I have a copy of RBR as does anyone installing RSRBR. I think their reasoning is that this way they can release a version with updates without the install joy these mods bring.
I believe the Real rally mod are doing the same.
Who even own's the licence these days ?
Bluntly, it's a grey area so lets see if the owner puts their hand up.
Or even re-releases it which would be a great idea as legal copies are nearly impossible to find now.
Anyone know where to get a copy of this and what mods I should get?
Looking on youtube earlier and seen some of the 2017 mods... I openly admit I'm such a noob when it comes to this so anyone willing to hold my hand?? would be greatly appreciated!
Second hand is probably your only legit choice now, allegedly Games Planet have it but it doesn't seem to be listed, at least I can't find it.
The IP: Get a comfy chair as this is a bit long.
"IP: This was developed by Warthog Studios. Warthog was sold to Gizmondo, along with the IP for RBR. The game was released on the Gizmondo by the developer "Gizmondo Studios Manchester". Gizmondo went out of business, and Carl Freer, founder of Gizmondo, claimed to have purchased Gizmondo's IP assets from the liquidation of the company. I assume the owner of the IP is Carl Freer if he is telling the truth (if you know anything about Carl Freer and his Gizmodo partner Mikael Ljungman, than you know this is a BIG if).
Publishing rights: SCI Games owned the publishing rights, and was the publisher for both the PC release from Warthog Studios and the Gizmondo release from Gizmondo Studios Manchester. SCI Bought Edios and released all games as Edios from that point, then Square-Enix bought Edios (SCI). The terms of this publishing deal is unknown, but I would assume the publishing rights probably have expired and there is no holder of publisher rights for RBR at this time.
Car / personality rights: No one is privvy to these deals either, and I really don't know how they normally work. My assumption is that the cars were licened to be used in the game, and if there were to be a new publisher, they could publish the original game without having to relicense."
So, no one seems to know who actually owns it or if the 'Richard Burns' and the cars IP rights are still valid.
My guideline for RBR car setups, get a brake bias that suits you, play lots......
Play with spring rates, softer is a good start, raise dampening a bit, play lots.........
After that just find what you feel works for you, drive around minor setup issues unless you've really gone badly wrong, thats because this game focuses on smoothness and skill far more than the final 5% car setup.
Your not on a racetrack so it comes down to your preferred driving style far more than a hotlap car setup.
Learn to set the car up for a corner well before the actual corner, learn to dab the handbrake and flick the car around, brake early and keep up your momentum, and above all, don't overdrive the car as that is the biggest mistake that you can make.
If you just take a look on lfsworld hotlap charts you will see plenty of hotlap times uploaded which are using mouse as steering controller.
Example snapshot attached here from popular demo combo BL1 with FBM and from first 25 times 11 are made with mouse.
Oh just realized you apparently ment RBR and not lfs, no idea if mouse steering is possible in RBR, sry for not looking the subject more accurately.
I have RBR installed (RallySimFans version) since I bought the rig/wheel (Jan24), however, lately I have tried something different that completely changed the way the game feels to me.
Since I've bought the rig, I always try to approximate the FOV of the game to the distance and size of the TV, using different FOVs calculators (Dinex, AndyF) to make it feel as "real" as possible, but even in LFS I tend to go a bit further forwards (increase FOV, "reduce distance to screen") to make it feel more natural to me; maybe due to the 20 years of driving LFS with mouse and a 24'' display ( I have now moved to a 55'' 120Hz OLED)
Oddly enough, this never occurred me to do in RBR and since I have tried a bigger FOV, 1.5(~102°, when the real measurement is 1.225 (~87°)) the feeling of speed, distance to corners (braking point judgment) is much easier to perfect.
Completely revolutionized my experience with the game and made me addicted, again.
IIRC FreePie was compatible with RBR, and Jackson93(Maciek) has a video of him driving RBR.
In fact, after reading the comments there is a link to the tutorial he followed.
I'll post here the original script Scawen wrote for FreePie to make it as close to LFS logic(and an edited for Dirt Rally).
I also have a txt with some tips for Dirt Rally (this should be different from game to game):
-In Game setting
Steering deadzone 0%
Steering saturation 100%
Steering linearity 0 (-10 <-> 10 )
- Mouse settings (steel series software)
Low DPI (1000)
High DPI (2000) <- Works best with scawen_Rally script
Remember to disable mouse acceleration and precision in Windows settings.