The online racing simulator
Quote from wildwilly :Finally a decent game with an e30 M3

Yep, that's the car why I downloaded RSRBR09. But otherwise I'll like sticking to the original RBR, the mod makes it yes like somebody said rFactorish which means :guilty:

And yes I'm a big fan of RBR. Favourite rallies are USA(speedy), Australia(Mineshaft :P) and England(Chirdonhead). Favourite cars are Citroen and Mitsu, best handling cars are Corolla and Impreza.
Quote from bmwracer67 :Yep, that's the car why I downloaded RSRBR09. But otherwise I'll like sticking to the original RBR, the mod makes it yes like somebody said rFactorish which means :guilty:

And yes I'm a big fan of RBR. Favourite rallies are USA(speedy), Australia(Mineshaft :P) and England(Chirdonhead). Favourite cars are Citroen and Mitsu, best handling cars are Corolla and Impreza.

Love that! The jump is just amazing!!!
Anyone got a decent link for the latest RSRBR update? I went to do some online last night and it told me I needed an update, so I tried to update but even the links on the official site were broken.
I've been having a go at making some stages in BTB. Takes awhile but its nice to drive something different. I think my trial version is about to expire though
ive got the full version of BTB and its only rFactor and RBR one, i want the new one that lets you do GTR Evolution aswell but that is the same price as the normal one again

New two czech tracks were released few days ago by Vaclav Sourek, Hradek and Liptakov normal and reverse. It's over 400MB, but it's damn worth it, so go on and download here!

Btw. little sneak preview can be found here.
Woohoo, just found RBR on my old hard drive....

Is it possible to use split axis for Throttle n brake?.. I cant get it to work...
Quote from Foilpact :Woohoo, just found RBR on my old hard drive....

Is it possible to use split axis for Throttle n brake?.. I cant get it to work...

Logitech wheel? You have to set it in profiler. Go to options>global device settings and untick the box for "report combined pedals"
I was never able to get all of RBRBR working right, several of the cars had no wheels, CTD, or the wheels were on sideways. Maybe I'll try to install it all again and see if it turns out better... The E30 was the car I downloaded the whole lot for, and it was one of the affected ones.
Quote from BenjiMC :Logitech wheel? You have to set it in profiler. Go to options>global device settings and untick the box for "report combined pedals"

Na, xbox360 controller.. Got it working now, Thx anyways. Just had to recalibrate it after using XBCD to split axis... The love(&hate) is coming back for RBR.... FKing damn CAMERA MEN!!!!
Thank you, that's exactly what i was looking for.
hi im new to rbr and would like to know where to get mods ive seen a lot of people talking about rbrsr thingy but what is it and where can i get it i heard it adds a lot of cars
Quote from brt900 :hi im new to rbr and would like to know where to get mods ive seen a lot of people talking about rbrsr thingy but what is it and where can i get it i heard it adds a lot of cars

RBR mods

and ffs use punctuation because the things you post are barely readable...
Quote from brt900 :hi im new to rbr and would like to know where to get mods ive seen a lot of people talking about rbrsr thingy but what is it and where can i get it i heard it adds a lot of cars

blackhole motorsports is the best place to get them
Quote :Hello,

The team Rallyesim inform you the creation of its new forum.

Link to new forum:

We welcome you to this forum which will allow us to offer better support and better organization.
Thank you to come to discover and to register.
This new forum is multilanguage.

L'équipe de Rallyesim.

From an email I got the other day....
Maybe I missed something, but why is this E-Mail in english language and the site in French?
Quote from buedi :Maybe I missed something, but why is this E-Mail in english language and the site in French?

The FULL email was in BOTH languages, but I just cut'n'pasted the English bit...and the site IS multi-lingual as well
Quote from Bladerunner :The FULL email was in BOTH languages, but I just cut'n'pasted the English bit...and the site IS multi-lingual as well

Help a blind man please. I really searched for a Button or a English word on the page you linked to. I also tried a different Browser (thought it´s a Opera problem), but the only language I see is french. Even the Forum sections are only in french on my PC.
Do I have to create a login first and then switch over to english?
Quote from buedi :Help a blind man please. I really searched for a Button or a English word on the page you linked to. I also tried a different Browser (thought it´s a Opera problem), but the only language I see is french. Even the Forum sections are only in french on my PC.
Do I have to create a login first and then switch over to english?

Heres the bits you need
Now this is a language I understand. :goodvibes

Thank you very much Sir
Jwardy - Mitsubishi Challenge , come and try it out , starts in 5 mins
join under public sessions
Just reinstalled RBR , How do i calibrate steering sensitivity? the in game cali is useless.
For people having problems with Logitech wheels not having force feedback, who cannot fix the problem using the registery fix, try disabling UAC.

Disabling UAC worked for my DFP.

Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )