The online racing simulator
Quote from Joku123 :Tried that and imo it's fair and everything works well.

Now I need to watch every South City wr so I can see which ones I can try to take after official patch release.

First you need to try so2r/fxr wr
Quote from hantti :First you need to try so2r/fxr wr

In fact, it's easy, but we need more time to do it.
Due to the 2 sectors, he improved the time, but not specifically
Quote from ARTlight :It's some kind of bug: when you fall into underworld, you actually freeze there. If you reset, you are being reset in the very same spot. The only way to get from there is pitting or joining the spectators.

It's not a bug ... (I think you know the rest of the sentence ... )

Quote from [Audi TT] :I think on straight track protection to be shut off because any scratches on the fence or the angle of apex rotation causes HLVC.
But I want to hear from other people's opinions.

That was quite a massive impact. Actually the wall effectively helped your car to stay "in the line" so invalidation is absolutely correct and necessary here.
Besides I'm quite sure this would have been invalidated in the "old version" also
Quote from avetere :It's not a bug ... (I think you know the rest of the sentence ... )

Hm, not really. If you are insulting, IDK why. If sentence ends with the reason, why it was made in such way, I would like to know that reason. If sentence ends with something else... Don't know.
Quote from avetere :That was quite a massive impact. Actually the wall effectively helped your car to stay "in the line" so invalidation is absolutely correct and necessary here.
Besides I'm quite sure this would have been invalidated in the "old version" also

It depends how hard hit the wall.. Z28

In the picture observed, as if I did. In other cases, if there was a touch of times during his did not improve.
Attached images
Attached files
[Audi TT]_SO3_FXR.spr - 34.7 KB - 385 views
Quote from ARTlight :Hm, not really. If you are insulting, IDK why. If sentence ends with the reason, why it was made in such way, I would like to know that reason. If sentence ends with something else... Don't know.

No insults intended ... and it ends with "it's a feature".

Case 1: You are on a "closed config"
If you go out of bounds you can be resetted to the point on track (or at least within the limits of the drivable area) which is closest to the one you ended up (or where you left the track; I don't really now how the position is calculated exactly), because LfS "knows" where you ought to drive. So everything is fine and as we knew it.

Case 2: You are on an "open config"
In this case LfS has no information on where you ought to be, as the world is totally open (and there are no track-nodes on which to decide where you should go).
So, as there is no information on where to put you, LfS can't put you anywhere.
If you reset while in a position where there is physical ground contact everything is fine and you are simply resetted ti the same position.
In a case as shown on your pic, where there is no ground, this cannot work. Actually in a previous version such a case resulted in endless respawning and falling through the ground. This is now effectively avoided by simply taking your car out of everything (retired).
Again, as there is no information on where to put you, I don't see an easy workaround for that. You might argue that you could directly go to spectators or pits but that would be even more irritating ...

Quote from [Audi TT] :It depends how hard hit the wall.. Z28

So, what is this video intended to show us?!?
Watch your first vid and then ask yourself one question:
Would your car have behaved in the same way (e.g. same line), if the wall you have touched would not have been there and would the resulting laptime thus not have been affected? This is the actual meaning of a "minor impact" ...
The answer to this question is simply: No. (you even get your suspension damaged ... not hard but it gets damage ...)
Quote from Scawen :

EDIT : Please hotlappers do try out the 0.6A1 hotlapping system. Victor and I worked for quite a while to try and make sure the wall hit detection was "fair". That means - invalidating hotlaps if the hit was significant, but trying not to invalidate them when there is a small scrape that wouldn't really benefit the lap time. Clearly there's a slight grey area but we had to draw the line somewhere.

OK boss ... mp;stc=1&d=1307888833 This is clean lap no contact i think (unofficial PB hotlap damn it Eza ! ) 56.30

I tried to create as many close hits and hard hits pushing damn XRT pretty hard in this one ... mp;stc=1&d=1307888833 56.43
Attached files
Gener_AL (UK)_SO2_XRT_05630.spr - 129.7 KB - 513 views
Gener_AL (UK)_SO2_XRT_05643.spr - 293.1 KB - 647 views
Quote from hantti :First you need to try so2r/fxr wr

I already have valid lap that is faster than 2nd laptime in hotlap chart. Will upload that when my old lap gets deleted.
Quote from avetere :So, what is this video intended to show us?!?
Watch your first vid and then ask yourself one question:
Would your car have behaved in the same way (e.g. same line), if the wall you have touched would not have been there and would the resulting laptime thus not have been affected? This is the actual meaning of a "minor impact" ...
The answer to this question is simply: No. (you even get your suspension damaged ... not hard but it gets damage ...)

see screenshots.
I tell you about the direct sections of the route, which can not be well to improve his time. Outside turning radius works well.
Attached images
South City Hotlaps
Here is the test output of the South City hotlap world records, created with Test Patch 0.6A1.

