The online racing simulator
LFS Companion (Alpha)
(387 posts, closed, started )
Yes, but pitspotter did not get extensive testing, just enough to write and prove the relay. If I can confirm this issue I will see what I can figure out.

Quote :Whereas the backfire mod kinda leaves skeptical

It's like marmite, you either love it or hate it. I will be trying to improve it later, maybe that will win it more votes - but probably loose some of it's current ones ! lol
Had a quick scan through, doesn't seem like anyone else is getting the same problem as me but v 0.3 won't work at all on my end.

I get error messages saying admin password is wrong and then the same one as soul when he's doing whatever.

I'm not running anything else apart from companion. Fix me please
Quote from iNfa-ReD :Had a quick scan through, doesn't seem like anyone else is getting the same problem as me but v 0.3 won't work at all on my end.

I get error messages saying admin password is wrong and then the same one as soul when he's doing whatever.

I'm not running anything else apart from companion. Fix me please

Go into yout LFS-Online, create a new Server, and delete the Admin-Password.
Or open cfg.txt and delete the admin-password here: "Game Admin "
After that it works
aye, you've got insim password protected and currently Companion doesn't like you enter one. I've been meening to add support for password protected insims', i'll put that on the to do list.
A new version featuring webpage driven post race statistics is now available. I've not completely finished them yet as it still needs a proper "Final Results" page and at least a lap chart before I consider it to be useable - then everything else is a bonus.

However i'm having trouble getting it to detect pit stops properly and half the problem is not having very good replays of a race with pitstops to use so I have released it and would like to ask anyone who uses it to post me feedback regarding races with pitstops and the post-race statistics.

One known issue is if you compile the post race statistics twice for the same race you'll get multiple blue/red sector times. I also think the pitstop issue 'might' be related to the second and subsequent times you compile stats when running the tool - but i'm not sure atm until I get some better races to use it with.

You can use a live race to report stats or watch a replay, it really doesn't matter.

You can configure the appearance of your stats pages by editing the source file inside the "stats/source" folder so your stats output can match the design of your league website. If you do this, within the .html file try to ensure the *1, *2, and *3 marker are on a line all by themselves as otherwise the program may not be able to handle your layout. Putting them on a line by themselves fixes this, ie:


Fixes & Features Covered in v0.4
  • Bug - Config file properly saved when menu option selected, not on program exit
  • Bug - Program cycle rate interfering with fast frequency insim applications, program now adapts it's own frequency to the speed of the fastest relay.
  • Race Statistics Feature - Lap By Lap Information
  • Race Statistics Feature - Complete Lap Table (sortable by split or total time)
  • Race Statistics Feature - Best Lap Table
  • Race Statistics Feature - Average Lap Table
  • Race Statistics Feature - Potential Lap Table
  • Race Statistics Feature - Individual Driver Lap Sheets (sortable by lap or time)
  • Race Statistics Feature - Poor Sector Time Report
  • Race Statistics Feature - Sector Consistency Report
  • Race Statistics Feature - Laps Led
  • Race Statistics Feature - Pit Stops
  • Possible bug: Not reporting bad sector times, needs investigating
  • Input menu bug on Outguage relay frequency if another keyboard entry had already been given since program start
0.5mb LFS Companion v0.3 to v0 ... dater (Updates v0.3 only)
Hosted by The OC Clan / Webtek
I just released an emergency patch to v0.41 because of a quite series mistake, I didn't see it straight away, so you've got 3 fixes
  • Bug - Some stats pages had wrong case in their filenames creating dead links on Linux web hosts.
  • Aesthetics - The blue colour had been used for both best sector time and on the lap by lap chart for loosing a place, the lap by lap chart has been changed to cyan.
  • Bug - Menu Lockout was occuring when not using a relay because of changes to the program's cycle rate
i have another Bug for you.

I use MomoLED at OutGauge-Port 56551.
We had a couple of races today, and after the first race i got this error in my MomoLED.
I never had this error before, so i´m sure it´s caused by LFS-Companion.

I hope you know what that means, and how you (or me if it´s only a setting) can fix it.
Attached images
Is this everytime you use it or was it a one off? The UDP ports may have lost their sync as a one off. To understand that output i'd need to speak to the author of Momoled to find out what it being reported there.

I would suggest using v0.41 as the relay has been greatly improved now, the timing issues in v0.3 and v0.4 could also have been the problem.
Hi Becky Rose,

thanks for your "LFS Companion". It is really fun!

Quote from Becky Rose :Is this everytime you use it or was it a one off? The UDP ports may have lost their sync as a one off. To understand that output i'd need to speak to the author of Momoled to find out what it being reported there.

It wasn´t the first time, but i didn´t played enough to say exactly when it happens.
The author of MomoLED is Kegetys, if you need that info.

