The online racing simulator
Quote from MAGGOT :3 Cars, 06 and 08 Subarus and 06 Focus. It was crashing before that, though, and I have done a re-install. I've been reading lately, though, that the game has been fairly unstable for some.

IIRC, RBR had to be installed on your C: (operating system disk). for it to be stable. i can't remember where i saw it but i'm nearly 100% certain this fix was for RBR. it might be worth a try.
Quote from TypeRacing :I have run out of ideas...
Just in case get ZModeler Fix

That's in there already. Thanks for that, though, I know that's solved the problem for a lot of people.

Quote from dadge :IIRC, RBR had to be installed on your C: (operating system disk). for it to be stable. i can't remember where i saw it but i'm nearly 100% certain this fix was for RBR. it might be worth a try.

I've got it installed to my system drive currently (common practice for me. I have a secondary drive with all of my downloads and whatnot, but programs that install always go onto my system drive).
Quote from MAGGOT :...

Just for the hell-of-it, have you tried disabling the DirectX sound hardware acceleration?

I don't think I remember anyone toying around with that setting and I do remember that there are a number of games where disabling the hardware acceleration fixed crashes.
It's unlikely to help, but I guess it's worth a try.

Would that be the "ForceSoftware = true" (or similar, directly below the EAX option) option in the .ini?
What I meant is the setting in dxdiag-dialogue under the Sound-tab. There you'll get a slider to disable the sound hardware acceleration.

although this isn't RBR, you might enjoy this: Impreza mod (1.2) + Downhill Touge track. all on Rfactor. I'm currently searching for every Touge, Drift, Hillclimb, Street track i can get my hands on. imo, Rfactor would make a great Rally sim. the physics are perfect for that kind of racing.
Quote from Vain :What I meant is the setting in dxdiag-dialogue under the Sound-tab. There you'll get a slider to disable the sound hardware acceleration.


Ah, I recall reading something about a sound slider helping abade some people's freezing issues. I'll give it a try

Quote from dadge :although this isn't RBR, you might enjoy this: Impreza mod (1.2) + Downhill Touge track. all on Rfactor. I'm currently searching for every Touge, Drift, Hillclimb, Street track i can get my hands on. imo, Rfactor would make a great Rally sim. the physics are perfect for that kind of racing.

That is the worst sounding vehicle I've ever encountered in a videogame :-X What's whith the 80s stile synthesized style sounds? The incrementally increasing in pitch whine? Ugh...

Looks like a bit of a fun drive, though. Never gave rally in rF a second thought.
Quote from MAGGOT :Ah, I recall reading something about a sound slider helping abade some people's freezing issues. I'll give it a try

That is the worst sounding vehicle I've ever encountered in a videogame :-X What's whith the 80s stile synthesized style sounds? The incrementally increasing in pitch whine? Ugh...

Looks like a bit of a fun drive, though. Never gave rally in rF a second thought.

pikes peak in the scooby doo is really good. but the most fun is had when your sideways Touge is the best for that imo.
Sweet deal; it works perfectly today (aside from me being sick, and as a result, making triple tree contact in the second corner of the Kuaihvaara stage ). Made it all the way through the rally without any crashes (Aside from me hitting those trees). I even got to exit the game properly when I was finished! :O!

And now, since I can't leave ANYTHING alone and must personalize everything... anyone know which textures exactly are used for the player's driver? There's the "Player-male_01", "player-hd_01" which I assume are the cut-scene texture/shader ini files... but they use the "" texture, which isn't richard burns, and I always thought the player looked suspiciously like the man himself...

Anyone know which textures, specifically, are used, and in which case?
nice one bud. I'd recommend doing the training first. imo, it's one of the best tutorials for any driving sim.
I've never messed about with the driver textures. I've only really edited the config file to fit my resolution (1680x1050). after that, everything looks sweet.
Oh I did the training last week (FYI: Do the training BEFORE changing the 2003 Impreza car. Found that one out the hard way...). Piece of cake, all gold. Got almost all of the Richard Burns Challenges done, too; just the monte carlo stage and I think maybe the japanese one. The Japanese one will be a doddle but I never could get the hang of the monte carlo rally - I think I've only ever won it the rally on the hardest setting once... and never beatten the challenge on its stage.