FAIL and PIT_STOP results will be deleted when the official patch is released (because of wall hits or pit stops).

On other tracks there are very few FAIL results - I think only 5 of the non-SO world records will be deleted for wall hits.

{SR}_NegÒo_SO1_XFG_057010 .. FAIL
Karolis[Lt]_SO1_XRG_056880 .. OK
Ciel_SO1_XRT_050980 .. OK
NickC_SO1_RB4_051010 .. OK
Ruben_Drifter_SO1_FXO_050570 .. OK
Rocabiliz_SO1_LX4_050100 .. OK
turbofreak_SO1_LX6_048050 .. PIT_STOP
VTiRacing_SO1_MRT_049380 .. PIT_STOP
kart-36_SO1_UF1_101050 .. PIT_STOP
Fox_2_SO1_RAC_048780 .. FAIL
IMOL_SO1_FZ5_048770 .. OK
Maddin15_SO1_FOX_040840 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO1_XFR_045490 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO1_UFR_045330 .. OK
Maddin15_SO1_FO8_036610 .. OK
vourliotis_SO1_FXR_040170 .. OK
bavorak_SO1_XRR_040240 .. OK
Ruben_Drifter_SO1_FZR_039820 .. OK
NickC_SO1_BF1_031620 .. FAIL
Simon0015_SO1_FBM_043680 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO1R_XFG_057530 .. OK
m.vaillant_SO1R_XRG_057470 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO1R_XRT_051410 .. OK
kart-36_SO1R_RB4_051670 .. OK
kart-36_SO1R_FXO_051100 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO1R_LX4_050480 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO1R_LX6_048400 .. OK
NickC_SO1R_MRT_049750 .. OK
Fege_SO1R_UF1_102210 .. PIT_STOP
arrowkart4_SO1R_RAC_049280 .. OK
arrechee_SO1R_FZ5_049110 .. OK
vincper_SO1R_FOX_041310 .. OK
VTiRacing_SO1R_XFR_046280 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO1R_UFR_045830 .. FAIL
DaveWS_SO1R_FO8_036850 .. OK
vourliotis_SO1R_FXR_040700 .. OK
NickC_SO1R_XRR_040630 .. FAIL
Daniel1992_SO1R_FZR_040560 .. OK
NickC_SO1R_BF1_031880 .. OK
Daniel1992_SO1R_FBM_044180 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO2_XFG_102990 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO2_XRG_102680 .. OK
Renesis.cl_SO2_XRT_055860 .. OK
hantti_SO2_RB4_056040 .. OK
arrechee_SO2_FXO_055480 .. OK
jomax_SO2_LX4_054890 .. OK
arrechee_SO2_LX6_052700 .. OK
ErAri_SO2_MRT_054580 .. OK
kart-36_SO2_UF1_108170 .. OK
Fox_2_SO2_RAC_053080 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO2_FZ5_053010 .. OK
Radziomistrzu_SO2_FOX_046770 .. OK
VTiRacing_SO2_XFR_050360 .. OK
AsnL_SO2_UFR_049990 .. OK
Garfild12_SO2_FO8_041720 .. OK
vourliotis_SO2_FXR_044970 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO2_XRR_045120 .. FAIL
ivantod_SO2_FZR_044710 .. OK
leonardo555_SO2_BF1_036920 .. FAIL
Hawku_SO2_FBM_049410 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO2R_XFG_103990 .. OK
Elgar_SO2R_XRG_103580 .. FAIL
Renesis.cl_SO2R_XRT_056930 .. FAIL
Renesis.cl_SO2R_RB4_056930 .. OK
radebe13_SO2R_FXO_056720 .. OK
pecholobo_SO2R_LX4_055210 .. OK
Matxs_SO2R_LX6_053320 .. OK
NickC_SO2R_MRT_054700 .. OK
arrechee_SO2R_UF1_108310 .. OK
Renesis.cl_SO2R_RAC_054080 .. OK
arrechee_SO2R_FZ5_054170 .. OK
Maddin15_SO2R_FOX_046790 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO2R_XFR_051240 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO2R_UFR_050940 .. FAIL
Garfild12_SO2R_FO8_042020 .. OK
Joku123_SO2R_FXR_045550 .. FAIL
Matias-_SO2R_XRR_045830 .. FAIL
