The camera roll is BLISS!! THANKyou!! OMG OMG OMG etc!!
The track selection is excellent too. Very smart indeed, and a heck of a lot faster to negotiate, with loads of information right there on the screen. Great stuff!
I hate to lunge in with another request on the heels of such a ruddy good patch.. it's one I've made before, but I don't know if it's ever got noticed:-
When right-clicking and panning, in Shift+U mode, the pan is limited by the cursor (invisible) hitting the edge of the screen. I use a trackball for Shift+U stuff, and it would really be useful if the right-click pan was detatched from the mouse, so that a full 360+ sweep was possible. At the moment, at 1280x960, I can do about 230 degrees before I have to lift off right-click, spin the invisible cursor to the other side of the screen, and go again. It'd really help for tracking action, if it were possible.
Thanks again for a rocking update!