Thanks Guys, we appreciate all the help we can get!
The pricing hasn't been decided yet, we're taking a one step at a time approach. So the first step is to get it accepted!
The next step will be to integrate all the Steam SDK elements (Matchmaking, achievements, friends invites, leaderboards etc etc) and beta test the living daylights out of it.
While doing that we'll be working on the rendering more (based on feedback) to get it looking as good as possible.
Adjusting the base set-ups of the cars to get the handling right (it's very easy to get 'used' to something when your running a car over and over and over).
Making the multiplayer lobby and races rock solid.
Lots - lots to do after we get a 'greenlight'... that part is just the start.
Funding-wise we are covered. Essentially we are funding it ourselves. Everyone here is dedicating a lot of thier extra time to it.
Back on the final price... we'll be canvasing everyone that get's involved in the beta. We're going to be open to all ideas, from a fixed price to free-to-play (with in-game purchases). We want to do our best to get it right.
The game goes from 1961 to 1971 (which was a pretty exciting time).
If it goes well the possibility is there of doing more years, but IMS want to see how this goes first, which is understandable.