JPeace_SO2R_FZR_045320 .. OK
Maddin15_SO2R_BF1_037250 .. OK
vincper_SO2R_FBM_049640 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO3_XFG_045490 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO3_XRG_045630 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO3_XRT_041960 .. OK
kart-36_SO3_RB4_041320 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO3_FXO_041390 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO3_LX4_040560 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO3_LX6_039770 .. OK
vincper_SO3_MRT_038200 .. OK
kart-36_SO3_UF1_048170 .. FAIL
arrowkart4_SO3_RAC_040440 .. FAIL
arrowkart4_SO3_FZ5_040400 .. OK
MaunoKasa_SO3_FOX_033040 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO3_XFR_036790 .. OK
Pe±a_Racing_SO3_UFR_037040 .. OK
MaunoKasa_SO3_FO8_030360 .. OK
kart-36_SO3_FXR_032930 .. FAIL
Matias-_SO3_XRR_033050 .. FAIL
arrowkart4_SO3_FZR_033080 .. FAIL
Karolis[Lt]_SO3_BF1_027230 .. FAIL
vincper_SO3_FBM_035100 .. OK
kart-36_SO3R_XFG_046230 .. FAIL
arrowkart4_SO3R_XRG_046430 .. OK
arrechee_SO3R_XRT_042310 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO3R_RB4_042180 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO3R_FXO_041970 .. OK
arrechee_SO3R_LX4_041110 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO3R_LX6_040280 .. FAIL
NickC_SO3R_MRT_038440 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO3R_UF1_048850 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO3R_RAC_040940 .. OK
arrechee_SO3R_FZ5_041090 .. FAIL
MaunoKasa_SO3R_FOX_033060 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO3R_XFR_037410 .. OK
arrechee_SO3R_UFR_036990 .. OK
MaunoKasa_SO3R_FO8_030510 .. OK
vourliotis_SO3R_FXR_033400 .. FAIL
Matias-_SO3R_XRR_033620 .. OK
NickC_SO3R_FZR_033210 .. FAIL
zeromussov_SO3R_BF1_027480 .. OK
Superobo_SO3R_FBM_035290 .. FAIL
arrowkart4_SO4_XFG_203540 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO4_XRG_203250 .. OK
arrechee_SO4_XRT_150960 .. OK
Night_Racer_SO4_RB4_150820 .. OK
radebe13_SO4_FXO_149960 .. OK
jomax_SO4_LX4_148990 .. OK
arrechee_SO4_LX6_145390 .. OK
NickC_SO4_MRT_147010 .. OK
kart-36_SO4_UF1_213890 .. OK
Fox_2_SO4_RAC_146610 .. OK
MoT3C_SO4_FZ5_146330 .. FAIL
MarcG_SO4_FOX_131360 .. OK
[DUcK]_SO4_XFR_139230 .. OK
Profi_SO4_UFR_139000 .. OK
Garfild12_SO4_FO8_122460 .. OK
arrechee_SO4_FXR_128740 .. OK
hugoluis_SO4_XRR_128700 .. OK
hugoluis_SO4_FZR_128090 .. OK
Garfild12_SO4_BF1_113590 .. FAIL
MarcG_SO4_FBM_136480 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO4R_XFG_205660 .. FAIL
arrowkart4_SO4R_XRG_205400 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO4R_XRT_152350 .. FAIL
arrechee_SO4R_RB4_152590 .. FAIL
Karolis[Lt]_SO4R_FXO_151870 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO4R_LX4_150180 .. OK
arrechee_SO4R_LX6_145630 .. FAIL
NickC_SO4R_MRT_148190 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO4R_UF1_215840 .. PIT_STOP
Fox_2_SO4R_RAC_147600 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO4R_FZ5_148530 .. FAIL
MaunoKasa_SO4R_FOX_132490 .. FAIL
Karolis[Lt]_SO4R_XFR_141040 .. OK
Under!_SO4R_UFR_140310 .. OK
Garfild12_SO4R_FO8_123180 .. OK
malcomax_SO4R_FXR_129930 .. OK
