#51 - wien
Apparently 80+ dead at Utøya. All kids around 15-20. This is so ****ed up I don't know what to think any more. This guy just calmly walked around slaughtering these kids. He wore a uniform to trick them into thinking he was a cop. The kids came out of hiding, and then he shot them...

EDIT: For the non-norwegians: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14259356
Now he gets to chill out in a comfortable and modern Norwegian prison. Maximum security prisons and life sentences are for punishment and retribution, there is no rehabilitating an animal like this. This guy will get 21 years max. I guess the Norwegian government has more mercy than this guy, thats for sure.
Quote :* The maximum determinate penalty is 21 years imprisonment, but only a small percentage of prisoners serve more than 14 years. Prisoners will typically get unsupervised parole for weekends etc. after serving 1/3 of their sentence (a maximum of 7 years) and can receive early release after serving 2/3 of their sentence (a maximum of 14 years).

* The maximum indeterminate penalty, called "containment" (Norwegian: forvaring), is also set at 21 years imprisonment, and the prisoner is required to serve at least 10 years before becoming eligible for parole. "Containment" is used when the prisoner is deemed a danger to society and there is a great chance of committing violent crimes in the future. If the prisoner is still considered dangerous after serving the original sentence, the prisoner can receive up to five years additional containment.

#53 - wien
Quote from flymike91 :Now he gets to chill out in a comfortable and modern Norwegian prison. Maximum security prisons and life sentences are for punishment and retribution, there is no rehabilitating an animal like this. This guy will get 21 years max. I guess the Norwegian government has more mercy than this guy, thats for sure.

You bet. Because we're better than him. We don't let pieces of shit like him scare us into abandoning our values.
Thats sickening and wrong. You're not as good as you think you are.
#55 - wien
Quote from flymike91 :Thats sickening and wrong. You're not as good as you think you are.

Thankfully we don't have to listen to people like you either.

Don't you have some wars that need attending? Perhaps a few more freedoms to give up in the name of security? Some evil 'terrists to lock up in an unconstitutional off-shore concentration camp? Or maybe a few more million petty criminals you can lock up for decades, under inhuman conditions?
Jesus it's 80 now?
Quote from wien :Thankfully we don't have to listen to people like you either.

Don't you have some wars that need attending? Perhaps a few more freedoms to give up in the name of security? Some evil 'terrists to lock up in an unconstitutional off-shore concentration camp? Or maybe a few more million petty criminals you can lock up for decades, under inhuman conditions?

You might as well let him go back to his apartment and pay his rent and meals for 20 years or less. Maybe there's someone in Norway other than you with human emotions.
Shut the hell up, Mike. You're not helping anything and you're making the rest of us Americans look bad.
whatever **** it
This news makes me on berserk...

my condolences to Norway, they never deserved this, but life.... it is ****ing brutal...

Now we wait where it happens next time... I bet Finland might be next...but no freaking idea why though...
Come on guys, don't start fighting amongs us =/

America have their political system and their ways of punish criminals, Norway a other. Much can be said about the two of them (mainly that norwegian prissons are meant as rehabilitating the person, instead of only punish him), but let's not start nagging down on any of those.

As they say, at least there is in total 87 people that are confirmed dead in these two accidents.
Does anyone have idea is he from where? Is he local (Norwegian) or someone else? I hate to ask but...
He's Norwegian.
Nothing wrong with discussing, but it was a little edgy mood when we started discussing punishment and jail, therfor it's better to leave that part out of discussion, but please feel free to write what you want or discuss something other.

As above tells, he is a norwegian radical. After some research it's clear that he was invovled on several different political forums where he several times gave out strong opinions about the different people in this world.

If he has done the both things, I am glad they got him. If there were more and they were not caught, the thing would not be complete. A horrible thing to say, but for someone the case can never finish unless they have someone to put the blame on.
Damn... I just say that for this situation then...
sorry all I'm edgy too, especially once I found out what happened on that island. I can't sort out what I'm feeling. I typed this paragraph ten times but everything i wrote was either not enough for my feelings or too much for the sensitive. maybe i'll try again when i can figure this out.
Quote from flymike91 :sorry all I'm edgy too, especially once I found out what happened on that island. I can't sort out what I'm feeling. I typed this paragraph ten times but everything i wrote was either not enough for my feelings or too much for the sensitive. maybe i'll try again when i can figure this out.

It's ok mate, and I am sure everyone is in the same boat. My first post was some hate-islam-bullshit because I though it was them, but then the whole thing turned out to be complete oposit.

91 confirmed deaths so far, after WW2 this is the worst terror / attack Norway has ever had... and we're talking of kids here, most around age of 19
Christ the death toll overnight. I'm honestly struggling to say much here because I'm shocked that this could happen in Norway. There is a Norwegian Ross County Club in Strod and have meet a few when they come over from Norway to watch and could not meet a nicer bunch of guys. My deepest sympathy to those affected by yesterdays senseless action.
I wrote a long rant, but it's better to offer my condolences than to start an argument.

I was in Oslo not too long ago and it's a very friendly and vibrant city. It's hard to imagine the chaos and madness behind all of this. Norway will bounce back from this and will lose nothing of its magic, I'm sure.
Quote from Jertje :I wrote a long rant, but it's better to offer my condolences than to start an argument.

I was in Oslo not too long ago and it's a very friendly and vibrant city. It's hard to imagine the chaos and madness behind all of this. Norway will bounce back from this and will lose nothing of its magic, I'm sure.

That is what we aim for, and I do think the politicans are thinking the same. To quote the prime minster from todays press conference (roughly transelated:

"In time like these it's important that we stay togheter, and don't late fear and hate take overhand. What we will strive to do is to make Norway even more open than it has ever been, because that is our ideals and the way of living we want. We don't want to let the teror win and change ourself due to this, we will recover"

Also thanks for your understand, most people are in shock after hearing the death count today. The old ones in my family is completely broken today, and around the breakfast table there were no good mood today
91 and most of them were underaged....damn
#73 - PoVo
http://norskeforhold.bloggnorg ... 3/mer-om-gjerningsmannen/
Quote :17. July 2011 he set up a twitter account . There, he posted only one message:

"One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 WHO garden only interests."

(This is a quote by British philosopher John Stuart Mill, but he said who he has borrowed the quote from.)

The same day he established Facebook account. Here he has the status updates in English.

Seems he only created his Facebook page a few days ago, so I think he chose carefully what to put on there. I doubt he was actually interested in playing CoD.
he owned some sort of commercial vegetable farm, so was able to buy large quantities of chemical fertiliser which contains ammonium nitrate, that mixed with oil makes a effective explosive. The same stuff was used in the Houston bombing and commercial mining.