Hi cargame, the story about the looting of the site originated from the Ukraine defense ministry originally. The quote about bank cards was actually made by a Dutch Bank pointing out that no withdrawals could be made without a pin.
I have yet to see any further actual proof backing up this story other than that.
If you have anything other than Ukraine 'Govt' sources confirming this then please post them as I'm simply unable to find any verification of this. (And, 'it's in the media', is just using Ukraine govt sources)
CNN were there on monday 21 and didn't see anything like this. Neither has any other independent group reported on this.
The original info was made by the Ukraine Govt, see below for their track record in factual information.
For those of you who don't read here's a timeline of events. Please try to pay attention. (Flymike

17 July, Plane shot down, Almost immediately Russia was to blame. Social media posts, media, youtube video's etc. (Some interesting questions here if you want a conspiracy theory to pick holes in)
Also, Air Traffic control audio seized by Ukraine Security forces.
21 July, Russia release satellite imagery, air traffic control info. Made to World media but NO reporting of this. The entire content of the presentation was also handed over to the European authorities. The conclusions to be drawn from this are stunning, to say the least.
http://21stcenturywire.com/201 ... failed-false-flag-attack/
21 July, US State Department states no proof that Russia was involved.
22 July, CIA Analysts state no proof Russia was involved.
24 July, Ukraine Govt resigns en mass.
25 July, Ukraine Defense dept reports;
"A system mix up during a Ukrainian air defense units’ rocket launch exercise could be the cause of the Malaysia Airlines crash in southeast Ukraine, a source from one of the Ukrainian defense departments told RIA Novosti.
“On July 17 the commanding officer of 156th Anti-Aircraft Regiment was instructed to conduct a training exercise of ground troops stationed near Donetsk, which involved deploying the troops, and carrying out a routine tracking and destroying of targets with the Buk-M1 missile,” the source said.
The source added that the actual launch of the rockets was not intended.
Two Sukhoi Su-25 combat aircraft on a reconnaissance mission participated in the exercise. It is likely at some point, the routes of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 and a Su-25 jet overlapped. Despite flying at different levels, they became a single dot on the radar of the missile system. Of the two, the system automatically chose a larger target.
The reasons for the actual missile launch taking place remain unknown and are still under investigation, as practical exercises with the Buk missiles has been prohibited since 2001, when a Russian Tu-154 passenger airplane en route from Novosibirsk to Tel Aviv was shot down by the Ukrainian military."
See my posts for links to the above.
So, could you please stop the "Russia is to Blame" post's, please. They are only showing your lack of knowledge.
Also, under forum rules, as they are defamatory to Russians, they are potential ban posts given the easily verified information provided..
If posting slang is defamatory, then posting proven lies must be even more so ! And we have Russian members of our Forum.