SCA-F1_SO4R_XRR_130170 .. FAIL
v1rg0_SO4R_FZR_129470 .. FAIL
Garfild12_SO4R_BF1_114230 .. FAIL
vincper_SO4R_FBM_137950 .. FAIL
arrowkart4_SO5_XFG_139960 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO5_XRG_140020 .. OK
AutoPilot_SO5_XRT_130440 .. OK
Worm_SO5_RB4_130180 .. OK
radebe13_SO5_FXO_129450 .. OK
arrechee_SO5_LX4_127840 .. OK
arrechee_SO5_LX6_125140 .. FAIL
NickC_SO5_MRT_124930 .. OK
kart-36_SO5_UF1_147560 .. OK
Fox_2_SO5_RAC_126770 .. OK
Rudy_van_Buren_SO5_FZ5_127180 .. OK
zockmachine_SO5_FOX_112450 .. OK
arrechee_SO5_XFR_119990 .. OK
ErAri_SO5_UFR_119590 .. OK
Garfild12_SO5_FO8_105750 .. FAIL
vourliotis_SO5_FXR_111580 .. OK
torpp1s_SO5_XRR_111790 .. FAIL
ivantod_SO5_FZR_111270 .. OK
leonardo555_SO5_BF1_058370 .. OK
RevengeR_SO5_FBM_116970 .. OK
arrechee_SO5R_XFG_140940 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO5R_XRG_141190 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO5R_XRT_131010 .. FAIL
NickC_SO5R_RB4_131460 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO5R_FXO_130550 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO5R_LX4_128890 .. OK
arrechee_SO5R_LX6_125810 .. OK
Maddin15_SO5R_MRT_125440 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO5R_UF1_148560 .. PIT_STOP
Maddin15_SO5R_RAC_127510 .. OK
arrechee_SO5R_FZ5_127520 .. OK
MaunoKasa_SO5R_FOX_112880 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO5R_XFR_121300 .. OK
ErAri_SO5R_UFR_120770 .. OK
Night_Racer_SO5R_FO8_106170 .. OK
malcomax_SO5R_FXR_112160 .. OK
arrechee_SO5R_XRR_112320 .. FAIL
NickC_SO5R_FZR_111820 .. FAIL
Garfild12_SO5R_BF1_059000 .. OK
Daniel1992_SO5R_FBM_117510 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO6_XFG_123040 .. OK
Matxs_SO6_XRG_122700 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO6_XRT_113850 .. OK
NickC_SO6_RB4_114220 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO6_FXO_113220 .. OK
Matxs_SO6_LX4_112830 .. OK
Matxs_SO6_LX6_109830 .. FAIL
Garfild12_SO6_MRT_113350 .. FAIL
kart-36_SO6_UF1_130400 .. OK
Fox_2_SO6_RAC_110540 .. OK
BlackMan_SO6_FZ5_110240 .. OK
MaunoKasa_SO6_FOX_101680 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO6_XFR_106710 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO6_UFR_106380 .. OK
Garfild12_SO6_FO8_054720 .. OK
Daniel1992_SO6_FXR_059220 .. OK
Daniel1992_SO6_XRR_059110 .. OK
leonardo555_SO6_FZR_059040 .. OK
leonardo555_SO6_BF1_048240 .. FAIL
v1rg0_SO6_FBM_105140 .. FAIL
arrowkart4_SO6R_XFG_122660 .. OK
Matxs_SO6R_XRG_122380 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO6R_XRT_113650 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO6R_RB4_113680 .. OK
arrechee_SO6R_FXO_112990 .. OK
kart-36_SO6R_LX4_112630 .. OK
Ruben_Drifter_SO6R_LX6_109440 .. OK
NickC_SO6R_MRT_113100 .. OK
kart-36_SO6R_UF1_129910 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO6R_RAC_110470 .. OK
m1chel_SO6R_FZ5_110440 .. OK
arrowkart4_SO6R_FOX_101470 .. OK
Karolis[Lt]_SO6R_XFR_106210 .. OK
Ruben_Drifter_SO6R_UFR_106170 .. OK
Hawku_SO6R_FO8_054820 .. OK
vourliotis_SO6R_FXR_059030 .. OK
Daniel1992_SO6R_XRR_059140 .. OK
m1chel_SO6R_FZR_058650 .. OK
leonardo555_SO6R_BF1_048190 .. OK
Daniel1992_SO6R_FBM_105090 .. OK

