The online racing simulator
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :This thread is about new patch 0.6E and new multiplayer system, so please stay ontopic.

Its sad seing people dont giving value to live for speed
Just had a crash with 0.6E, not sure where the problem was, I switched back to desktop checked my email and then lfs crashed out of nowhere. Error report I got, maybe it points you to some culprit at Scawen:

(I also saved temp_mpr if that would be helpful?)

Quote :Problemsignatur:
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: LFS.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 50b8a804
Fehlermodulname: LFS.exe
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 50b8a804
Ausnahmecode: c0000005
Ausnahmeoffset: 000cfd7f
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 2055
Zusatzinformation 1: 4709
Zusatzinformation 2: 4709938665fa84e3ff99c8cbe11223bb
Zusatzinformation 3: 8a98
Zusatzinformation 4: 8a985a957f74ffce1e025b9a2138adb9

edit: Could it be a new track loading and LFS somehow having problems with that? I'm pretty sure the host changed tracks a few minutes after the race ended, which would explain why LFS crashed some minutes after I alt-tabbed out of the game.
Quote from tiagox :Its sad seing people dont giving value to live for speed

we gave value, years ago. And most of us would love to give more, but the Devs don't even want us to.

thinking about it, if say cargame decides one day, well screw it, and shuts down his servers, all thats left will be a few cruisers, drifters; sure there are hundreds of empty racing serves online, some even with Aireo systems, but who wants to build up points and licenses again?
And don't forget the hundreds of guys being online atm with cracked versions (just take a short look at youtube..)

Even the top league guys get a little bored with no new content, or more importantly, changing enviroments. Racing 24h in blazing sunshine with static wind loses its appeal eventually.

even though they may not be classed as value in a way,you seem to fail to mention that there are always demo racers left, which i know isnt the same as licensed servers and conntrary to popular believe are not all crashfest.
of course, but its still that same old Blackwood track we have been racing on for 5 years or more.

Today I wouldn't recommend demo users to buy a license. I guess as long as a little trickle of new users buys one every month, the Devs (I mean Eric and Scawen - Victor does a great job and contrary to those two implements new features to his LFS World site and this forum from time to time, and is in contact with us) will keep doing whatever they've been doing all along.
I already saw a guy driving XFG in 6th gear in 0.6E at [AA]Blackwood GTI

If they can do that already imagine what will happen in a couple of months
Yes, we need and it's time to upgrade the program. Five yrs with same cars ans same tracks (well, we have a F1 BMW but not enough and not the best option for me) takes me (and others) tired!

Maybe one or two real tracks and the same to new cars...

It's seems me that the development is stopped
#284 - CZE
How much UPD or TCP is good...??? One time i got 10-80 UPD(TCP) but other time i got 500-940 UPD(TCP) but i dont know what number mean....Can somene tell me what is this?
Quote from CZE :How much UPD or TCP is good...??? One time i got 10-80 UPD(TCP) but other time i got 500-940 UPD(TCP) but i dont know what number mean....Can somene tell me what is this?

They are miliseconds (also known as ping/lag) since your game sends info until the reply from the server arrives (or was it not a round trip?, can't remember now).
Quote from ADr3nAl1n :I already saw a guy driving XFG in 6th gear in 0.6E at [AA]Blackwood GTI

If they can do that already imagine what will happen in a couple of months

And where is the replay?

Even better, where is the cheat?

Quote from CZE :Can somene tell me what is this?

Its ping and its a lag indicator. Values under 100ms are acceptable but it mustn't fluctuate. If it fluctuates with more then 20ms you become dangerous for others (and yourself), heavy so called 'lag crashes' are going to happen when there is too much fluctuation.
#287 - CZE
Quote from :
Its ping and its a lag indicator. Values under 100ms are acceptable but it mustn't fluctuate. If it fluctuates with more then 20ms you become dangerous for others (and yourself), heavy so called 'lag crashes' are going to happen when there is too much fluctuation.

THX for explanation
I've just installed the patch via accessing multi user, I've lost all setup and cars setup....
and licence too, I've returned to demo licence.....
#289 - CZE
Quote from 4102ST :I've just installed the patch via accessing multi user, I've lost all setup and cars setup....
and licence too, I've returned to demo licence.....

You must unlock it again....Scawen was reset unlock to 3...

And about setup...sorry but i dont know what to do... Because all my setup stay in LFS after patched...Only license was demo....
In more than half races I done today, delay bug happned. Maybe its related to new instant join system To me it seems like everytime that happened someone was connecting .
Quote from :Its ping and its a lag indicator. Values under 100ms are acceptable but it mustn't fluctuate. If it fluctuates with more then 20ms you become dangerous for others (and yourself), heavy so called 'lag crashes' are going to happen when there is too much fluctuation.

Really? I thought that the most important thing was having a modest ping time, not whether it fluctuated. I'm stunned to hear that (for example) 50ms ping variation (on, say, a 100ms ping) could be a problem.
A high ping is also a problem, but an unstable ping is worse. Sadly these two things often go together. But someone from AUS on a Europe server with a stable ping of 240 ms causes less problems then someone from Finland on a mobile phone doing 75-125ms. I think it has something to do with the path prediction routines of LFS.
Interesting... It also suggests that if clock sync could be achieved (so that LFS was confident about the age of the packet when it finally arrived), then the path prediction ought to be able to cope with ping fluctuations. OK, sorry, going off topic now, will take this up elsewhere
Quote from Jatimc :Anakin is back

Hm... i only see that he has a Good Setup. Can you say where he is Speed-Hacking?
Edit your post, attach mpr to posting. Much better. Ah wait I do it myself...

But yes.. Including admin rights, no name... And slightly faster then WR, so cheats/hacks.

Hmmm.. What can I say... Annoying is probably a word.
Attached files
anakin.mpr - 415 KB - 376 views
It looks like he isnt using ' ' username anymore (space), but absolutely no username '' (0x00)
Quote from Stölzel :say where he is Speed-Hacking?

3 minute 08, look from above. Got hit in the back by an invisible car. Even the sounds are in the replay.

(as [d9] pointed out already in a different topic).
Now I really think world end is approaching
Wow, that's impressive, if rather cheaty...

I guess Scawen will immediately know how the little beggar did it, and with luck will immediately know how to prevent it.

New Version : 0.6E
(618 posts, started )