The online racing simulator
ClaViCo Autocross Plugin
(288 posts, started )
Progress report August
ClaViCo AP V1 was released publicly a few months ago. Although at one point I could have released V2 I decided not to for several reasons. Many modifications were done to the code, improvements were implemented, new features ditched etc. As a result I decided to skip a V2 release and use the V2 experience to make a more complete V3. I am currently focusing on making an intuitive HUD while simplifying things because I noticed that those who made an attempt to use ClaViCo AP struggled to understand how things work.

Only now I (barely) realise the amplitude of the challenge Scawen is facing. LFS lovers know that quality beats quantity

The following "twister" layout (504 objects) took me less than 2 minutes to make:
Attached images
Just wonderd, is it possible to tilt the objects in upcoming release?
The pitch of objects can't be modified in 0.6B. This is on top of my wishlist, hopefully Scawen will consider adding this to the IS_AXM packet once he has the time although he stated before that there is a line to draw between an autocross editor and a track editor.
Quote from sicotange :although he stated before that there is a line to draw between an autocross editor and a track editor.

Well changing the pitch of a ramp isn't editing a track
Obviously implementing this feature is not a priority for Scawen at the moment. Maybe in the future he might divulge plans concerning Autocross objects.
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118
Progress report (™)?
I did 28 flags. ... 12-10-08_11-17-34-01.html
1 - Bulgaria, Argentina, Germany, Estonia, Austria, Spain, Egypt
2 - Paraguay, Netherlands, Russia, Lithuania, Iran, Serbia, Hungary
3 - Belgium, Romania, Italy, Afghanistan, Barbados, Canada, Cameroon
4 - Switzerland, Gabon, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Mexico, France
Good job!
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118 : no more needed
The recent test patch (0.6B9) seems to improve the speed at which Autocross Objects are added through InSim. Either way the current version (not released) of ClaViCo AP seems to benefit from the improvements introduced with 0.6B9.

A few screenshots below:
Attached images
shark attack1.jpg
shark attack2.jpg
Haha funny layouts :-P Want to share them?
Quote from The Very End :Haha funny layouts :-P Want to share them?

I think you can find them in WS Metropolis server
Nice, thanks
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118 : understand
The layout shown in the pictures I posted previously actually have less than 600 objects. The maximum number of objects is 896.

Quote :When it will be possible to set ramps in the air - write here please. It very important =)

It is (and has always been) possible to modify the altitude of objects with ClaViCo AP. An (old) version of ClaViCo AP is available (check first post of this thread).
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118 : understand
Ah, well I can't answer that but I speculate that Scawen won't add this possibility. Since I started writing ClaViCo AP I wondered what LFS developers think of this tool. That is one of the reasons I'm not yet willing to release the new version of ClaViCo AP.
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118 : i understand
Quote from sicotange :Ah, well I can't answer that but I speculate that Scawen won't add this possibility. Since I started writing ClaViCo AP I wondered what LFS developers think of this tool. That is one of the reasons I'm not yet willing to release the new version of ClaViCo AP.

I think that insim app makes LFS better. New features for that old games is very usefull. I think developers had to think again , what they say about this app. That's my vision in new release of ClaViCo , to make a bridge.

I hope you will change your mind to release the new ClaViCo.

Attached images
Quote from sarxes :I think that insim app makes LFS better. New features for that old games is very usefull. I think developers had to think again , what they say about this app. That's my vision in new release of ClaViCo , to make a bridge.

I hope you will change your mind to release the new ClaViCo.


Impossible (ATM). LFS does not allow you to place objects in air when there's surface below. the only way to get ramps into the air is to place them off track/bounds.
@sarxes, you read my mind that is exactly what I hope some day will be possible. I am eagerly awaiting the next Progress Report but it already seems more likely that the ability to change the altitude of object on track as well as modifying the pitch of objects is far away or just not considered at all.

I constantly have to remind myself that Scawen only has 1 brain & 10 fingers. "Overclocking" is not an option either. Also, perhaps he does not want the "line" between an Autocross Editor and a Track Editor to become thinner. Finally, another option is that he did not see this coming and is firmly opposed to it. I will go as far as saying that I would release the latest ClaViCo AP version today if Scawen asked me to or just commented in this thread. I just have a feeling that ClaViCo AP is borderline unacceptable and perhaps in a way distorting the initial core business of LFS. Therefore I wait for the crucial bit of information I need to proceed pertinently.

Concerning ClaViCo AP's development. The current version has (& is) being tested live on my server for a few months already with no big issues. You can always pop in on WS • Metropolis and ask to test the new ClaViCo AP (when I'm online).
Why wouldn't Scawen support ClaViCo? its just an insim application, nothing illegal there. It uses autocross insim packets to add objects, which Scawen introduced to LFS. I see no reason to Scawen be mad at you. Everyone will be happy and thankfull if you would relese newer version.
You might be right but either way I will wait for 0.6C before I decide (+ I can then ensure that ClaViCo AP still works fine with the new LFS version).
Works great
I thought digging up the pertinent posts by Scawen in relation to Autocross objects would be interesting:

The essence:

Originally Posted by sicotange
I can't help myself to ask the following (since you seem to have been working on Autocross Objects recently): are there any plans to add pitch (& roll) to the IS_AXM packet? Changing the angle of the slope of the "Ramp2" object for example would be awesome but I guess this would mean you would have to reduce the minimum step of objects (25cm) too.

Originally Posted by Scawen
As there is no space for pitch and roll in the existing 8 bytes per object, that would be too much of a change at this time. I thought I might investigate one thing though - maybe I could add a single bit to the Flags that would avoid the ground level check, so an object would stay exactly where you put it (and with zero pitch and roll). I realise that the granularity of ZChar is a limitation but at lest this would allow objects to be placed in the air over physical surfaces. One more thing I was thinking might help is a simple new object, a plain rectangular flat slab of concrete. It would look like the ramp but be level. Maybe it should have the same height as the ramp and legs. Or maybe two different objects, a plain flat slab and a separate slab with legs.

Topic of interest:

I can only hope that Scawen will find the time to implement the things mentioned above, it is exactly what I long for since 0.6B (InSim wise). If implemented it would increase ClaViCo AP's usefulness & appeal alot.

A few recent layouts:
Attached files
BL1X_BL1XS.lyt - 3.3 KB - 411 views
KY1X_KY1XS.lyt - 5.6 KB - 412 views
SO1X_SO1XS.lyt - 5 KB - 397 views
great layouts!

I would love the improvement on objects positioning, but i don't have much hope to see that this year
Today I came to a conclusion,that this one is very useless programme if you don't have proper internet connection - without joining server and connecting this to it,you can't use it at all. I hope you plan to add singleplayer support whenever/if you return to developement of this...

ClaViCo Autocross Plugin
(288 posts, started )