And some other WR's with pit stops in them, e.g. some Kyoto Oval world records.
Quote from avetere :Explanation:
Case 1: You are on a "closed config"

Case 2: You are on an "open config"

No, I think you did not understand. Reset is not needed, I just added that case. In fact, when people can't reset (/canreset no), they should be spectated immediately after falling to the underground world. Or am I wrong? Was it changed?
And by the way, closed config... There you still freeze and do not get spectated/reset if you do not do anything yourself. Like in the previous attachment, RETIRED, but neither spectated, nor reset (no matter, reset is on or off).
Question is, WHY people are not spectated if reset is turned off (in both open and closed configs)?
Flame CZE, then it is just go through all the WR to remove the pit hotlaps.
Quote from Flame CZE :And some other WR's with pit stops in them, e.g. some Kyoto Oval world records.

Yes, loads of them.

But I don't need anyone to test the fairness of pit stop fails. If they did a pit stop, it will be deleted. If they did not do a pit stop, it will not be deleted. There is no need to test that. I posted this list so people who are interested in hotlaps could take a look at those that now fail but didn't before, if they wish to do so.
Quote from ARTlight :Question is, WHY people are not spectated if reset is turned off (in both open and closed configs)?

In real life if you fall into the underworld you are not spectated.
Scawen, If you delete a WR, then 2 the result is 1, ie WR. The program checks only hotlaps WR or the entire list to a satisfactory hotlap?
Quote from Scawen :In real life if you fall into the underworld you are not spectated.

Well, this is actually very disputable and a matter of belief ...
Nevertheless, I LOLed hard on that one
(JayEyeBee) DELETED by JayEyeBee
Quote from [Audi TT] :Scawen, If you delete a WR, then 2 the result is 1, ie WR. The program checks only hotlaps WR or the entire list to a satisfactory hotlap?

Of course, all hotlaps will be checked, not just the world records.
That's two sig worthy posts now... wait three!

No mention yet of the upside down chalkmarks Scawen? Not a game breaker, but a newly introduced annoyance all the same.
Quote from Squelch :No mention yet of the backwards chalkmarks Scawen? Not a game breaker, but a newly introduced annoyance all the same.

Sorry but I don't know what you are talking about.
Quote from Scawen :Sorry but I don't know what you are talking about.

If a direction marker is placed it shows towards the camera, but a chalk mark placed immediately after is upside down.
First mentioned here
Attached images
I think he means the chalkmarks are now backwards - no idea what that means :S.
Well the chalk arrows have not changed, forward always meant forward (same direction as a start position).

So your point really is that you would prefer markers to be the opposite way. But they came from Aston and that's just the way they were made. They face "forward". So the "front" of them has the writing on it. That's how Eric first made them in the modeller and I really think that is the normal way that anyone would build an object. What you would call the front of a car and what you would call the front of a sign...

Only problem is you like the front of signs to oppose the front of a car. So the signs that you see on a road are all pointing backwards.

Anyway, that's just how it is so it will not be changed.
Quote from Scawen :Well the chalk arrows have not changed, forward always meant forward (same direction as a start position).

So your point really is that you would prefer markers to be the opposite way. But they came from Aston and that's just the way they were made. They face "forward". So the "front" of them has the writing on it. That's how Eric first made them in the modeller and I really think that is the normal way that anyone would build an object. What you would call the front of a car and what you would call the front of a sign...

Only problem is you like the front of signs to oppose the front of a car. So the signs that you see on a road are all pointing backwards.

Anyway, that's just how it is so it will not be changed.

No, I meant the chalk marks are upside down. The boards are correct from the camera pov and would face the driver as expected, but chalk arrows don't follow the same convention. (see attached pic in prev post) We have always had to rotate the chalks anyway, so no matter if that's how it is.
Quote from Squelch :If a direction marker is placed it shows towards the camera, but a chalk mark placed immediately after is upside down.
First mentioned here

You mean that when selecting a marker, the marker object is rotated 180 degrees and we do not see what he had in front of? Have to rotate the handle to see the picture on it.


He means that when choosing the left arrow in chalk, the default should be rotated so as I have in the picture.
Attached images
This thread is closed