I was using the update.
And i had it before, too.
i'm having problems with the relay to pitspotter. everytime i join a multiplayer game, or the race restarts, i get the errors listed in this jpg. plus pitspotter shows the error to the right of the jpg that it basically has disconnected. anything i need to know to fix this?
Attached images
Well they both seem to be relay related issues and I have made changes to the relay with regards to it's timing maybe this has fouled things up in a way I havn't thought of yet. I will look into these problems.

I should point out the relay isn't anywhere near finished and has just basic functionality, but pit spotter and momoleds where both key applications that I hoped/intended to be working at this stage.

There will be issues using it with some applications, particularly ones like LFS Display that use both outguage and insim, for details on how to get that one working I made a quick post in the LFS Display thread.

There's also problems with applications that want data packets that Companion isn't interested in such as NLP and MSS packets, as this data is mutually exclusive with the packets Companion does use (MCI and MSO), but I plan to remedy this in the future by having LFS Companion output either NLP or MCI through it's relay. LFS Display wants NLP data and this breaks the pit radio which uses MCI.

Time is the enemy here as i'm developing in public.
Quote :There will be issues using it with some applications, particularly ones like LFS Display that use both outguage and insim, for details on how to get that one working I made a quick post in the LFS Display thread.

Strange thing is, that i already got LFS-Display and MomoLED working, with LFS-Companion.
But i tryed a lot, and it was only 1 time.
After that i thought, great i got it, and on the next start of LFS it already didn´t work

Nice to hear your working on our problems

Keep on this great job, please.
well, thanks for clearing that up for me. i really want to use your program as it is very cool, but i can't drive without pitspotter. although, i bet you'll be able to make one yourself as you indicate, and it may be better. can't wait for updates to see if pitspotter works better. keep up the good job.
OK, the Error at MomoLED happens at end of the race.
At Qualify it works good, but as the race ends, MomoLED get the error i have posted above.

I hope you can work with this information.
I'll try and get hold of a momo wheel so I can use and test the momoled application, but I have to wait for my email to be 100% uptime back again otherwise i'll miss any reply from my Logitech.
Alternative UI
Here is an LFS Companion UI I made.

Simple and clean, I hope you like it (logo has a little race car driver in it )

Just place it in LFS Companion's UI folder and replace the originals.
Attached images
Attached files - 34.3 KB - 605 views
Quote from Tweaker :Here is an LFS Companion UI I made.

Simple and clean, I hope you like it (logo has a little race car driver in it )

nice work

/me changes to it
Quote from Sven Menkhoff :The space to klick the buttons are a lil bit small.
At some of them, i need to klick several times before i hit it, and i can change settings.

Quote from Becky Rose :The menu selection buttons or the menu item text buttons? I can make the selection area larger.

Yeah the menu buttons at the top have a very thin selection area, it would be nice if you could select them easier.

I would suggest that you make the selection area "thicker/taller" what it is now. Starting from the top-down... because the top of the selection area is fine where it is. It just needs like 8 more pixels of selection height added to the bottom.

Also, visually, the text in the content area is very simple. If you somehow could make the text like so, it would be nice:

Fuel Warnings ON
Fuel Warnings ON

Just so it makes it easier to see. As most of the options all look rather 'hidden'. I would prefer the latter of the two.

Quote from Jakg :nice work

/me changes to it

2Tweaker: nice gui, thx.

Becky, I have 2 problems with LFS Companion:
1. very small font, I have 2 WinXP installed and on both font is very small (see attached picture). But I saw normal font on other's screens
2. Relay.. I cannot get ghost car working. Ghost car mod using insim port 28888, I have Companion on 49999 and 28888 as relay port, is it right?
Another problem is that Companion often dont answer on my clicks, I have to close app and try again. For example insim outbound relays is 5min of "hard work" to enter some. Would be much better to have text .cfg file instead of binary.
Attached images
Problem with the font here, too.

A suggestion : Sound (Attention! Race Starting), if the race is starting, sometimes useful, when surfing after race.
Thanks for the UI and the mirror, i'll update the front post in a couple of minutes.

Quote :visually, the text in the content area is very simple

I could include LFS style colour coding I guess, but i'll leave it until a later time.

Quote :Very small font, I have 2 WinXP installed and on both font is very small

The font is quite small, but I shall change the font to a larger one in a later release.

Quote :Relay.. I cannot get ghost car working

I've not tested it with ghost car at all, infact i've never even downloaded it. I shall look at that particular mod at a later time and see what it needs to be got working.
Just downloaded this and i gotta say it's really impressive. Great work Becky.

The aspect i'm most interested in is the stats, but i seem to have trouble getting it to work. I'd like to use a .mpr that i've got. So i go through the replay with companion running, the backfire works so its connecting, the replay stops, what next?

I quit lfs and have to restart companion because the graphic doesn't draw, then compile stats and nothing happens, view doesn't do anything either. Any help?

This thread is closed

LFS Companion (Alpha)
(387 posts, closed, started )