The online racing simulator
Quote from :His interest is not in LFS anymore. Why are you so arrogant to force your personal demands?

Very unrespectful.

you are probably right and I know its a bit unrespectful, but the airio website still running and there is a
donation button so if I basically donate to him my money will go probably to waste.

he creat a realy useful software for beginner who want open an advanced lfs server, and I will gladly pay him if he want to return into lfs community because he surly deserve it, but for now more servers with good airio will be great for lfs and the community even if its unfair and irrespectful for the software writer.

I hope you can understand my point of view.
Quote from :He doesn't want to return, LFS demands a lot of energy/work. He has his own happy life now without the cry babies here :P. The website and other stuff are only there to help the old community. And well yeah, the donation button is there... For donations. Donation doesn't equal buying. Well, you buy karma .. Not waste Big grin

The thing is, you immediately go into demand mode.. Exactly the thing he got sick of.

yep because I asked the same question almost 2 year ago and waited for a positive responses but nothing happened ( feeling like I was waiting for a wall to talk ),also funny thing is the airio website still running with a outdated declaration like this :

Quote :It is also possible to get for sufficient donation the FULL Airio version offering advanced features that may always be seen on the AirAttack LFS servers and also elsewhere. The Full Version Manual explains what these user/admin advanced features and options are. See the Downloads page for more information about "sufficient donation".

Quote :To get both FULL and PROS version a sufficient donation to support further Airio development is required. The money allow me to spend more time developing and supporting Airio, implementing new features and ideas.

thats why I asked whats going on, but you are right it was my fault to trust and waited for a guy who aren't interested in lfs anymore and used " donation " and "sufficient" in the same sentence.
Is it possible to connect one airio to more servers?
For example if someone doing a lap on server1, then i want to see his laptime even on server2.
Yes,duplicate Airio.con.1.txt and rename in by replacing 1 with 2. Enter IP,port and admin pass of 2nd server in 2nd file,restart Airio and profit. But - it won't show laptime in chat,but all the laptimes from both servers will be collected in same top table.
some one out who got airio running with s3?
It only shows s2 on my server...


Never encountered any problems,runs like before. Had to input configuration names for RO in tcd.txt file though,but just for better info.
hmm...then i have a typo in config...maybe...



EDITH: ....i got it back working...

Just a little tips for add new tracks Rockingham on airio.

open your Airio.tcd.txt and replaced :

TrksList=BL1 BL2 BL3 SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 FE1 FE2 FE3 FE4 FE5 FE6 AU1 AU2 AU3 AU4 KY1 KY2 KY3 WE1 AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS6 AS7
TrksName=GP Track, Rallycross, Car Park, Classic, Sprint 1, Sprint 2, Long, Town Course, Chicane Route, Club, Green, Gold, Black, Rallycross, RallyX Green, Autocross, Skid Pad, Drag Strip, 8 Lane Drag, Oval, National, GP Long, International, Cadet, Club, National, Historic, Grand Prix, Grand Touring, North

by :

TrksList=BL1 BL2 BL3 SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 FE1 FE2 FE3 FE4 FE5 FE6 AU1 AU2 AU3 AU4 KY1 KY2 KY3 WE1 WE2 WE3 WE4 WE5 AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS6 AS7 RO1 RO2 RO3 RO4 RO5 RO6 RO7 RO8 RO9 RO10 RO11
TrksName=GP Track, Rallycross, Car Park, Classic, Sprint 1, Sprint 2, Long, Town Course, Chicane Route, Club, Green, Gold, Black, Rallycross, RallyX Green, Autocross, Skid Pad, Drag Strip, 8 Lane Drag, Oval, National, GP Long, National, International, Car Park, Karting, Karting National, Cadet, Club, National, Historic, Grand Prix, Grand Touring, North, ISSC, National, OVAL, ISSC long, Lake, Handling, International, Historic, Historic Short, International Long, Sportscar

Little bug name with ro10 and ro11 (showing name track ISSC) but for solve it, LFS Dev should change the name of this tracks. Like ROA and ROB or other name..
Quote from MrSam :Little bug name with ro10 and ro11 (showing name track ISSC) but for solve it, LFS Dev should change the name of this tracks. Like ROA and ROB or other name..

Will be fixed in next stable patch,already fixed in test patch (no dedi host yet):
Quote from Scawen :Changes from 0.6K to 0.6K2 :

Fixes :

The /track and /ws commands now accept double digit config numbers
Tracks file for /tracks command now works with double digit configs

yes now it's work change track (rotation) ro10 and ro11 with new patch. but name of the track on airio is ISSC for ro10 and ro11
Problem isnt the Dev it's Airio who need an update. but woulb nice if the Dev can keep /track RO10 = /track ROA (same command) and /track RO11 = /track ROB
but it's just a name track, nothing important Smile
Oh,then we're screwed - EQ is long gone and has no interest I suppose...
i forget something, you must add in Airio tcd :

TrksList=BL1 BL2 BL3 SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 FE1 FE2 FE3 FE4 FE5 FE6 AU1 AU2 AU3 AU4 KY1 KY2 KY3 WE1 WE2 WE3 WE4 WE5 AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS6 AS7 RO1 RO2 RO3 RO4 RO5 RO6 RO7 RO8 RO9 RO10 RO11
TrksName=GP Track, Rallycross, Car Park, Classic, Sprint 1, Sprint 2, Long, Town Course, Chicane Route, Club, Green, Gold, Black, Rallycross, RallyX Green, Autocross, Skid Pad, Drag Strip, 8 Lane Drag, Oval, National, GP Long, National, International, Car Park, Karting, Karting National, Cadet, Club, National, Historic, Grand Prix, Grand Touring, North, ISSC, National, OVAL, ISSC long, Lake, Handling, International, Historic, Historic Short, International Long, Sportscar


SiteName=Blackwood, South City, Fern Bay, Autocross, Kyoto Ring, Westhill, Aston, Rockingham

that's all Smile
(GFL_Cl4_010) DELETED by GFL_Cl4_010 : not interest anymore
Does anyone know why our custum grid isn't working?

(see attachment)

Think we have set it up right command !gr shows custum grid but race Always start in finish order.

I'm lost thanx in advange
Attached files
Airio.srv.6.txt - 1.6 KB - 450 views
Oh didn't know Zzzz

Must have bin sleeping just notice custum grid lately.

but thanks anyway
(Prefektor) DELETED by Scawen : spam
(Prefektor) DELETED by Prefektor
Hi, Can anyone provide me with a download link for the pro version ? I have the license thanks to a donation so I only need the software pro version.
Thanks! Smile
Hello all!
Maybe a nood question but i'm wondering if there is any way to show the limit of 107% from the top time set in a airo server when type the command !top?
I'm asking this because i'm setting a champ witch rules are the ones who doesnt set a time faster than 107% in prequal cannot go for race weekend.
Is it easy to implement?

Thank you.

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
(2389 posts, started )