actually has some leads or the one who insist we don't know anything simply because he doesn't care enough to look anything up? And then of course everything against their view is propaganda. Once the credibility of the source is questioned, every evident becomes invalid, and people rather subscribe to ignorance, because you can't be wrong if you don't know anything, that's pathetic.

People should be alert about what they eat, it is true that eating food with slight radiation isn't going to do anything to you, but this incident will drag on for months, maybe years, if one continuously consume slightly poisoned food it will accumulate and start having a effect.

Don't know about your area, but in my area there are food found with minimal radioactive substances, and there is a trend of an increase in both doses and occurrence. With Japan's lack of transparency on the urgency of the situation it is logical to take more precaution then popular opinion demands.

It is not paranoia, it is just a simple thing that when you have the choice to eat clean food, which isn't anything more expensive or taste worse, why not eat the clean ones. Not like it destroys the fun of life or make you a pussy.

I don't understand why on the internet the most balatent thing always has to be debated to the death, I guess people have to actually sit at the nuclear plant site for a day or two to believe it can kill you? I guess it is just darwinism at work then.
Quote from Racer X NZ :There speaks the truly ignorant

Please actually read my link above

I've got more important shit to worry about which, if left, will kill me alot faster than your radiation bollocks.
In my opinion, we need loads of additional nuclear power plants everywhere. And keep them to a high standard, unlike Fukushima which wasn't up to safety standards.

While this Fukushima accident might affect a few lives in the local area, it's nothing compared to how many people are killed by coal power plants each day. That smoke is the worst imaginable for the environment, and it's very carcinogenic too.
I'm not going to fearmonger though, I like to stick with the facts. NPP's have a history of being generally clean and able to supply a lot of power. CPP's still supply most of the worlds electricity. I just don't think renewable energy has any possibility of replacing coal in the near future. Nuclear power does.
Quote from JJ72 :I don't understand why on the internet the most balatent thing always has to be debated to the death

I don't know, perhaps its because some people aren't so comfortable with believing the first thing they read without question? And the situation in Japan is far from blatant, in this tiny corner of the internet alone we've had attitudes ranging from 'everything is fine' to predictions of impending doom.
Quote from BlueFlame :I may not be detecting the sarcasm, but what you say is true anyway.

Yeah, there's a little sarcasm there, but not alot. I'm just pointing out how little the common person has control of on the issue and that we shouldn't worry about it too much.

Don't get me wrong, this is a bad thing, and this is what going to happen when ever you use fission to create power for long enough. It doesn't matter how safe you are able to get conditions something's always gonna end up happening eventually somewhere. The question for the normal person to ponder in wake of this is rather or not we're willing to live with the risks that come with producing nuclear power.

Me, I never had liked the idea of it. Give me solar, wind, natural gas, or even coal over fission. Global Warming, yeah, it's gonna happen a little bit under my workings, but at least you can move to higher ground when the water rises. I'll take that over being microwaved.
Quote from 5haz :I don't know, perhaps its because some people aren't so comfortable with believing the first thing they read without question?

That's why people have been given brains to separate truth from false...
Quote from -NightFly- :That's why people have been given brains to separate truth from false...

Few people use them for that though.
Quote from DeKo :So, what do you suggest? Build a fallout shelter in my back garden and live my life as a paranoid schizophrenic? To be honest, I really don't fancy surviving an extinction level event anyway.

Quote from BlueFlame :QFT.

Please don't agree with me, I now have to completely reverse my opinion.
Quote from DeKo :Please don't agree with me, I now have to completely reverse my opinion.

I can only be honest :P

Do agree with 5haz too though, nobody knows how bad Fukushima will be, I still doubt it will be as bad as Chernobyl. Although with the densely populated country of Japan, you'd expect the humans affected will be more.
Like I give a rats arse what you choose !

If radiation is safe and I'm talking a load of crap - Fine, your life

If people actually care about their and their kids future, then try reading what I post. It won't hurt and it may save your lives.

If your paid by the nuclear industry to rant about how safe it is then I hope you get lots of money for your lies.
If your not being paid, then your a complete dick and I recommend you negociate a better contract to talk your crap.
Quote from Racer X NZ :Like I give a rats arse what you choose !

If radiation is safe and I'm talking a load of crap - Fine, your life

If people actually care about their and their kids future, then try reading what I post. It won't hurt and it may save your lives.

If your paid by the nuclear industry to rant about how safe it is then I hope you get lots of money for your lies.
If your not being paid, then your a complete dick and I recommend you negociate a better contract to talk your crap.

Silent treatment required.
That's a good approach - rofl