The online racing simulator
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Damn the tarmac France rally is hard. I'm stuck on SS3 and it started to rain.
Yup, back to RBR Somebody pls give me an advice how to take 180° with handbrake ! PLEASE! I can manage to do a 180° correctly only 1 time out of 10 :o
replays welcome (with commentary )
Initiate with handrake, keep going with throttle. You need left-foot-braking for this.
At least that is the way I figured.
Oh, and in the France rally I seldomly slide around the hairpins. It usually works best to keep the car straight.

Spankmeyer: You proved my point exactly... You just gave the major reason why piracy is so big these days. People being treated like criminals will start to act like criminals.

Quote from MataGyula :Yup, back to RBR Somebody pls give me an advice how to take 180° with handbrake ! PLEASE! I can manage to do a 180° correctly only 1 time out of 10 :o
replays welcome (with commentary )

Drive up to the turn, brake in the normal way... Slightly speed, and then turn in... As soon as you turn in pull the handbrake for about a second and countersteer.. Wait until you point in the direction you wanna go and floor it.
Yea, don't try and use the handbrake to get you round the corner, use the hand brake before it to throw your rear end out and powerslide it out of the corner.

Once you do it a few times it's easy.

I'm gunna buy it for the pc off ebay, I've never torrented a game or whatever because I have a cap on my downloads.

I have really felt like playing new games lately or differnt ones, and since I loved RBR on the PS2 and rally is t3h sh1t I will get that.

EDIT: Just bought it off ebay, only took 2 mins :P

Quote from TagForce :Spankmeyer: You proved my point exactly... You just gave the major reason why piracy is so big these days. People being treated like criminals will start to act like criminals.

Flawed conclusion. I'd say the major reason why piracy is a bigger problem now, is that market is saturated with more goods than ever before but people still have the same amount of money to spend on entertainment. Add the 'everything to me now' -mentality that media and western lifestyle feed to us and the declining quality of goods and you have a problem.

Nowadays your money is torn apart between audio CDs, DVDs, PC games, console games, movie tickets, Ipod movies, Itunes, etc. You decide to purchase all Buffy seasons on DVD and two things follow...

1) You still want the latest hip album from Good Charlotte Avenged Mars Volta or new GTA: Random City thus you obtain illegal copies because you're out of money. Add the risk of 'no beta testing because we want to release it on Christmas' and no wonder people warez games first.

2) Media corporations wonder why people buy less CDs... while DVD sales are going up, but that's not told to the public, naturally.

Objecting to aggressive copy protections does not mean it's ok or preferable to acquire an illegal copy.


I'll have a go on the France rally again, the damn hairpins are giving me gray hairs. Addictive game...
Ugh. The first time I stumbled upon France it was raining.

Tarmac physics + rain + default setup != good experience.

Boy did I hate these stages
On my second championship I accidentally used my gravel setup in he first france stage. By the end of the second turn my car was too damaged to move on.

Thx 4 the help guys, iam going to drift through those 180°'s

EDIT : I found this site :P It will keep me busy for a long time
Just reinstalled my RBR after a long time, oooh it's so much fun. Now I just to get my rally mode on again and I maybe could finish some rallys
and now i am getting CTD's! yay!
Everyone loves Mineshaft!


Oh yeah. I think that happens to anyone driving Mineshaft the first time ^^
You have to go ridiculously slow there to not wreck your car.
I hate the fact it's on the very last part of the stage and I doesn't make it there in one piece very often.
Mineshaft was fun, and I was actually starting to learn how to rally soon into it.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Mineshaft was fun, and I was actually starting to learn how to rally soon into it.

Rest in peace mr. Burns and could you ask mr. God to shoot some lightning bolts on people's heads who use a illegal copy of the game when they could just buy a real copy of this great game.
yeah they really should just buy it, it's on discount now and you can get it as 15 pounds or less..
Well, I actually just ordered a copy last night. It the shipping, its like almost cost of it, which angers me.
love the 2000 scooby, not keen on the 2003 or 2006 though, time to install the sound add ons
I fell in love with the Peugot 206. The 5 speed gearbox is a challange.
I got myself a setup for that car from the "Huge Setup Pack" on
The WRC edition of the Peugot 206 is the reason why I love that car. Everytime I see one on the street I strip it off all unnecessary weight in my imagination and it grows a huge spoiler in the rear. Unfortunately I always come back to reality soon and feel sorry for that poor would-like-to-be-WRC car that is being used as a "beauty box" by some female... Oh the pain...

Well i LOVE the sound mod, but i now want to make it look good

i get about 100 fps all the time, i added AA and AF to the .exe but i got thr same FPS and it looked the same, so i presume that the game must run sse.exe or no_sse.exe, if so, what would a "Modern" 64 bit San Diego from AMD use? i think SSE but i might be wrong

Or is this just my pc being odd like the operator?

and are their any texture downloads?
Quote from Vain :But to me these mod-car look like "We tried to make a car that is similar to the Impreza '06 [replace with any other car], but we actually don't have a clue if it is even remotely related to it because we never drove it or any other rally car". And that's why I stick with the normal cars.

That's true... but you could solve that to any other mod/game too, even LFS (or when did Scawen test a real F1?). I think most of the created physics for the RBR addon cars are made too easy, though most of them are made by 1-3 same guys so those should be pretty similar to compare together. For me the best handling cars are still the original Pug' 206 and Subaru 2003, not surprising though because those are the cars that Richard Burns drove in real life too.

Quote from Vain :Let the publisher know that this is a great game by buying it even years after the release. That way the publisher might see that they created a classic and that a sequel could also earn them money.

We will never see RBR2. If Richard Burns was still alive there would be a small chance for a sequel, but because the RBR's original dev team (Warthog) was sold (because of RBR's bad sales or then the publisher just expected too much) to another publisher and practically buried in the beginning of year 2005, some kind of sequel would have been just a effort from the publisher to make some money with some arcade crap that just happens to have a good franchise name.

Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )