The online racing simulator
Quote from Racer X NZ :Like I give a rats arse what you choose !

If radiation is safe and I'm talking a load of crap - Fine, your life

If people actually care about their and their kids future, then try reading what I post. It won't hurt and it may save your lives.

If your paid by the nuclear industry to rant about how safe it is then I hope you get lots of money for your lies.
If your not being paid, then your a complete dick and I recommend you negociate a better contract to talk your crap.

Meh. You'll be the one perpetually afraid of everything and everyone, and as Deko says, living in a hole in your garden, I'll be the one getting on with my life and enjoying it.
Quote from Racer X NZ :That's a good approach - rofl

Or, I can bring up my children not living in fear for their whole life and when they die from it (as you suggest) they won't see it coming or they can constantly fear it's opinion based possible inevitablity. Again as I said before, you can either fear something you can't change, or you can get on with your life. I'd rather live a happy life and die a painful death than live a sad life and die peacefully, because then the death was the only happy thing you ever had in your life.

I love the fact you're basically suggest the whole world will become subject to nuclear apocolypse.

Edit : basically just re-itterated CG.
It's safer to live beside a nuclear power plant than it is to put your trousers on in the morning. Almost everything we do is inherently risky, I guess you never drive a car, never get on a plane and never leave the house?
Quote from DeKo :It's safer to live beside a nuclear power plant than it is to put your trousers on in the morning. Almost everything we do is inherently risky, I guess you never drive a car, never get on a plane and never leave the house?

He can't because the CIA are going to shoot down his passenger airline and if he goes outside he will be exposed to kittens dying from Radiation poisoning caused by Soviet Agents operating under the command of Col. Gadaffi.
Trousers are dangerous man, they have zips.
Quote from BlueFlame :Trousers are dangerous man, they have zips.

Catch your sack in the zip and you'll easily forget about radiation poisoning.
Quote from 91mason91 :Catch your sack in the zip and you'll easily forget about radiation poisoning.

Yea, and it puts you out of the bedroom boxing match for sure!
Some pictures and video of a fly-by over the powerplant. Looks pretty bad.

Any news on the radioactivity levels?
Quote from PMD9409 :

Almost a 2.0.

say whaat? You don't mean the magnitude, do you? if so it says 7.1.
Oh fail, wasn't supposed to read in that manner.

I meant 2.0 as "Japan Disaster 2.0". That's what I got from it atleast after reading the title and then finding out they cancelled the tsunami watch.
Damn that area is unstable. Still, pretty lame of the norwegian news to not comment on a 7+ magnitute earthquake - this news were new to me
Quote from PMD9409 :Oh fail, wasn't supposed to read in that manner.

I meant 2.0 as "Japan Disaster 2.0". That's what I got from it atleast after reading the title and then finding out they cancelled the tsunami watch.

Ahh I see.
A quick update here, much of Europe has detected increased levels of iodine 131, if you really want a laugh, read the reasons for this .....

Reuters notes that elevated levels of radioactive iodine have been detected in Germany, Sweden, Slovakia, Aus ... ech Republic, and Hungary.
The Stockholm News reports that Denmark and Poland are also experiencing heightened radiation.
NHK notes that Russia has been hit as well.
AP notes that the radioactive releases are ongoing:
An official [from the International Atomic Energy Agency] familiar with the matter, who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to comment, said the release appeared to be continuing.
Some scientists have made some unlikely claims about the source of the radiation. For example, as Reuters notes:
Professor Malcolm Sperrin, director of medical physics at Britain’s Royal Berkshire Hospital, said any link with Fukushima was extremely unlikely.
“It is far more likely that the iodine may be as a result of excretion by patients undergoing medical treatment. Whilst such patients are carefully controlled, some release of iodine into the environment may be inevitable but would certainly be well below any limits where health detriment would even begin to be an issue for concern,” he said.

The best was the Daily Mail ... ified-soaring-levels.html

Apparently, its due to some galexy far, far, away ..........

Could I suggest that the fact that anyone who follows the news knows that Fukushima is currently in complete meltdown and is also currently undergoing spontaneous fission, that this may possibly be the cause ? ... on-occurring-at-the-site/

Sorry, my bad, nuclear energy is completly safe and there is no problem, nothing to see here, please go back to sleep.

So, how's X Factor going for you ?
Quote from Racer X NZ :A quick update here, much of Europe has detected increased levels of iodine 131, if you really want a laugh, read the reasons for this .....

Reuters notes that elevated levels of radioactive iodine have been detected in Germany, Sweden, Slovakia, Aus ... ech Republic, and Hungary.
The Stockholm News reports that Denmark and Poland are also experiencing heightened radiation.
NHK notes that Russia has been hit as well.
AP notes that the radioactive releases are ongoing:
An official [from the International Atomic Energy Agency] familiar with the matter, who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to comment, said the release appeared to be continuing.
Some scientists have made some unlikely claims about the source of the radiation. For example, as Reuters notes:
Professor Malcolm Sperrin, director of medical physics at Britain’s Royal Berkshire Hospital, said any link with Fukushima was extremely unlikely.
“It is far more likely that the iodine may be as a result of excretion by patients undergoing medical treatment. Whilst such patients are carefully controlled, some release of iodine into the environment may be inevitable but would certainly be well below any limits where health detriment would even begin to be an issue for concern,” he said.
The best was the Daily Mail ... ified-soaring-levels.html

Apparently, its due to some galexy far, far, away ..........

