That's true, but the government can make the trial and hearings closed, so the media just get essencial info. The worst thing about media these last days are all the silly speculations, which really hurts a lot of people.
When everything is clear, the media will be informed by the police / government, and that is all that is needed.

I can understand the need for understanding it all, and understand every aspect of the case, but I think it's easier to just accepts that sometimes there is nothing to understand, meaningless things happends from time to time.
Obviously that would be ideal to do it that way, but it's impossible with the way the media is.

There is always something to understand, imo, no matter what the situation, and most certainly when something like this happens.
There is probally a lot of things to understand about this, but for me this is what I think about it, short:

A man did have some horrible wrong ideals and did a horrible crime to spread his message. I hope police do research regarding the network he does refer to, and does actions if needed. Most likely tho, it's just gibberish, as normal righ-wing people puts their own kind / people the most, this man chosed to murder them for his ultimate goal. What he might have thought or not, I do not care or want to understand. The only left is to punish this man by the laws of our country.

I know people, specially media wants more, but I am satisfacted with knowing he will be put in jail for lifetime (trust me, he won't come out after those 21 years, as said earlier in this topic).
Quote from The Very End :but I am satisfacted with knowing he will be put in jail for lifetime (trust me, he won't come out after those 21 years, as said earlier in this topic).

How confident are you as a norwegian? Honestly?

"Halden houses drug dealers, murderers and rapists, among others." (--) "...Norway's second largest prison, with a capacity of 252 inmates" ... le/0,9171,1986002,00.html
#231 - CSF
Quote from The Moose :..though he does have time to keep viewing this thread and not replying to it

In the last hour since Cargame posted AroX has logged in and viewed this thread thee times and chosen not to respond to it. seems a little odd don't you think, considering the accusations.

He could be logging in on a phone and just browsing or anything. The people I am thinking of already declared him dead on his facebook on Saturday night posting "RIP sweet prince", the exact same language used on that "group".
I don't think he will be put there. The people put there are people who the government belives can be rehabilitated back to normal, functional human beeings.

That's the main difference on Norwegian prisons compared to others: We try to rehabilitate them.

Sure, many situations shows us that we are naiv, but I belive that people can change, and that getting people back in the society is better than just lock them in, then release them - and then lock them in again. It's beneficial both for the people involved, but also the society.

But this man however, is so messed up that I think he is beyound helping.
Quote from The Moose :..though he does have time to keep viewing this thread and not replying to it

In the last hour since Cargame posted AroX has logged in and viewed this thread thee times and chosen not to respond to it. seems a little odd don't you think, considering the accusations.

I dont need to reply, I know I didn't do it, and wtf why would I even want to create that page. Im having plenty of people adding me as a friend, and people might be adding my mom as a friend and sending messenges saying "Sorry for your loss" and stuff like that. Im on my trip, what am I supposed to tell my mom.

Would be retarded.
Quote from The Moose :..though he does have time to keep viewing this thread and not replying to it

In the last hour since Cargame posted AroX has logged in and viewed this thread thee times and chosen not to respond to it. seems a little odd don't you think, considering the accusations.

I sent you a PM 3 months ago and you haven't replied, yet you keep viewing threads and posting in the forum
Quote from The Very End :...but I am satisfacted with knowing he will be put in jail for lifetime...

I am satisfied he will be too, but I still want to know what happened, and judging by your post 2 mins before mine on this page, you still do too.

Quote from niall09 :

That was a good series of programs. And I agree with everything he says, but the media is never going to play nice and never going to stop dramatising and hyping up mass murder, if you think it is you better get rid of your tv, right now.

We are here to discuss this as adults, we all know this loon shouldn't be plastered everywhere, but it's happening and it's not going to stop. As the vid Niall posted shows.
#236 - CSF

Yet more glorious reporting from the Murdoch papers....
Quote from The Very End :That's the main difference on Norwegian prisons compared to others: We try to rehabilitate them.

I know because it's pretty similar here, if not even "easier" at least what comes to the sentences. In the long run the rehabilitation is probably successful, but the lenght of the sentences, open prisons etc. here are really starting to conflict with the people's sense of justice.

Quote :Sure, many situations shows us that we are naiv, but I belive that people can change, and that getting people back in the society is better than just lock them in, then release them - and then lock them in again. It's beneficial both for the people involved, but also the society.

But this man however, is so messed up that I think he is beyound helping.

But there will be professional helpers who think he can be saved too and they try to do that. Just the possibility that he could someday walk as a free man is disturbing. It's probably a given he gets the max (21 years), but after that he will be reviewed every 5 years, right?

I hope he is rehabilitated to some extent... so that he knows what he did. Currently he doesn't know.
Today at 5pm alot of stores in my town of Bergen many stores,even whole shopping centers closed down to allow the people that work there and customers to participate in a march in town of Bergen in memory of the lives lost. Its still ongoing and can be as many as 10.000 showing up for it. Marches like this is going on in all of Norway. ... -fakkeltoget-2542897.html

click play and it should show it.
Quote from boothy :I sent you a PM 3 months ago and you haven't replied

You did? :eye-poppi

/goes to check PM's.

EDIT: Shit, so you did. Don't know how I managed to view it, not respond to it and forget about it. probably blind drunk Apologies.

Sorry AroX. Was bored, started playing internet detective. Apologies for any offence caused.
It`s now three days ago, since this psycopath murdered so many innocent Norwegians. Still my brain can`t cope with, what has happened.

Why kill children ?

The psycopath went around on the island of Utøya, in a policeuniform, and executed young innocent children ?

My thougts and warm love goes to the people in Norway, who have lost family and friends. Denmark is totally on your side, these days.

May it NEVER happen again !
Quote from The Moose :I hope not. Anyone who would do that sort of thing under these circumstances has some very serious mental issues.

It's not really a big deal for someone to make a prank out of that kind of thing really. Only people to fake death are those who want to see kind messages because they are too much of an **** to get any.
Quote from The Moose :..though he does have time to keep viewing this thread and not replying to it

In the last hour since Cargame posted AroX has logged in and viewed this thread thee times and chosen not to respond to it. seems a little odd don't you think, considering the accusations.

He has replied. ONCE.
My condolences to the victim.

I have followed that tragedy a lot in newspapers and from TV.

Rest in Peace. Hopefully other injured people dont die there hospitals.
Quote from BlueFlame :He has replied. ONCE.

Between Cargames post and mine? or didn't you read the second paragraph? Nope, he hadn't

Anyhow, let it lie. I've apologised to him for jumping to conclusions.
No Open Format
They has successfully gagged this poor waste of a human life.

Way to go Norway for not allowing this speech to be heard and making it a closed court.

My heart felt sorrow for the massive loss of life from a country and people who live to better the world.

The majority though it was an Islamic group of some sort, wanting to impose their ideology and now we realize it's a Christian Norwegian man with blue eyes and blond hair wanting to impose his ideology. From that we can take a lesson: Fanatics are everywhere, not always where you think they are and we should be very careful not to forget our OWN "occidental" fanatics. These people by wanting to fight the Islamic fanatics have became just like them. The more extremists you have in one side, the more you'll get in the other side too.
We need to fight fanatism wherever it comes from. Not just the Islamic ones.

Now I hope he gets into prison for life. This man is a danger for society. There is simply no insult that suits him. RIP for the 90 victims. A really sad story for the family of the 90 victims
The guy was against immigrants and viewed muslims as terrorists, then he uses muslim generic terrorist tactics and kills white, Norwegians.... Yea, he REALLY made his point didn't he? What an ****.
It´s really sad what´s happened in Oslo.
I did made a Minute of Silence before the race of our last karting Race and we´re going to start in the 16h Race with Norway flags to show our sadness about the incidents in Oslo / Norway.
We wish Oslo / Norway the best for the Future!
Quote from BlueFlame :The guy was against immigrants and viewed muslims as terrorists, then he uses muslim generic terrorist tactics and kills white, Norwegians.... Yea, he REALLY made his point didn't he? What an ****.

Interesting to see how similar he is with the Islamic terrorists. They claim to fight against Occidentals but almost only kill Muslims (apart from some rare terrorist attacks in Europe and USA...)