I've been working on LFS Shifter off and on recently, and here are a couple new things I am working on that I believe will make it behave more realistic and dynamic:
- Shifting points are no longer always at set "static" RPM. It is now more dynamic depending on the throttle.
Before: Around half throttle: shifts at 5000rpm always.
After: Around half throttle: shifts at 5000-6700rpm depending on throttle position
- What gear you're in will affect how throttle and RPM determines shifting points. As you go through the gears, it will shift at lower and lower RPMs. For example, if you hold the throttle in the same position from a stop, 1st gear would be 5,000rpm, 2nd gear 4000, 3rd gear 3500, etc. Before, it would always be at 5,000rpm in all gears.
- I changed how shifting works a little bit so hopefully it's not so sensitive and always shifting.
Stay tuned for the next version!