i was thinking about slider in "steering" below wheel turns in car setup but if there is another way i try it :-)
i am not script guru :-) but you got point i just got scared :-)) and jumps over gazilions of commands :-)
Awesome feature guys this is somthing i've been looking for for a long time as an autocross lover, but when you get this fully ready for public i hope you guys make some kinda preview video explaining what it is because I have a hard time explaining it to people whilst trying to sell LFS on them haha.
I can not reach the master server any more. This happens since yesterday at about 7PM UTC. I did not install any new patch before, I was online at victors autoxtest server. I am currently running patch U15, which I installed a few hours after it came out. LfS tells me that I am either not logged in to the internet (well... that can't be, can it?) or my firewall does not allow LfS to access the internet. It worked all well before, and I did not change anything in my firewall's preferences. After LfS could not connect to the master server, I removed all lfs entries from the firewall and then clicked "allow" when it told me that LfS wants to access the internet (I am currently using the latest Zone Alarm free version). The third possible reason LfS tells me is that the master server itself is offline - this can not be because then the "Racers and Hosts online" list at LfSW should not work.
Does anybody have an idea on how I can get my LfS back online?
EDIT: it has nothing to do with the firewall. I reinstalled both LFS and the firewall and it still does not work - I can't even unlock Live for Speed (tried with both firewall active and deactivated), and I am running windows XP.
EDIT 2: after restarting the firewall and changing a line in the LFS config it worked... "Port 80 0" is the line that I changed, to "Port 813 0"... doh... I am running an apache webserver on port 80 since yesterday.
In the new marshall mode the left and right use the same strings as the driver positions, but in Estonian, it isn't 100% correct, I can put in a little bit better word for them both, but still... It isn't RIGHT.
So, would it be hard to add new string for it?
EDIT: Here is updated Autocross_Estonian, commands_estonian coming soon.
Thanks for the translations. I have got them for the next patch. I won't get them again from the same posts - so if you do any more upates, please make another post so I know.
Great updates with U15! I love the new restricted areas feature in autoX. It's sure to keep everyone honest. However, I have a request. Instead of adding a minute onto the time after entering a restricted zone, would it be possible to simply DNF (did not finish) the driver at the end of the run? Going into a restricted zone means leaving the proper course, and autocrosses make use of the DNF for that reason, so I think it makes sense.
Hmm... the first question for me is : how is it possible to create a host with a trailing space in its name? LFS always trims the trailing spaces. I'd like to know how Redline got past that check, so I can fix the bug. There should never be two hosts online with the same name, and a trailing space is not supposed to be a way around that.
I think the solution is not to bypass the space stripping system and so running two hosts with the same name. Instead, one should be called "Redline Racing (Demo)" and the other should be called "Redline Racing (S2)" or something like that.
Maybe it's not a classical space, but some sort of special character they copied from the clipboard, which is then displayed as a space in LFS, even though it isnt.
the Redline racing uses a chinese character for the actual R at the beginning.
^1^JÉÏ^0edline ^1^JÉÏ^0acing ^3S2
^1^JÉÏ^0edline ^1^JÉÏ^0acing
There the 2 redline racings i host but when they tried to have it as the same name LFS Would not allow it and one would never show. So simply added the S2. no extra spaces or anything. strange
I'm stopping work now until Monday so I thought I'd upload what I've done - which is not a lot but a few minor updates that will help some people. Notably, the quick load option works differently now. You either load track, or don't load track (depending on your choice of option). It does not load a replay. And if you have unlocked LFS it never shows the final exit screen, you only see the credits and that's it.
Not sure if any one else is having the same issues but after trying one of the U patches my client developed a rythemic hanging, running for 2 seconds and then locked for two seconds. Since this was unplayable I reinstalled the T patch over the U and it went away but is starting to come back.
It only happens when I am on the track or viewing the track. Currently it happens for about 1.5 laps and then it stops. It almost as if it is not loading the track fully until that part is needed or somthing. I will not have a chance to test further until Sunday morning though, just wanted to mention it.