DWB I do not assume everyone from other cultures is bad. In fact, I think America should be more of a republic (small 'r'). Republics mind their own business. Their governments have very limited powers, and their people are too busy practicing self-government to worry about problems in other countries. I honestly don't think we should have to deal with accommodating other cultures, if they want to live in the US (or Europe) they should accommodate to their host country and the culture and traditions of the majority. Its like having a house guest that refuses to eat what you cook him, its offensive.
My problem with multiculturalism is not based in hatred. The fact is, the minority groups who are moving into Western countries will not ever assimilate fully into the majority culture. They will never give up their incompatible traditions and values while westerners are more than happy to give up our beliefs that are incompatible with theirs (called political correctness). Diversity without assimilation to the majority culture will always cause divisiveness, anathema to the healthy function of society
My problem with multiculturalism is not based in hatred. The fact is, the minority groups who are moving into Western countries will not ever assimilate fully into the majority culture. They will never give up their incompatible traditions and values while westerners are more than happy to give up our beliefs that are incompatible with theirs (called political correctness). Diversity without assimilation to the majority culture will always cause divisiveness, anathema to the healthy function of society