Could I suggest that the fact that anyone who follows the news knows that Fukushima is currently in complete meltdown and is currently undergoing spontaneous fission, that this may possibly be the cause ? ... on-occurring-at-the-site/

Sorry, my bad, nuclear energy is completly safe and there is no problem, nothing to see here, please go back to sleep.

So, how's X Factor going for you ?

Honestly, it's kind of nieve to think that it wouldn't be continuing. What would have discontinued the releace once it started and why havn't they contained it with cement yet? I never heard anything about them doing something of the sort.

Surely they don't think that they are going to use the place again..
Nowhere does it give a dose, and Iodine-131 has about an 8-day half-life. I'm not going to be losing any sleep.
Every 'expert' the media gets to comment on the matter believes it's fine.

Cool, if it's safe thats fine, we in NZ believe nuclear power plants are pontential death traps, not only for us but for thousands of years into the future !

And they have a 'tent', you must feel safe now !

Radiation affects generations, great, you haven't died yet, it's unborns and future generations who'll be the ones to cope with this. ... mp;hd=&size=1&l=e

Anyway, its all due to a galaxy far, far, away................

Please go back to sleep, isn't X Factor on ?
Quote from Racer X NZ :Every 'expert' the media gets to comment on the matter.

Cool, if it's safe thats fine, we in NZ believe nuclear power plants are pontential death traps, not only for us but for thousands of years into the future !

And they have a 'tent', you must feel safe now !

Are you nervous when you visit France?
Quote from Cornys :Are you nervous when you visit France?

LOL !!!

They felt it was so safe they tested here.

I wonder why they didn't test in France ?????????

Education for those who didn't understand this reference:

New Zealand was involved in ongoing protest over French nuclear testing from the mid-1960s when France began testing nuclear weapons in French Polynesia. Mururoa (also called Moruroa) Atoll became the focal point for both the tests and opposition to them. Greenpeace vessels sailed into the test site in 1972, and the following year the New Zealand and Australian governments took France to the International Court of Justice in an attempt to ban tests. France ignored the court's ruling that they cease testing.

The third Labour government, led by Norman Kirk, responded by sending two navy frigates, HMNZS Canterbury and Otago, into the test area. A Cabinet minister was also selected to accompany this protest. Prime Minister Kirk put all the Cabinet ministers' names into a hat and drew out the name of Fraser Colman, the minister of immigration and mines. He sailed from Auckland on 25 June aboard the Otago, which carried a crew of 242. A month later the ship was at Mururoa, and those on board witnessed the first atmospheric test. Fraser Colman transferred to the Canterbury when it arrived to relieve the Otago on 25 July, and he and the crew of the Canterbury saw the second French atmospheric test on Mururoa. These protests achieved some limited success because in 1974 the new French president, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, ordered that the tests move underground. With testing continuing, however, Mururoa remained a focus of anti-nuclear protest. ... nd/testing-in-the-pacific
oh please do you actually believe this rubbish racer? fukushima never happened its all a giant coverup for an alien landing of a species that uses nuclear energy to drive their space ships
Damm, you've pinged me.

Yes, I admit it, it's all just a conspiracy theory - hangs head in shame.
Quote from Shotglass :oh please do you actually believe this rubbish racer? fukushima never happened its all a giant coverup for an alien landing of a species that uses nuclear energy to drive their space ships

Let's see who gets the last laugh when you wake up with a satellite dish sticking out your arse.
Quote from Hyperactive :Let's see who gets the last laugh when you wake up with a satellite dish sticking out your arse.

Now that sounds like a heavy night out on the town. :mischievo

As for conspiracy theories, why are some people so scared of the concept that a lot of things happen by chance and accident? Its as if people feel that when they try to believe in an explanation for every major event as being by some hidden motive it will give them the comforting notion that humans are more in control of their worlds than they actually are.
If i couldnt sleep at nights peacefully and would be scared of every crack in the wall also i would probably end up in a nuthouse.
Quote from 5haz :As for conspiracy theories, why are some people so scared of the concept that a lot of things happen by chance and accident? Its as if people feel that when they try to believe in an explanation for every major event as being by some hidden motive it will give them the comforting notion that humans are actually more in control of their worlds than they actually are.

I think it is simply all about people needing some kind of explanation. Even if the explanation is plain idiotic in itself it is still better than nothing. Also I believe that most people simply aren't willing to put in time and effort to get a good explanation but instead any explanation works just as long there is one. And preferrably a really simple one...

There is always the good example. Whether it is the ufos, flocks of birds dying in large groups, strange sounds coming from underground or just people reading something from the internet. There is and has to be some kind of explanation. And the explanation usually needs to be simple so it can be understood in 4 seconds. Like trying to understand evolution by replacing it by idiotic design or trying to come up an explanation for the big bang.