The online racing simulator
ClaViCo Autocross Plugin
(288 posts, started )
Can you post the content of the error file?
You seem to be running Windows XP. Have you installed .NET framework 4.0?

I haven't tested ClaViCo on Windows XP in a while. I don't know if it is compatible.
Quote from sicotange :You seem to be running Windows XP. Have you installed .NET framework 4.0?

I haven't tested ClaViCo on Windows XP in a while. I don't know if it is compatible.

if I haven't, I can't even run ClaViCo

the C2 was go error while i put or del obj little quick
Quote :the C2 was go error while i put or del obj little quick

I don't understand this.

I don't have XP on hand at the moment so I can't test it :/ I only tested on Linux, Windows 7 & Windows 8.
Maybe someone want to share their works?
Quote from jobans :Maybe someone want to share their works?

Tev laikam vēl nav pielecis,ka demo lietotāji nevar legāli izmantot layoutus? Jau reiz te nāci kaut ko prasot par licencēto saturu,laikam vēlreiz jāatgādina,ka ir acīmredzams,ka esi uzkrekojis un tādus šeit ar mietu dzīs prom. Ja nevari legāli iegādāties LFS,tad sēdi pie pārējiem krekšiem un neblamē tautiešus oficiālajā forumā ar muļķīgiem tekstiem!

Sorry,it hat to be said...
Clavico 1.0 used to have 50 Object limit, not anymore

How to use Clavico 1.0 and dont be limited by 50 objects.
Select Object Ramp2 and Add (this part is as usual)
Select Ramp1 and move to right
Select Banner2 and move to right
As you could see you could place all 900 objects there is this way without the 50 object limit.

Not bad?

Makes my life easier anyway.

(Me Using Clavico 1.0 because the new version didnt work in XP.)
(Clavico 2.0 could handle 10 objects, then crashing bad, and exit itself)
(Clavico 1.0 is here )

I used to called me x15 or Joe in real LFS game.

I found out how to bypass the limit by mistake.
I rather would have 10 steps of undo then 50 object limit.

Try my layout if you can handle it, a lot of driving over bridge 3 times. Rb4 with suspension 16 on "Bump damping" at least recommended.

I attach set i used to drive.

Have a nice day. If my server up it used to be called "Offroad test".

On youtube, seach for

Well, I got one really new layout made with Clavico 1.0 and QuickMacro1.3. Macroprogram help me a lot buiding layout called: FE5X_LakeBridge-VeryHighRoad.lyt
The only thing i did was press F1 - F12 on keyboard easy build and
I used 2 object in Clavico.
In LFS I USED 790 Objects.

Quickmacros in on this link
Attached images
LFS - Makrotest - EasyOne.jpg
Lfs - Makrotest2.jpg
Attached files
FE5X_LakeBridgeJump3.lyt - 5.8 KB - 495 views
RB4_--Trial-FazeOne.set - 132 B - 1125 views
RB4_--Trial4-hardeA.set - 132 B - 925 views
FE5X_LakeBridge-VeryHighRoad.lyt - 6.2 KB - 467 views
FZR_wheelie.set - 132 B - 1130 views
LX4_OffroadStyle.set - 132 B - 1089 views
RB4_-Dark setStair2.set - 132 B - 1116 views
How quickmacros look like in the folder - 2.8 KB - 368 views
BL3_UF1-TrialZ31.lyt - 4 KB - 424 views
Hello. I have some problems to running clavico 1 AP. When i open LFS and make a local server, then "shif+i" don´t make anything...i make a pic for you if someone can help me. Thanks

Attached images
(hedmik) DELETED by hedmik
In setup.cfg change these
Okey, i try this: ramp2 - add, ramp1 - move right, banner2 - move right
Again i have limit. Not work. ;/
Quote from ValiugerA_MetalistA :Okey, i try this: ramp2 - add, ramp1 - move right, banner2 - move right
Again i have limit. Not work. ;/

Hi, I read your message and I was trying one again.
Starting: LFS-Server0.6F.exe (DCon).exe
Starting: "E:\LFS v Z28\LFS.exe" Updated to LFS-v0.6G
and Connect locally 192.x.x.x to Dcon
selected FE5X track
Clicked Joined
Clicked Go
Starting: ClaViCo AP.exe
and connected to locally 192.x.x.x to Dcon
Pressed Shift I
Select Ramp2
Clicked Add
Select "Barrier Long"
Clicked "move right"
Select "Banner2"
Clicked "move right"
I get this result: Using XP, LFS(z28 updated to0.6G) in english, .net 1.1 2.0 3.0 3.5 and .net 4 ClientProfile
I got all windows update you could ever download Smile
I get the result in Attached files: LFS-info.jpg
Good luck, i hope you make it work. /x15
Attached images
Now its okey. Thanks. Smile
What is the reason for this was the message ?

please help me
(valiugera) DELETED by valiugera
Hi, me using Clavico v1.0 And didnt get that message.
And i guess that you using the later version.
When I using XP and the later version of Clavico v2.0 It Crashed after 10 objects and thats not acceptable(W8.1MayWorkWithClavico2.0) when the real limit is 900 objects.
Before the new version of LFS is out there.
Clavico v2.0 need Framework 4.5 or new version. For Win XP maximum is 4.0. I reinstall my PC and change XP to 7. Now i will use Clavico v2.0. Sorry for my bad English. Smile))
Quote from kianoosh :What is the reason for this was the message ?

please help me

I got the same problem If i do !build the help menu comes up and if i do shift+i only that message comes up and nothing else what could be the problem, never had i before ?
(valiugera) DELETED by valiugera
Quote from valiugera :
Quote from david989898 :
Quote from kianoosh :What is the reason for this was the message ?

please help me

I got the same problem If i do !build the help menu comes up and if i do shift+i only that message comes up and nothing else what could be the problem, never had i before ?

Mh, dont click shift + i if you wanna to restart insim use !reinit and for build use !build

When i do !build the Help messages comes up (all the comands) and nothing else
(valiugera) DELETED by valiugera
Quote from valiugera :
Quote from david989898 :
Quote from valiugera :
Quote from david989898 :
Quote from kianoosh :What is the reason for this was the message ?

please help me

I got the same problem If i do !build the help menu comes up and if i do shift+i only that message comes up and nothing else what could be the problem, never had i before ?

Mh, dont click shift + i if you wanna to restart insim use !reinit and for build use !build

When i do !build the Help messages comes up (all the comands) and nothing else

I have no this problem. ;/ What windows you use? XP?

Windows 7 on my stationary (tried to host the insim from there)
Windows vista on my host computer ( tried to host the insim from there also)
But its the same problem
(valiugera) DELETED by valiugera
Quote from valiugera :What clavico version you use? 1.0 or 2.0?

I tested the 2.0 today, But it didnt work (as i explained)
Quote from valiugera :What clavico version you use? 1.0 or 2.0?

COme to the server iam on and we talk there
Quote from david989898 :
Quote from valiugera :What clavico version you use? 1.0 or 2.0?

COme to the server iam on and we talk there

Everything fixed I just changed the Prefix to another mark insteed of "!" i did "&"
(valiugera) DELETED by valiugera
Who remember this? Big grin

Demo racer posting pictures of licenced car and layouts... Anyone else sees something wrong here?

ClaViCo Autocross Plugin
(288 posts, started )