The online racing simulator
if their database comes back, will there be enough time for me to join the current LFS tournament?
Depends when (or if!?) it comes back, really
woohoo my copy of the game came this morning!! And just my luck the tournaments are down
I suggest you spend that time practicing for the tournaments, When I got mine (for the PC) I went straight into a tournament and it wasn't pretty. And I used to be a RBR whore on the PS2, I remember how hopeless I was when I 1st got it though.
Quote from sil3ntwar :woohoo it came this morning!! And just my luck the tournaments are down

I so just read your first sentence competely wrong and igored your second sentence. Thought you were saying the tournament site came back this morning. Got myself a little excited...but......:Kick_Can_
Damn, I too thought the site was back online and rocking.

If we manage to resume the Challenge tour 2006 and we go through all the rallies and count the overall score, I was thinking I'll purchase a small prize for the season winner.

Maybe a t-shirt with 'I won the LFS RBR Challenge 2006 and all I got was this lousy t-shirt' printed on it. Posting it wouldn't cost too much either as I could print it on a xxs-sized girls' tube top or something.
edited my post to avoid confusion :P

Im finding the game rather frustrating. The pace notes are very badly timed in some places. Not fun entering a 90 degree corner doing about 160 and i get the call for it when i should have started braking.

Doesnt help that my pc is crappy so its not really smooth and im sick so i can really put in the concentration required to driving fast.
I mentioned earlier in this colossal thread that I can recall only one or twice during the whole season when the pace notes were too late or misleading.

My settings:
Stacking off
3D off
Distance off
Callout distance set just above half-way

They give you a clue about what you're about to enter, but you gotta leave safety margin for errors and variables.
Yes, it depends very much on your driving style if the pacenotes are good enough or not. For example, I've learned to be very sceptical on crests, and if I don't know exactly (because I've seen it, or know it, from restart #323908) where the street goes after it, I wont full-power over it.

There are just some situations where it's like:

"Flat left ... over crest ... ... ... INTO ... ... (hey we have the time, right?) ... ... medium right 30"

And then you see the medium right corner somewhere below you. You could argue that I should up the callout distance, but then twisty parts get totally confusing. I think callout distances should be dynamic, depending on your cars speed to some extent. A real life co-driver would also call out that medium right far earlier, not at the moment of your wheels leaving the ground.

Also the difficulty variance of certain callouts is unnerving, too. Sometimes "easy right" is a quick flick to the wheel and that's it. Sometimes it requires major slowdown to prevent wrapping yourself around a tree. I gotta love those sloped fast lefts that actually require driving like a medium. And these problems get like tripled if there's rain to top it off.
It all squares down to risk control as we saw in the LFS RBR Challenges - a lot of DNFs despite most of the participants knew the first GB rally inside out.
Yes i found that in japan the crests can be quite dangerous. Im not a fan of france at all. Too many damn hairpins. I see what people are saying about the copy-paste style of the tracks. I think i prefer the CMR2 layouts. RBR there just seems to be generic corners slapped in.

I managed to do the driving school fairly easily even with combined axis. I have heard people say you need split axis but i managed ok with combined.
1. The callout distance does depend on your speed. Compare the call-out distance of a random US stage to the callout-distance at Pirka Menoko/Japan. There are just some locations where the copilot can't speak fast enough due to your speed. Then he has to stack the pacenotes. I guess everyone witnessed that at Diamond Creek... "Fast right - 180 - over crest - medium *airborn here* left"
In Bisanne you're sometimes so fast that the copilot announces the hairpin while you're driving it... "Light right, light left, 30, light right, fast left *accelerate out of unannounced hairpin here*, hairpin right" - ORLY?!?
2. Since I started carefully listening to the distances the copilot tells me I can also go over crests with a lot more speed. A "Over crest - 80 -" tells me I can go full throttle over it. If I have to stay on one side of the crest he also tells me so. If there is a turn behind the crest I already know that and can take measures.
But often the copilot doesn't tell me the distance. "Over crest - normal left" is absolutely worthless, as sometimes the turn after the crest begins right after the crest and sometimes there's 40 meters space.
3. I began practicing more continuous use of my left foot for braking. Before I only used it to get myself out of dangerous situations. It still needs some practice as I sometimes get turn-in wrong, but even at this stage I broke all records at all stages I tried. Using left foot braking I can go through turns with a lot more security as I can react a lot quicker and accelerate out of a turn when I assume turn exit. If turn exit is later all I need is a quick tap on the brake and repeat until turn exit is reached.

Yeah well... but... you're Vain. Like fast 'n stuff.
The latest AutoSimSport-issue said there's a tool called RSRBRLive (included in the RSRBR-package, a strange mod-thingy that tries to be userfriendly). RSRBRLive is supposed to add online tournaments to RBR.
They say it's public. But there's no frekin description of what exactly it does. The only thing you can find is an installation manual that is less informative than modern art.
Talk about the downsides of modding...

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
The "over crest fast left of evil(tm)" is on Noiker 2 I think.

My hint for evaluating corners: Make sure you understand the next corner aas well as the one after that. A "50 fast right 80" can be very fast, but if you take a "50 fast right into fast left" at the same speed you're wasted.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
You're all wrong, I think it was on Noiker reverse.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I think you're right, which is why I said it was on Noiker II.

Argh! :banghead:
And I even pondered wether I should write Noiker II or Noiker 2, but went for the latter because I though it was too easy to overread the "II"...

In the real japan rally they do stages as often as 4 times. Twice forward and twice reversed. And they have 19 minutes stages. I'm jealous.

One of the finnish (or swedish, I forgot which rally the snow one was) stages has the annoucement of pure evil: imagine the road going straight->over crest-> slightly left->slightly right. The co-driver simply ignores the "slightly left" part, he just says "keep right over crest". Keep right and there's a tree
#419 - Don
till the tournament thingy goes online, i suggest...lets all hotlap on one stage i suggest chirdonhead, imho that is the best stage in rbr.
He's just playing mind games with you to see if you're awake. On Great Britain rally, the stage that begins with a dreaded wooden fence in first curve, has a similar part. "Medium left - cut!" and there's a small tree standing right after the apex.
Quote from spankmeyer :@Herki
He's just playing mind games with you to see if you're awake. On Great Britain rally, the stage that begins with a dreaded wooden fence in first curve, has a similar part. "Medium left - cut!" and there's a small tree standing right after the apex.

that would be Shepards Shield (sp?), my favourite stage... And if you don't know the little tree, you rally could end right there - or in the telephone pole on the right side, if you didn't cut enough
Yay! Let the games begin! Continue! Whatever let's rally till we pass out!
Now I'm finished. No damage, three or four minor errors, not my best pace. I switched to right foot braking from Noiker on. Of course still an occasional tap with the left foot where necessary, but I was too unconfident when I only broke with the left foot.


Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )