Clavico 1.0 used to have 50 Object limit, not anymore
How to use Clavico 1.0 and dont be limited by 50 objects.
Select Object Ramp2 and Add (this part is as usual)
Select Ramp1 and move to right
Select Banner2 and move to right
As you could see you could place all 900 objects there is this way without the 50 object limit.
Not bad?
Makes my life easier anyway.
(Me Using Clavico 1.0 because the new version didnt work in XP.)
(Clavico 2.0 could handle 10 objects, then crashing bad, and exit itself)
(Clavico 1.0 is here )
I used to called me x15 or Joe in real LFS game.
I found out how to bypass the limit by mistake.
I rather would have 10 steps of undo then 50 object limit.
Try my layout if you can handle it, a lot of driving over bridge 3 times. Rb4 with suspension 16 on "Bump damping" at least recommended.
I attach set i used to drive.
Have a nice day. If my server up it used to be called "Offroad test".
On youtube, seach for
Well, I got one really new layout made with Clavico 1.0 and QuickMacro1.3. Macroprogram help me a lot buiding layout called: FE5X_LakeBridge-VeryHighRoad.lyt
The only thing i did was press F1 - F12 on keyboard easy build and
I used 2 object in Clavico.
In LFS I USED 790 Objects.
Quickmacros in on this link