The online racing simulator
Really curious on how Dodge is going to survive this.
Quote from PMD9409 :Really curious on how Dodge is going to survive this.

Switching the brands to give it a new image, maybe... how about calling the engines Alfa Romeos or Ferraris
Quote from PMD9409 :Really curious on how Dodge is going to survive this.

PT Cruiser models!
And scratch what they just took months to design?
Quote from PMD9409 :And scratch what they just took months to design?

They're gonna have to. That's what American companies are good at doing, producing something that either consumers or promoters don't want cos they are out of touch with reality and then hastily creating something else.
Not like as if that hit was anything crazy, barely a scratch.. They should have wrecked both cars.
You guys do know I'm talking about Penske leaving Dodge and Dodge has no big team to "carry" their brand, right? Starting from scratch won't help anything, as they just did that.

@BlueFlame: American companies creating something? You're out of touch with reality, you should know we only copy things over here!
Quote from TFalke55 :Switching the brands to give it a new image

Still doesn't help anything if they have no teams... teams don't care about the image so much, just the speed of the cars and the money
Austin dillon is showing some serious skill, stenhouse and him should get cup rides i hope!
Quote from PMD9409 :And scratch what they just took months to design?

Its plastic over metal tubes, not that hard to redo.
I've got my line-up set for domination this week I hope Green flag at 3:16 PM EST (19:00 GMT after the time change here in the US that occured last night). Fantasy line-ups lock at 3 however
If someone is sent to the back of the grid because of a car change, does that mean a starting position change on the website? Or does it go strictly off qualifying order?
Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :If someone is sent to the back of the grid because of a car change, does that mean a starting position change on the website? Or does it go strictly off qualifying order?

Im thinking start spot
regardless, I killed it that race
Yeah I failed that race. BTW it doesn't count if they are put to the back.
Well, I second guessed my whole line-up and screwed myself today . I would have had almost 350 points if I hadn't 2nd guessed myself . I wound up with barely over 150
62 points for me....
Quote from Cornys :Well, I second guessed my whole line-up and screwed myself today . I would have had almost 350 points if I hadn't 2nd guessed myself . I wound up with barely over 150

Same here, my original top 3 picks were Tony, Jimmie, and Jr. I can't believe I changed it...
Smoke just earned a spot in my lineup.

I can usually get a feel for these things. Not today


I'm 9.5 points out of 5th for now. Where'd the .5 come from? I got told on SRD I had sure picks for Kyle, Ambrose, Reutimann and Jr.

JPM....odd one out but my CART/F1 inner fanboy won't let me drop him. Ambrose, yes, I'll try to pick up Smoke if I can and somebody cheap, the joys of having $1 cap space.
No surprize. Bending the rules in racing is just another word for breaking the rules.

Quote :That violated several rules, including one that states: "If in the judgment of NASCAR officials, any part or component of the car not previously approved by NASCAR that has been installed or modified to enhance aerodynamic performance will not be permitted."

I didn't know he only got done for intent and the car never turned a wheel. That's ridiculous, isn't that what tech inspection is for?
Quote from DeKo :I didn't know he only got done for intent and the car never turned a wheel. That's ridiculous, isn't that what tech inspection is for?

It was caught by tech inspection, just not by a certain template.

2012 Nascar Thread for Rednecks
(1589 posts, started )