Yeah, it looked like such a bomb from the pictures. At least 1 ton of ANNM probably.
that's just....horrible, what a hell is going on on people minds...
I also just read this: ... skrek-om-nde-2541725.html
Quote :Witnesses have said that he spoke in the headset while the massacre took place...

Was he talking to someone or recording it? I'm sure we'll find out. Maybe the reports of 2 gunmen are true and he was communicating with them.

Quote from ACCAkut :he owned some sort of commercial vegetable farm, so was able to buy large quantities of chemical fertiliser which contains ammonium nitrate, that mixed with oil makes a effective explosive. The same stuff was used in the Houston bombing and commercial mining.
if it wasn't so sad it would be quite funny to see how some people ( and i don't mean on here) will now by their earlier arguments have to persuade the US to declare war on all christians and right wing parties
Oh TVE my boy,i'm hope you are ok,we are all with you Norwegians. I had talked with Tommy not long time ago,happy that he's ok. Best of luck and thanks for info.

And big sorry for familys,that lost their children. I'v heard Lithuanian government had send official letter to Norwegian government with condolences.
Quote from PoVo :Let's blame COD MW2... (his played games)

They will blame videogames and music, while ignoring the horrendous villainization of Muslims in the media.
I'm ok. Was about 3 km's from the bomb and i could hear it go off. Thought it was thunder and didn't think anymore about it. I then went online some minutes later and saw the news... A terrible, terrible day.
He was interested in Competitive MW2...? I'd be nuts too after awhile.

More ontopic.

I'm not familiar with their customs that much, but I'm sure Norwegians will surely bounce back up from this tragedy. All it takes is a handful of TVE personalities.

Maybe a beer or 2 as well
he created that facebook page just three days ago, and his twitter account too. hell, he only posted one tweet on it (what german TV ignores ..)

its how he wants to be seen, not how he really is. I'd be surprised if he really did all that on his own, without any help.
Holy shit, that's some terrible news. What's behind all these deaths, what did they want to achieve? Sadly, this might not be the end, i don't think a couple of persons could plan this, there should be more of them...

Norway always seemed such calm and friendly country to me...
On the farm he rented, he never grew any vegetables.

So, he joins the masons in '08, starts a company in '09, which never grows any vegetables, orders 6tons of fertiliser in May '11 and 2 months later runs amok in his homeland, killing his own people. IMO, there's no chance he did all this on his own.

And just to add something else I read, in '06 on the farm he later rented, 3 men were arrested for cultivating marijuana. So, imo, he was definitely involved with a shady bunch of folks.
Quote from U4IK ST8 :And just to add something else I read, in '06 on the farm he later rented, 3 men were arrested for cultivating marijuana. So, imo, he was definitely involved with a shady bunch of folks.

Bunch of wasters grow weed. Nutter murders 90 people. Yeah, I see the connection.
Wasters? Really? I doubt they were growing it for their own consumption, and I doubt any normal law abiding citizen would allow the cultivation of an illegal substance on their farm they put up for rent.
Quote :Breivik has not confirmed second shooter. Two weapons: a one handed and a two handed gun. Police operates with 92 dead and up to 6 missing. Police does not think the number will exceed 98.

Explosives on the island were not explosives after all.

Car bomb in oslo confirmed.

Police cannot say if he's connected to a bigger community.

No other weapons. (knives etc)

Police preformed a search in Oslo city with no findings.

90minutes from first shot until he was captured. Chaos in Oslo and huge phone trafic as well as the location being an Island delayed Police. Reaction time was very short once the message came through.

Shooter was taken without resistance. wrote a summary of his activity there:
Quote :Who is Anders Behring Breivik, who now stands accused of executing the worst terrorattack and massacre in Norwegian history. The public wants to know: How this was possible. Was there no early warning, that should have been detected?

Behring Breivik was an active commentator on this site in the fall of 2009, especially. In the course of a few months he wrote some 75 pieces, some of them quite extensive.

They offer some interesting insights into his ideas at the time. He writes mostly about what Americans call the cultural war; focused on immigration, demography, identity, and politics in the broader sense.

His main enemy is not muslims, but multiculturalists and what he calls cultural marxists. This is a term that some on the political right uses. It is vague and can be used about almost anything. Because it is so imprecise this editor raised an inner red flag when Behring Breivik used it about the Frankfurter School. This was an important philosophical school in Germany, after the war, led by Adorno and Horkheimer. That Behring Breivik classified them as cultural marxists indicated that he did not really know cultural history. But that does not make him an extremist.

Actually there is nothing in Behring Breivik’s writings that indicates that he was violent.

His thoughts about multicultural society are run of the mill on the political right, with some personal eccentric ideas, i.e. the use of the word conservatism. He calls himself and the movement he identifies with national conservatism. He writes positively about Israel and the Jews’ right to defend themselves. He argues against ethnocentrism and says the answer to racism cannot be another form of racism.


Behring Breivik uses some terms that indicates a more dubious side: he thinks the cultural marxists are deceitful. They hide their real agenda. Behind a veneer of human rights and humanism they are surreptiously working for the realization of a political utopi of their own design. This utopia means the death of European culture and belief, and finally the subjugation of Europeans. He was convinced the cultural marxists are in cahoots with the islamists.

War is deceit

Behring Breivik relishes the phrase: War is deceit. He almost admires the cultural marxists for their brazenness: they are clever and smart, but he can see through their schemes.

Behring Breivik wanted to do something. He wanted this website to become the vocal point for the movement he dreamt of. He had some very lofty ideas that he presented, and indicated that he was well connected. Closer inspection showed this to be empty promises.

Behring Breivik showed up for one meeting and asked one question that showed who he was, the man with the grand ideas. The impression he left confirmed our perception that he was not reliable.

When reading his postings there are some interesting bits of information, that reminds one of the Unabomber:

In fall 2009 Behring Breivik says that he has been working on a book titled 2083 for three years. It already runs into 1400 pages! He offers to send it to the blogger Fjordman.

Behring Breivik seems like a very special case.

Quote from DeadWolfBones wrote a summary of his activity there:

I don't consider him any special. Just a guy lead astray by his idiotically mangled ideas about the world. I don't usually feel all bad when something like this happens, but this really left me in shock... My condolences go to Norway and all the victims...
[url="Knights Templar 2083"]Knights Templar 2083[/url], this chap is definately not working alone...

EDIT:Go to the youtube vid below, this link is only 5min preview...
The video seems to summarize what he's trying to say in that book of his and I'm not going to do him the favor of reading that piece of crap...
#98 - Uke
Quote from flymike91 :Thats sickening and wrong. You're not as good as you think you are.

I just need to say this. Your kind of brainwashed people are why I hate America.
What the...
Notice the shoulder patch...