For the record, I'm not really new to RBR, I just had to reinstall after messing up a file and then forgetting to backup my save before uninstalling the game and reinstalling last week :S

I'm going to work on a personal skin for the 06 Scubby (once I get a solid idea in my head for it) since that's my ride of choice. In the meantime, I wanted to get my face (or at least a different one for the sake of having a different one) on my driver. I'd also love to change the championship files to add more stages to a rally (6 isn't long enough!) and I need to make the AI faster - especially in Finland!

I just finished the finnish rally, and on the last stage (Mustasekla (SP?)) I hit a tree in the first sector, destroying the radiator and breaking my gearbox which was now stuck in 5th gear. Despite this, I made it to the first split over 5 seconds up on the next guy, at the second split I was over 15 seconds up, and I wound up I think it was about 26 seconds up at the finish of the stage. I won the stage by some 26 seconds despite running the entire thing in 5th gear.... and that stage has a lot of 2nd gear corners/hairpins. That's just not kosher. I know I'm not that good. :P
Does anyone know where I can get this skin? Or anyone have it?

It's from this blog, but the download link goes to BHMotorsports, which has been down for some time, and I can't find any contact link in the blog anywhere...
He just posted an update on this blog a couple days ago:

Maybe just sign up for an account and leave a comment on his latest post and see if he responds.
Quote from UncleBenny :He just posted an update on this blog a couple days ago:

Maybe just sign up for an account and leave a comment on his latest post and see if he responds.

I was able to find who I thought was the author on (the current blog updater), but he says it's not his skin, so I guess there is multiple contributors to the blog?

Looking for RBR leagues at the moment. Preferably using RSRBR.

I know has their own "official" ones, but their whole business just looks messy and too complex for me.

Any ideas?
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] ::bump:

Looking for RBR leagues at the moment. Preferably using RSRBR.

I know has their own "official" ones, but their whole business just looks messy and too complex for me.

Any ideas?
Can anybody post this file again because the two links no longer work.

And another thing, I have Logitech G27 and only in this game when I press the accelerator to half corresponds to full throttle in the game. So it is very difficult for me to push the throttle smoothly. Before I had the G25 and the situation was the same. Please if anyone knows a solution for this to help.
Quote from Dido_ : So it is very difficult for me to pass smoothly gas. help.

I'm sorry, and i know it's childish, but this is the funniest thing i've read all day
Sorry for my English, well I changed it.
Hmm.. I haven't had that happen and I'm using a G25. Maybe have a look at Rallyesim forums? That seems to be the biggest RBR community. Might need to translate the page, though, it's mostly all French with the odd English thread.
Found this in my RBR folder. Hope it helps :-)

BTW is Blackhole down?

Quote :
Original forum thread where the lag problem was found and resolved: ... 787f10351e5063f3a26bb938c

But you don't need to read that all because here is much more simplified step-by-step instructions how to do it.

Briefly said steering lag means there's a delay between your actual controller (your steering wheel) and the game.
Some people say there's no lag in RBR but if you don't notice it, it doesn't necessarily mean it isn't there. Doing this
fix is recommended for everyone and it works for every wheel. It simply makes FF experience with RBR even better.

1. Go to the RBR Options - Controls - Filter Settings - Steering.

2. Turn "Saturation Speed" off. If you want a completely linear steering, turn off "Maximum Fade" too or
leave it full to get non-linear steering - it's a personal preference and of course it mostly depends what kind of
wheel and how large steering lock or wheel turn you are using.

3. Put "Fall Rate" and "Rise Rate" to Instant. Do this for both option menus (Axis and Digital Button).

4. Find 'PC_InputFilter.ini' from your RBR folder and delete it or rename it to something else. RBR doesn't
need this file anymore.

5. Find 'RichardBurnsRally.ini', open it and from there delete a line that says 'ConstantForceMultiplier'.

6. Done! Or if you still notice lag...


This is OPTIONAL, kind of "last thing to do" if you still notice lag. This is optional because you'll change the
original physics files - but it doesn't affect the handling or specs of the cars, just the strength of the force feedback.

Go to the 'Physics' folder, find 'physics.lsp' file and then open it with Notepad (remember to make a backup!).
Find "MaxFFTorque" line and change the value to 90.0 (original value is 135.0).

If you don't have a folder called 'Physics' in your RBR main folder, extract 'physics.rbz' file and you'll have it.
Then rename 'physics.rbz' something else because the game uses files from that 'Physics' folder from now on.

Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )