For all those curious, my LFS Shifter program is made with
Autohotkey script and so is unable to send or modify controller inputs as far as I know, so the way everything works is by sending keyboard strokes in certain conditions, and although that sounds simple, those conditions can actually get a little complex. In other words my program can't talk directly with the game, BUT, as a workaround it "indirectly" reads RPM, gear, etc, from the included "Outgauge program," because THAT program can read directly from the game. Originally my script couldn't read from that program so I modified it with Delphi(? I think?) to change everything to text boxes, which is something Autohotkey is able to read from. Without the outgauge window, my script/program is 100% useless because it can't read directly from the game. So thank you to whoever made that outgauge program yearsss ago! I can't believe it still works.
screamingz1 - so with that said, sorry, I wish there was a way for the stall you're asking for. Unless there's some creative way of "emulating" it via keyboard yourself? (which can then be emulated by Autohotkey). At every shift I have it set to cut the ignition, shift, then quickly turn ignition back on. But this might help - I remember being able to make it SOUND like it by changing the in-game car sound options (shift+A if I remember?), and basically making it so deceleration is the same loudness and tone as acceleration... kinda gives a similar effect, because cutting the ignition no longer changes how the engine sounds.
I wonder if
for all those having issues running it, assuming you all have followed instructions 100%, are you using a different language than English, either in Windows or LFS? You can try temporarily setting everything to English, and see if it works.
I'd like to release my source code (soon, in another post) for LFS Shifter for anyone interested in changing something about it, or possibly making their own version in a "real" programming language, and for those maybe just curious to see how it works. All you'll need is Autohotkey, and that'll let you open the script up in notepad to see and change it however you like. I haven't been playing LFS for years, and I didn't really expect for my shifter to stay on the first page on this forum for so long, so I think it's time.